The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1011: Surround the Beastmaster

While the orc soldiers were covered by the players' magic skills, Mo Xiaolang immediately led the shield wall to stride forward, quickly seizing a favorable position, and cutting the orc's shield wall to pieces.

The remote players in the back also cooperated tacitly, all the arrow rain all leaned towards the gap of the other side's shield wall, instantly knocking down the life value of the orc warriors.

Magic skills are still covering the wall of the orc shield. As long as the group of orc shield warriors are completely eliminated, the orcs in the canyon will no longer have any defense barriers!

"Order the army of soldiers to jump over the ridge immediately, outflank the orcs from the two wings, and end the battle as soon as possible." Mo Xie flew in the air, seeing clearly the situation on the ground, more suitable for him as a commander to take the overall situation.

"Understood, I will transfer people immediately." Mo Xiaoyuan stood at the mouth of the canyon, and quickly followed the instructions to divide all the fighters into two teams and set off along the valleys on both sides. When they encountered obstacles, they climbed up the cliff and sneaked toward the orcs. The legion flank rushed towards...

Facing the players' turbulent offensive, the former invincible orc army was completely unable to exert its strength in the valley, and was forced to retreat continuously by the shield wall led by Mo Xiaolang.

Oh oh oh!

On the side of the valley occupied by the orcs, a loud horn suddenly sounded. The orc warriors who were still retreating were as if they had been beaten with blood, and their eyes were red with blood and rushed forward madly, no longer worrying about flying arrows. Covered by rain and magic skills, continue to charge without fear of death.

"Their boss has given an order. It seems that it is impossible to force them to retreat. Take this opportunity and try to eliminate them." Moxie said.

"No matter how fierce they are, today is also the last battle of the orcs. If there is someone from us behind them to outflank them, the time to end the battle will be faster." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"The distance is too far. It will probably take midnight to bypass so many valleys and get behind them." Mo Xie shook his head.

"Otherwise, our people would climb up the ridge and go behind them from the top of the mountain." Li Hong looked at both sides of the sky. The ridge seemed to allow large troops to pass through.

"This is a good idea. Sister Na can take all the assassins around on the ridge, and the soldiers will continue to attack the two wings without giving them any chance." Mo Xie smiled.

"Okay, Jiaojiao and I will each lead a team of assassins." Lianna nodded excitedly.

Mo Xie and Li Hong hurriedly flew to the sides, placing the two beauties on the ridge from the air.

Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao immediately issued instructions to let all the assassin players climb from the side ridge to the top of the mountain to meet...

The shield wall is still dealing with the enemy, the doctors are constantly restoring the blood of the Mo Xiaolang people, and the archers and wizards are desperately outputting, suppressing the crazy forward of the orcs.

Although the players dominate the terrain and formation, after all, this is a high-level battle. The orcs have a long defense with high health bars. Even if they face a dense rain of arrows, as long as they are not affected by dozens of arrows or a dozen The magic skills hit at the same time, and they don't worry about the threat of death.

In addition, the orc priests have also begun to reach the front, releasing their skills to restore their blood volume. After such a fight, the players and the orcs are in a stalemate in the valley, and it is difficult to tell the winner for a while.

But commanders such as Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang understood that the players have not much time to go online today, and the time specially reserved for battle is three or four hours. If the stalemate continues, it is obviously detrimental to the players.

The battle in the canyon has been fully taken over by the arrogant alliance. They have a large number of people, and the orc soldiers who are still killing flee back and forth in the forest. It will definitely end the killing battlefield in the canyon in less than an hour.

Luo Feng will immediately mobilize the troops and turn around to clean up the enemies outside the canyon.

The battle between the Golden Crow Barracks and Yuanshoujian basically only has one or two hours left to end the battle. By then, they will gather in the second barracks and kill all the orcs there in one go.

Then a large force stormed the prison and rescued the Elf King, and all the battles ended in victory.

This was the arrangement of Mo Xie before the battle, but unfortunately, the sudden appearance of the orc king made this battle longer.

In order to hurry, he can only take aggressive measures.

"Recover the shield walls on both sides to let the soldiers rush out." Mo Xie commanded in the air.

"Understood." Mo Xiaolang conveyed the instructions, and the two wings of the shield wall recovered. Before the orcs could understand what was going on, behind the shield wall suddenly rushed out a large number of ferocious berserkers holding long swords and long swords, jumping wildly like wolves and tigers. In the crowd of beasts, all kinds of berserker skills are released at the same time...

What kind of night rain swept the Qianjun spinning top...

After waiting for the Berserker group attack skills to be activated in the dense crowd, the orc warriors were smashed into chaos at once.

More and more warriors and players rushed into the orc army. After a while of skills, the center of the canyon, which was already crowded, became a mess...

In accordance with the commander's request, the soldiers tried their best to drill into the pile of people, and they still tried their best to drill toward the orc assassins and archers, and even the vicinity of the orc sacrifice.

Their task is to disrupt the battlefield and take the opportunity to kill the orcs' auxiliary team...

On the ridges on both sides of the player's head, more and more assassins have climbed to the top of the mountain along the ropes and started to rush forward. There is only one way to the ridge, and they will appear behind the orc army when they reach the end.

Mo Xie could see clearly that if the encirclement was achieved, the time to kill the orcs would be immediately shortened by more than half.

He kept commanding the mount to swoop to the ground, dived and attacked again and again. Tonight, Mo Xie didn't know how many enemies he killed. Anyway, the experience bar quickly jumped to level 51, 34, showing how intense the battle was.

And his mount Xiao Fei Dian, at this time has also risen to level 33, and the third skill, Long Tian Jinglei, appears. As long as the skill is activated, a huge purple light ball falls into it, and then bursts to form a ten The meter-long lightning chain will freeze all enemies within the attack range for three seconds!

The level 30 skills are so powerful, and Mo Xie is full of expectations for the future development of Xiaofeidian...

The level 33 Xiaofeidian can not hit the orcs in most attacks.

But its skills, once activated, can bring considerable attribute damage to the enemy, which makes up for the regret of ordinary attacks.

According to the current rate of experience acquisition, after the battle, Xiaofeidian can steadily rush to level 40.

Because I just reached level 33, and it hasn't been fifteen minutes yet, massive amount of experience points keep coming, and Xiao Feidian’s experience bar is almost full again...

Ding Dong!

Within a minute, a string of experience numbers jumped out of Xiao Fei's head.

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