The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1002: Strengthen

According to Mo Xie's instructions, the arrogant Alliance Legion that came to join in the excitement, also under Luo Feng's order, rushed forward from the hidden canyon, and the mighty crowd rushed directly up the hillside.

At this time, the orc army was still continuously passing through the top of the hillside, rushing down the canyon from one side of the hillside, towards the forest for continuous reinforcement.

The Arrogant Alliance appeared from one side of the hillside and came directly behind the orc army.

Hidden in a large area of ​​dense grass, the commanders of the arrogant alliance made all players stand still for a while, and they paid close attention to the situation of the orcs.

"A lot of orcs, this time the God Realm Alliance made such a big movement!" An arrogant commander said in surprise.

"The monster siege in the morning still feels a bit unsatisfactory. I didn't expect it to come in the evening. Where did the guys from the God Realm League receive so many tasks?" Another commander said excitedly.

"This is the gap between our commander and the opposing commander. As a result, all the major tasks were taken away by them. If it weren't for my cheeky, there would be no part of our actions tonight." Luo Feng said silently.

"This..." A group of commanders looked at each other, but couldn't refute them.

They all knew in their hearts that the commander of the other party was a wicked evildoer, and they didn't know what was installed in their minds, and all kinds of weird tasks were related to him.

"Don't be discouraged, you are talents, and that President Mo is completely a genius in the game industry." Luo Feng did not forget to appease these people.

"President Luo, there are so many orcs now, we only need to block the retreat according to their requirements tonight, and then block the canyon behind us, these orcs will completely become our lunch!" A commander said excitedly.

"You only see the other party's arrangement now, but they told me the overall plan in the morning. It can be seen that they have already judged everything and just wait for the harvest." Luo Feng sighed.

"Aren't they too good?" another commander exclaimed.

"It seems that if they want to deal with us in the future, we have to be very careful." The other commanders looked solemn.

"So, I don’t plan to be enemies with them anymore. We can just join in the fun as they develop. Fortunately, this person who is from the same place as us, as long as he doesn’t embarrass him, he will not tear his face. Come to deal with us specifically." Luo Feng said.

"What, President Mo from the God Realm League is in the same place with us?" A group of commanders stared in surprise, which was a little coincidence.

"I have already understood the whole matter. From now on, any friction with the God Realm Alliance must be reported to me." Luo Feng said.

After this period of investigation, Luo Feng has fully understood the grievances between Mo Xie and Chen Shao, and the role of Li Hong in the middle. After careful judgment, he decided to try not to have any rifts with the other party again.

Moreover, Luo Feng also knows that just based on the current development speed of the arrogant alliance, it is already impossible to secure the first place in the country. He can only use the means of uniting the God Realm Alliance to compete with other alliances.

You know, when he originally designed to annex so many guilds, he had already offended all the other guilds. Now that the battle of factions is getting closer and closer, once the battle starts, those guilds will never take off the arrogant alliance...

He currently only has this one way to solve the problem...


The private chat application sounded again, and the applicant was still Moxie.

"Mr. Mo, what's the matter?" Luo Feng quickly connected.

"Mr. Luo, where is your position now?" Mo Xie asked again.

Now throughout the canyon and forest, there are fierce orcs everywhere. A fierce battle is about to start, and he must confirm the current position of the arrogant alliance.

"Mr. Mo can rest assured that he has been ambushing on the side of the hillside according to your requirements, waiting for all the orcs to pass, we immediately seized the commanding heights and blocked the entire canyon." Luo Feng replied.

"Also, be careful of the canyon exit behind you. There will definitely be a hundred thousand orcs coming to support you." Mo Xie reminded.

"I know this. I have left half of my team to stay there and there will never be any problems." Luo Feng replied.

"That way, after fifteen minutes, no matter how many orcs on the hillside haven't passed by, immediately cut off all hearing." Moxie said.

"No problem, as you wish in fifteen minutes!" Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

At this time, at the mouth of the valley guarded by Mo Little Wolf, you can already see more and more burly figures slowly approaching, and the orc army gathered in the canyons and forests, occupying all the open areas, slowly The location is close to the mouth of the valley.

"Xiao Mo, the enemy is here, and we will find us in a few minutes. We will take the initiative to fight." Mo Xiaolang said.

"First defend and block the canyon mouth." Mo Xie nodded.

"Understand." Mo Xiaolang immediately relayed the order, asking the players to slowly retreat and retreat beyond the mouth of the canyon, and then ordered the shield warriors to step forward and build a stone wall at the mouth of the canyon with the stones in the package. The orc impact came.

And more players followed the bushes on the ridge, all climbed to the cliffs of the mountain, fixed their bodies on the bushes and cliffs, and then turned to look condescendingly at the ground, a staff and a longbow. Lock on the approaching enemy far away.

Mo Xiaolang has all prepared here. In the Gourd Valley in the dense forest, the Golden Crow Legion led by the Guarding General has all rushed into the valley, avoiding the pursuit of orcs.

The player legion led by the beauties blocked the side of the canyon, watching more and more shadows entering the attack range of the hidden players after the canyon mouth.

"Xiao Mo, a large number of enemies approached Taniguchi. We have already discovered that we are hiding inside, whether we are attacking or defending." Li Hong asked.

"Kill them by surprise, wait for them to react before defending." Mo Xie remotely commanded.

"Understood." Li Hong and several beautiful commanders immediately followed the order and carefully checked the traces of the enemies in the forest outside the canyon, and found that the number of orcs rushing here was not particularly large.

Lianna immediately waved her hand, leading a large group of assassins into invisibility, quietly crossing the canyon into the dense forest, scattered in groups of three or five, and quickly rushed towards the orcs who were still exploring around...

After a while, the wild howls of orcs sounded from time to time in the large forest, and one by one corpses fell in the forest...

After fifteen minutes of assassination in the forest, Lianna found that the number of enemies was getting denser, and it was no longer possible to carry out a sneak attack, so she immediately summoned her assassin players to return to the secret gorge.

This time, he went out to assassinate orcs, and the players have killed hundreds of them.

Because the strength gap between the two sides is gradually narrowing, all the assassin players clearly felt that the opponent was no longer as difficult to deal with as last time.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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