The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1012: Turning fighting into jade silk

A brilliant white beam of light fell from the sky.

Enveloping Mo Xie and the mount all makes it difficult to distinguish whether Mo Xie is upgraded or the mount is upgraded...

The fire rain for five seconds is enough to cause continuous heavy damage to the enemy.

You must know that Peter Pan’s attack is accompanied by fixed attribute damage every time. When added up, this damage figure is very impressive!

Now the development path of the two pets is very clear. Peter Pan is purely a large-scale super fire damage with lightning power.

Xiaofeidian is a large-scale controlled lightning damage, and it also has lightning power.

However, from the attribute point of view, Peter Pan's attack damage has almost exceeded half of Xiao Feidian's, and the gap will be even wider in the future.

Xiao Fei Dian is an aerial meat shield type pet, which can send out a wide range of controlled output and resist the enemy's attack. It is not easy to hang up.

The higher the level of the two flying pets, the more powerful they are, and the commander watching them is envious.

But having said that, during this trip to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, Mo Xie helped the core commanders. After all the super pets were caught, everyone's strength suddenly increased.

The mad lion pet owned by Little Wolf Mo is currently not recruited to fight because of its low level, but as its level becomes higher, it will definitely exceed the master's attack ability in the future.

Because the wild lion pets and Xiaofeidian are both king-level super pets. Although one can fly and the other can only run on land, their abilities are the same type set by the system, and the combat effectiveness of both sides is also different.

It's just that Mo Xiaolang belongs to the melee profession and wants to be at the forefront of the team, so he is reluctant to release pets for the time being.

Mo Xiaoyuan and Mo Xiaoyu don’t care. Mo Xiaoyu’s pet is like Mo Xiaolang, a fierce lion king. Now he is summoned to move with his owner and fights overnight. The original naive little lion has now changed. Become a 23-level mighty lion, squatting beside his master, absorbing experience points.

Its hair is gleaming, and the collar on its neck symbolizes the glory of the lion king, which is erected like steel needles, and its mighty eyes are staring at the large group of orcs in front, as if it can't wait to rush forward and join the battlefield...

The super pets of the commanders are rapidly upgrading one by one. By the time of the next major battle, it is estimated that they will be able to directly participate in the battle.

As the warrior players rushed back and forth in the crowd of beasts, the entire orc team had long been in chaos. Mo Xiaolang's shield wall took advantage of the pressure and completely disintegrated the orc's shield wall.

The current Orc Legion has completely lost its tactics, only relying on its strong body to withstand the players' crazy offensive.

But if this continues, the number of orcs' casualties will rise sharply!

Sure enough, after five minutes, with the players' crazy offensive, the blood volume of the big orcs plummeted, the screams rang through the canyon, countless black lights shining in the crowd, the experience value above the players' heads jumped for a few minutes and it was not over. ...

At this time, the orcs in the front row were almost completely lost. Mo Xiaolang immediately led people forward, filling all the blank areas of the canyon, and the remote players behind him also hurried forward, and the firepower was further improved...

In such a narrow battlefield space, whoever has the upper hand will attack more fiercely.

Seeing that the orcs were surrounded by the players and killed for a while, the assassins on the ridges on both sides quickly reached the end of the ridges, hanging ropes to prepare for a quiet surprise attack.

Mo Xie looked at the time, it was already 9:20, 40 minutes was enough to solve the battle...


Luo Feng's private chat application suddenly jumped out.

"Mr. Mo, the enemies in the canyon have been resolved, what other requirements are there? If nothing happens, we will go to deal with the enemies outside the canyon." Luo Feng said with a smile.

To him today, the whole day is like a holiday, showing that monsters are attacking the city, allowing the players of the arrogant alliance to raise their experience points by about one level, and their strength has been rapidly improved.

The battle tonight is even more powerful, with a large amount of merit and experience, as well as countless high-level loot, which are huge benefits that the arrogant alliance has not experienced before.

Luo Feng now respects Mo Xie very much. Not only does he exclude him from the list of competitors, but he also plans to cooperate with the God Realm League for a long time...

"Well, Mr. Luo, if there is not enough fighting space outside the canyon, you can send some people to the Golden Crow barracks to sweep all the way, and clear all the orcs outside the three barracks as soon as possible." Moxie said.

"No problem, I will send half of my staff to clean the battlefield." Luo Feng smiled.

"There is Mr. Lauro." Mo Xie thanked.

"Mr. Mo is really too polite. I, Luo Feng, expressed my opinion here today. The Arrogant Alliance will never embarrass you again in the future. Even if it is fighting for the first place in the camp, the Arrogant Alliance will be on your side." Luo Feng said.

"Thank you for Mr. Luo's trust. Since you said that, we will cooperate with the two in the future, and everyone who has money will make money together." Mo Xie waited for his words.

Speaking of the arrogant alliance, in fact, it has always been a huge threat to him, but it happens that these two alliances are in the same place, belonging to the fellow alliance, and Luo Feng is very powerful in the local area, far from being able to communicate with Mo Xie. Than.

Faced with such a situation, either the two lose out and drag each other back, and in the end, no one wants to play.

Either close cooperation, the two alliances advance and retreat together, at least until the division of power in the entire country is not determined, the two can only rely on each other to stabilize the foundation first.

"I really don't know each other without fighting. It seems that our two families are not only in the same place, but we will advance and retreat together in the future." Luo Feng smiled.

"Mr. Luo, don't laugh at us, how can we compare with the arrogant alliance." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"This sentence is a bit hypocritical. With your current strength, you will surpass us soon, but I am not jealous. I only hope that the arrogant alliance I invested in does not lose money." Luo Feng said.

"Don't worry Mr. Luo, as long as the two of us cooperate, I guarantee that your investment will only make money and will not lose money." Of course, Mo Xie understood what he meant and immediately made a guarantee.

"Then it's settled." Luo Feng smiled excitedly.

After finishing the private chat, he immediately issued an order to transfer half of the manpower out according to Mo Xie's request to clean up the enemies near the three major military camps.

The dialogue between the two bosses, although there is no substantive agreement.

But both of them knew in their hearts that from this moment on, the Arrogant Alliance and the God Realm Alliance had finally turned fighting against each other.

In the future, there will be no conflicts again, unless the two bosses change.

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