The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1010: The orc king appears (below)

The battle in the canyon has concentrated the elite output players of the two major alliances, and it is also the battlefield with the fastest killing efficiency.

As Mo Xiaolang's God Realm Allied Army was pressing harder and harder, they drove the Orc Army into the forest. On the hillside over there, the commanders of the arrogant alliance also led a large number of players, approaching the forest from the other side .

At this time, Mo Xie and Li Hong had already driven their mounts to fly over the forest, continuing to look for opportunities to attack.

As a large number of players entered the forest, the orcs once again encountered endless attacks.

But at this time, there was a special situation that shocked Mo Xie, Mo Xiaolang and all the core commanders!

This situation comes from the battlefield outside the canyon under the command of the gods.

They have raised all the protective walls made of wooden shields, which is equivalent to building a temporary wall on the **** outside the canyon.

The archers and wizards hanging on the cliff constantly attacked the enemies outside the wooden wall.

God Realm Kuangyan also led the players of the God Realm Alliance, hurling stones and logs frantically outside, turning the entire hillside into a rolling battlefield of rolling stones and wood.

The number of orcs is huge, but they can't get close to the hillside for half a step, and they have to avoid the rolling stones and wood at any time.

After more than ten minutes of defensive battle, there seemed to be an abnormal situation at one end of the canyon ahead.

A large number of orc soldiers in black armor gathered at the other end of the canyon and stood still. A large number of orc soldiers moved forward, but this group of people did not move.

A group of players standing condescendingly on the cliff looked at the distance curiously, and finally found that the situation was different.

These black armored warriors are tall, not ordinary orc soldiers. Tens of thousands of them are gathered together, seeming to guard some important person.

After careful observation by the players, they found that in the middle of this ten thousand army, on a rock, there seemed to be a burly figure with a golden crown and a bright axe sitting on his back.

The golden crown is guarded by the guard again, is this...

The surprised players immediately told the commander the news, God Realm Kuangyue also stared in surprise.

"Mo Da, come and take a look at me. It is said that some brothers have discovered that the boss of the orc is here." The God Realm hurriedly reported.

"The boss of the orc? Are you kidding me?" Mo Xie's heart was shocked. The orc is now dispatched by the entire army, and is facing the danger of being completely wiped out. At this time, does the orc king really appear?

If this is the case, it means that the full strength of the orc is in the west of the city. As long as these guys are wiped out and the beast king is killed, then the gods will be cut off a wing!

"It's really not a joke, boss, come and see for yourself." God Realm said in a hurry.

"We'll come here right away." Mo Xie replied, and immediately ordered the mount to fly to one side of the sky...

Li Hong followed closely. Two eagles flew over a large forest and a ridge, and finally appeared on the map on the other side of the valley mouth.

In the wide gorge, the large black orc army that had long been densely packed, was blocked under a slope, unable to move forward.

On the other side of the gorge, at the junction of the two valleys, a large array of neatly formed black armored warriors formed a group, completely different from the orc soldiers marching around.

Flying in the air, Mo Xie and the three beauties immediately saw a huge rock in the center of the phalanx. As expected, there was a burly figure sitting on it, with a golden crown gleaming in the sun.

"Sure enough, it is the orc king, it finally appeared!" Lianna said in surprise.

"Xiao Mo, quickly mobilize the army to kill these orcs and kill their beast king!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said excitedly.

"I see." Mo Xie was also surprised, and quickly opened the private chat channel.

"What's the situation with Mo always?" Luo Feng's voice sounded.

"Mr. Luo, the only enemies in the valley are those in the forest. Now they are all handed over to your arrogant alliance. Can you handle it?" Mo Xie asked.

"There are not many orcs, it's okay to leave it to us." Luo Feng thought about the current situation. There were only two to three thousand orcs in the forest, and the strength of the arrogant alliance was enough to deal with it.

"Well, I will withdraw the people first to clean up the other enemies. We will kill the Orc Legion as soon as possible." Mo Xie nodded and ended the private chat.

He immediately notified Little Wolf Mo and asked him to lead all the legions from the canyon to rush out of the canyon to prepare for a decisive battle with the Beastmaster Legion.

Knowing that the news of the appearance of the Beastmaster was true, Mo Xiaolang was even more pleasantly surprised. He quickly mobilized manpower according to the instructions and hurried towards the exit of the canyon...

"Push down the wooden wall and prepare to attack." The God Realm gave orders with excitement.

There was a muffled rumbling, and a tall wooden wall all collapsed. Amidst the excitement of cheering, a large group of God Realm League players stood on the hillside, coldly looking at the black pressure orc figure not far away.

"Assemble the shield warriors!" Mo Xiaolang rushed out of the canyon mouth first and gave orders loudly.

Numerous shield fighters emerged from the crowd, quickly forming a shield wall on the hillside, and a row of golden shield arrays were assembled instantly.

"The shield array moves forward, remote professional fire control, medical preparation." Mo Xiaolang commanded loudly.

He personally sits in the first row of the shield wall, and immediately starts slowly after the order is issued, and the long shield wall is pressing towards the bottom of the hillside.

Behind the shield wall, the mages and archers quickly assembled. As the shield wall continued to move forward, they were also getting closer to the enemy, waiting for the orcs to enter the attack range.

Seeing the arrival of the enemy in front of them, the orcs immediately waved their weapons and continued to advance frantically.


All of a sudden, the rain of arrows behind the shield wall soared into the sky, and countless magic skills were also activated at the same time, covering the area five meters in front of the shield wall.

Mo Xie and Li Hong also drove their mounts close to the ground and began to lock the enemy to attack.

The orcs’ bullshield battles are at the forefront. They also form a defensive formation like the players, ready for a head-to-head battle!

For the orcs, the Beastmaster supervises the battle behind them. They can only advance but not retreat, and this battle is already their last battle. Once the Beastmaster has an accident, the entire Orcs will be forever!

The shield walls of the two sides slowly approached, but the rain of arrows in the air has been coming and going, each falling towards the top of the other's shield wall!

"All-round protection, be careful over your head." Mo Xiaolang roared loudly, holding his shield and slamming forward.


There was a sudden explosion in the entire valley, echoing in the air for a long time.

The two rows of shield walls slammed into each other, and neither side took advantage.

Although the players are low in level and weaker, they dominate the hillside and are not pushed back by the orc shield wall.

The shield fighters in the back row have also held up the golden shield, firmly guarding the heads of the surrounding teammates.

The clanging percussions continued, and a large group of arrows fell on the shield, splashing countless sparks.

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