Leaving the General's Mansion, only the last six or seven minutes were left online, and he was too lazy to be urged by the system's information over and over again. Mo Xie called up the control panel and directly chose to go offline.

The hood slowly rose, Mo Xie sat up and looked at Sister Hong who hadn't been offline. Knowing that she didn't have much time left, she stood up, opened the door and walked out.

Standing in the corridor and lighting a cigarette, quietly waiting for the teammates to get off the line.

Within a few minutes, I could only hear the sound of footsteps in various studios and the voices of teammates.

The doors of the rooms opened one after another, and Mo Xiaolang was the first to walk out and saw Mo Xie's existence.

"It's a beautiful job tonight, it's still early, do you want to have a celebration wine?" Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile and took the cigarette from Mo Xie.

"Okay, it's early on and off the line today, you can indeed go for a late night snack." Lianna nodded excitedly.

"Drink a little wine and sleep more peacefully." Ouyang Jiaojiao also agreed.

I think back then, they were all the three goddesses of Yedu. The amount of alcohol was not a big hit, but after a long time without drinking, alcohol addiction began to spread unknowingly...

"Okay, then I will inform the restaurant to prepare some hard dishes." Mo Xiaoyuan said excitedly.

"I want to celebrate. Tonight is indeed too strong." Mo Xiaoyu also rarely let everyone's thoughts go.

"Why, where are you going?" As soon as Li Hong walked out the door, he was surprised by the formation outside the door.

"A Hong, a big victory tonight, we are going to the restaurant to have a late night snack and have a little wine, what do you think?" Lianna immediately leaned over, hugging her waist and smiled.

"I really want to celebrate tonight, then go and chant." Li Hong smiled and opened her hand that was about to reach her chest, and said with a smile.

"Passed all, let's go and drink together." Everyone was suddenly excited.


Suddenly, the phone ringing in Mo Xie's arms rang, causing everyone to be surprised.

"It's so late, who is calling you, and the time is so accurate?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"Yes, you had a phone call right after you got offline." Ouyang Jiaojiao was also curious.

Mo Xie took out the phone, and it turned out to be a strange number.

"I don't know who it is, it's probably an advertisement and a liar." Mo Xiezheng was about to hang up, but found that the caller's address was in this city, which made him press the answer button again.

"Is it President Mo? I'm Luo Feng." A familiar man's voice came over the phone.

"Mr. Luo... why do you think of calling me so late?" Mo Xie quickly motioned to his teammates to be quiet and asked curiously.

"Tonight is the first major victory of our cooperation. In addition to the speculation that Mr. Mo and I talked about, Luo wants to invite you out for a small drink. It is also a celebration tonight, and also for our future cooperation. Good foundation." Luo Feng said with a smile.

"It's so late..." Mo Xie looked at his teammates around him, seeing them also dumbfounded.

"Ms. Mo is still worried about my sincerity, afraid that I will plot against you?" Luo Feng asked with a smile.

"This is not the case, it's just..." Mo Xie hesitated, really afraid of this city's legendary underworld figure in his heart.

"Man, I, Luo Feng, do what Luo Feng said. You are my friend and I will not harm you. Just rest assured. Whoever dares to embarrass you is to slap me Luo Feng in the face! But after thinking about it, tonight is of great significance. In addition, Mo is always very busy, so just tonight."

Luo Feng said solemnly.

"Mr. Luo, my partners and I are going to have a drink. Your call came a little late. Should I invite you tomorrow night?" Mo Xie smiled.

"That's better, I will send someone to pick you up right away, and everyone will get to know each other together." Luo Feng smiled.

"This is not good, there are still some misunderstandings among my friends..." Mo Xie opened his mouth wide, not knowing how to refuse.

"Don't worry, I will not bring him out for that second generation ancestor, so as not to affect our interest. If you trust Luo, tonight our command team will have a drink with peace of mind. From now on, we will be a family." Luo Feng is domineering. Said.

"Mr. Luo wait a minute, let me ask my friends." Mo Xie quickly looked around and stretched out his hand to cover the microphone.

"Zong Luo is too enthusiastic, and there is no way to refuse, I think we should go there, anyway, we plan to drink too." Liana said thoughtfully.

"Judging from the situation during this period of time, Luo Feng is not as bad as he imagined. At least he knows how to advance and retreat. Since he sincerely invites, let's go there. If we balance him, we can develop better. Smoother," Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"Sister Hong is going?" Mo Xie looked at Li Hong.

"Of course I want to go. My family's affairs are still related to Luo Feng. It will always be a trouble if you don't make it clear." Li Hong thought for a while and nodded.

"Luo Feng desperately wants to unite with us. Since the battle tonight, he has been convinced that cooperating with us is the best way to develop. We can meet with him. At that time, Xiao Mo will deliberately reveal some of our future. The prospects for the development of, let him completely settle down to develop with us, it would be better." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Okay, I'll reply to him." Mo Xie also decided to immediately raise the phone.

"Mr. Luo, all my partners also want to meet Mr. Luo and negotiate the future development plans of our two companies. If you say something, we will come over." Moxie said.

"It's a great honor for me to be recognized by all the commanders of your alliance. Don't worry, I will send a car to pick you up and entertain everyone in the King Hall of the Palace Hotel." Luo Feng said happily.

After deciding on the location, the two ended the call, just waiting for Luo Feng to send a car to pick them up.

"Wow, the King's Room of the Palace Hotel! This is really luxurious..." Lianna beamed in shock when she heard the appointment.

"This is the most upscale luxury hotel in our province. It is said that the King's Hall specializes in receiving big shots, and it rarely opens once a month." Ouyang Jiaojiao was excited.

"Just you two foodies." Li Hong couldn't stand it anymore.

"Let's go, take advantage of time, everyone first go to change into Zhuang's key clothes, and gather at the gate for a while." Mo Xie smiled.

"Let's go."

A group of people hurried to the promenade, waiting to go to the appointment.

All commanders understand the importance of this date. As long as they can reach an agreement with Luo Feng, the future of the God Realm Alliance will become much safer.

And now, the major alliances of the two major camps and major cities are developing rapidly, and the strength of the super guilds is not much different.

A rising star like Xiang Shenjie Meng, who can leap on par with the Super League, and develop a new alliance with higher prospects, must get several powerful aids.

Otherwise, once a war begins, the God Realm League will also become a target for everyone!

For those who like online games, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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