The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1003: Crusade against the orcs

After learning about Lianna’s fighting situation, Mo Xie was very surprised. The level 50 player and the 60 orc are still ten levels apart, but the players’ equipment is getting better and better, which has gradually made the difference between the two sides. Getting smaller and smaller.

Looking at the time, it was the time for the decisive battle to discuss with Luo Feng, and Mo Xiaolang had already started fighting with the orc army, but now he was firmly guarding the canyon and did not take the initiative to initiate a large-scale attack.

"Attention everyone, it is already 20 o'clock, I will immediately start the crusade order, and when the mission is started, everyone will attack and kill the orcs as much as possible." Mo Xie gave the order.

"Understand." All commanders were extremely excited.

Mo Xie took out the scroll from the package and slowly unfolded it in front of his eyes, forming a long banner.

"The orcs' plots are unruly, and they dare to spy on the imperial soldiers secretly, and intend to attack the imperial soldiers. This general has found out the reason. In order to ensure the safety of the imperial army, this order is issued and all the army groups in Jintang three towns are ordered to report to the orcs. Initiate a crusade and know that the other party is willing to surrender, this order! General Zhen Guo's command!" Mo Xie read the simple content above and chose to use...


A golden light soared into the sky, forming a huge golden banner in the blue sky, on which was the highest military order issued by the General Zhen Guo...

Almost all the nearby Golden Armored fighters saw the crusade in the air one by one, and the battle symbols added up with swords appeared on their heads instantly!

This means that all the imperial soldiers have received the military order from the general of the town and country, and formally enter the battle state from this moment.

At the same time, as the crusade order appeared in the air, the red-named orc soldiers' heads suddenly shone with silver light, and a crescent-like pattern appeared in front of their names, completely designated as the enemy army...

"Look, there are more camp symbols on the orcs' heads, kill them!" Mo Xiaolang reminded all players excitedly.

Seeing the faction icon appeared, I was surprised that these orcs were successfully planted and framed as enemy faction soldiers. Not only did the players look excited, the golden soldiers also turned around and planned to rush out of the hidden canyon to kill these hostile soldiers. Enemy...

Li Hong quickly ordered the players to block the canyon and not let these soldiers go out and die.

"Mr. Luo, the crusade order was successfully issued and quickly seized the high ground!" Mo Xie's private chatting sounded again.

"Understood, their people are almost gone, I will cut off their passage from it." Luo Feng stood up excitedly, and shouted and ordered the players to rush to the top of the mountain...

"This Moxie is really a god, there is actually this way to turn the orcs into an enemy!" A commander led all the fighters and players struggling forward, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, now we can take advantage of it again. That's a lot of merit." The other commander was also very excited.


The thunderous footsteps on the grassy slopes, and large black waves formed by players from the arrogant alliance continue to churn towards the top of the mountain.

And those Orc soldiers who are still supporting the front, have been rushing to see the enemy's arrival, and rushing towards the hillside...


The players of the arrogant alliance issued a neat shout, raised their weapons and quickly stepped forward, and immediately surrounded these rushing orcs.

The poor number of orcs was too small, and there was not even a splash in front of the arrogant alliance, they turned into black light and fell to the ground, trampled by countless players, disappearing without a trace.

In the excitement of the shouts, countless arrogant Alliance players have occupied the highest hillside, some of them are facing the orcs on the other side of the hillside, some are still on the other side of the hillside, and some continue to rush towards the **** of the grass slope, blocking the black and press in the canyon. The passage for the enemy to retreat.

In less than ten minutes, the Arrogant Alliance quickly blocked two intersections with the advantage of the number of players. With the canyon behind them, a total of three intersections were under the jurisdiction of the Arrogant Alliance.

This time, Mo Xie gave them enough face, allowing him to reap the enemy's merits in three directions at the same time.

But Mo Xie would not treat his own people wrongly. The number of enemies in the canyon and forest is the largest, as if a group of lambs to be slaughtered are crowded together, depending on how many players can kill.

"Tear down the stone wall and move forward in all directions." Mo Xiaolang shouted loudly, waving his shield.


The shield warriors worked together to destroy all the stone walls they had built, and the collapsed stones immediately smashed the dense orcs.

The shield wall took advantage of the momentum to sell forward, and the remote players in the air also fired frantically, trying to eliminate the number of enemies.

Suddenly, the rain of arrows and magic fell on the dense crowd of beasts. Coupled with the hard forward rush of the shield walls, the orcs who were already in a mess were even more frightened, and the number of deaths and injuries increased greatly.

"The number of enemies is too dense, prepare for fire attack, and dissipate some of their numbers." Mo Xiaolang roared loudly.

"Yes!" The large groups of melee players who had been waiting for a long time on the ridge immediately descended from a high place and started throwing wood...

Countless woods smashed and fell on the heads of the dense orcs. While causing them harm, they also planted countless igniting objects in the canyon.

As the fire bottle arrow shot down from the air, the flames in the beast crowd spread to the surroundings, and the fire became bigger and bigger...

The horrified orcs flee desperately, but it is a pity that the water in the canyon has been crowded by their own people, and even the distant forest is also full of their own people at this time.

Fortunately, Mo Xiaolang only fires the area to reduce the degree of crowding of the orcs, and does not use fire attacks aggressively so as not to waste too much merit.

As the flames burned, the orcs were enveloped in flames, and the sorrowful cries echoed in the valley...

Standing high on the ridge, the players of the arrogant alliance certainly saw this scene in their eyes, but they were all surprised in their hearts.

Fortunately, these guys are dealing with the orcs, what if they deal with themselves?

Seeing the God Realm League methodically purging the orcs, Luo Feng also secretly sighed in his heart that he has money and some people, but lacks a useful core brain. This shows the gap between the two alliances.

But Mo Xie only had such a head. Luo Feng knew how much money he spent, and he couldn't make him work.

The only way is to maintain the current alliance relationship with the other party to ensure the stable development of the arrogant alliance in the future.

The battle outside was fully launched. Mo Xie stood on the side of Gourd Valley, watching the situation ahead, and after waiting for so long, no orcs appeared in front.

He has confirmed that the end of the front canyon is the secret prison of the protoss holding the Elf King, but if the opponent does not appear, it means that they are ready to guard the prison.

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