The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1009: The Orc King Appears (Part 1)

The seemingly powerful and numerous orcs turned out to be like tofu cubes, easily rushed by the rushing knight army, and the knight players suddenly shouted in excitement.

"Pay attention to the skills, speed up the heart piercing!" As soon as the emperor of the gods led the team through the orcs, the front was still blocked by dense silhouettes, he reminded loudly.

The knight players immediately retracted their weapons and allowed the mounts to speed up again, and at the same time they activated their skills one by one...


Shining silver lights were emitted from the knights’ weapons, and the mounts also jumped involuntarily in accordance with the skill requirements. After the four hooves landed, the master on the back pierced the spear fiercely from the hands of the orc in front of him. penetrate.

Wielding his spear, he threw the orc body hanging from the weapon again, and the emperor of the gods rang out one after another.

"Three-stage impact, add, trample on the iron hoof!" The God Realm emperor roared loudly.


There was a dull whistling sound, and the knight army that had been speeding up and hitting the orcs in succession, unexpectedly speeded up again and madly like a magic, moving forward neatly for three meters, followed by another three-meter phantom. The orcs who crashed back twice hadn't figured out what was going on, so they flew up again for the third time...

The head of the huge mount slammed into the orc mercilessly, and the last stage of the three shocks was finally sent out, and the enemy hit by this shock suddenly exploded...

Bang bang bang!

The burly figures of countless orcs continued to fly back, knocking over a large group of themselves in a moment.

But the offensive of the Knight Army did not stop. Their skills in riding state were one after another, especially the level 50 skills were more powerful. The combination of three-stage impact and iron hoof trampling was very powerful!

Especially when the team combat knight players gather together, the damage to the enemy is also very considerable after the skill status is superimposed.


The mounts roared continuously, and all the forward mounts raised the premises, and two groups of black lights were wrapping the front hooves of the mount. It collapsed heavily towards the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a neat explosion, the horse landed on its front hoofs, and two black halos swayed rapidly on the ground. The orcs who were hit by several consecutive skill halos had already stood there in a daze, with a string of blood red numbers bursting on top of their heads. At the same time, they also fell into a fixed body state for at least five seconds.


With a wave of his hands, the emperor of the gods hit the orc in front of him with his spear, and then suddenly led his teammates to accelerate, knocking down the enemy in front of him, and then being stepped on by countless iron hooves...

The wailing and the black light group appeared at the same time, and in one shock, the knight army relied on the overall cooperation to forcibly slaughter the more powerful orc warriors!

The knight army phalanx rushed forward neatly, and rushed straight to the other side of the wilderness with a turn.

These orcs were still turning around and preparing to pursue them, and there was again a dense hoof sound behind them, and the second knight's phalanx struck again...

The three cavalry teams are like harvesters in the crowd of black beasts, constantly rushing forward, constantly brandishing their weapons, and everything they pass by is a mess!

Keeping a fixed distance from front to back, they rushed around the open area of ​​the wilderness...

What is surprising is that the more orcs have nothing to do with these knights, and the more they fought, the more they spread out, and it seemed that they did not want to get too close to these knights.

But this can't help the orcs. If you want to escape, the knights will cover up again, and there is a rush of hooves, and the corpses are scattered behind them.

Countless trophies shone with halo, chasing the running back of the knights, and constantly flying into the package of each knight player.

Repeatedly rushing and killing, the orcs from the beginning of hard resistance to slowly dispersing, the last time they saw the knight army rushing, they were frightened and fled.

The power of the knight is so shocking, and the defensive players on the two fortresses of the Golden Crow Barracks are elated.

With the help of the Knight Corps, the orcs' reinforcements not only failed to play a role, but instead allowed all players to regain their confidence, struggling to smash the enemies who climbed the ridge back down the ridge with stones and wood...

The three phalanxes of the Knights Legion are like the blades of three meat grinders, constantly rotating, harvesting the lives of the orcs...

"It's a good fight, Xiao Mo, our Knight Legion is finally breaking up!" Mo Xiaolang cheered excitedly when he got the information.

"It's just the beginning, and we will need to further improve the coordination in the future. In addition, their mounts must be the best." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Don't worry, these things are left to us, you just have to worry about your mechanical legion, and see who is more effective then." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

This battle tonight is not only related to the safety of the imperial city, but also a final exam that the God Realm League has developed rapidly during this time, to test how much the strength of the major legions has increased.

From the current point of view, commanders like Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang have given a score of more than 80 points in their hearts.

On the battlefield of the Golden Crow Barracks, with the protection of the Knights Legion, the battle situation has stabilized.

And in the sorrow of Chengnanyuan, a large number of orc legions were besieged in several winding mountain streams, not only facing the attack of the front and rear legions, but also to guard against the constant falling boulders above their heads. The entire battle was that the orc legions were crushed by a fierce attack. ...

The messenger team sent by Brother Zhao also quickly chased the guarding general's troops in front of him. After telling him the situation, the guarding general immediately divided his troops into two, half went to Yuan Choujian to participate in the siege, and half continued to the second barracks not far away. Set off, block the orcs siege from the periphery in a wide canyon.

The frenzied fighting has continued, and the orc army has been suppressed everywhere, and now it has turned from a battle to a one-sided slaughter.

The pitiful thing is that their peripheral reinforcements were blocked at the mouth of two canyons, and there were 200,000 soldiers in the air, but they were still unable to cross the thunder pond for half a step...

In the canyon, the number of enemies is decreasing, and the area occupied by players is getting larger and larger, and the orc soldiers have been forced into the forest map.

This forest is already a dead spot on the map, and tens of thousands of soldiers are hidden in the only hidden canyon channel.

If it wasn't for Moxie who wanted to get more merit points, he actually only had to release the army to participate in the attack, and the battle would be over quickly.

In such a fierce battle, Mo Xie has never seen his merit value, but judging from the numbers constantly popping up on the information bar, after the end of the battle tonight, his merit value can exceed one hundred thousand figures, just don’t know. , Can you succeed in being promoted to an imperial general?

According to the settings of the system, you need enough merit points to upgrade your official rank.

But when players’ official posts are upgraded to a high level, such as the post of the governor of the empire, if you want to continue to promote the governor’s post to the general level, it requires not only a huge merit value, but also the recognition of the royal family.

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