The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1023: Sunny after rain

Mo Xie and his teammates quickly walked out of the studio and immediately returned to their respective rooms. First, they washed up quickly, and then put on a new set of clothes. Then they walked out of the building without a hurry and walked towards the entrance of the studio.

Mo Xie took Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan, and the three of them walked all the way to the entrance of the factory, smoking cigarettes.

It must take a long time for the beauties to put on makeup, and it takes about an hour for Luo Feng to send a car from the city. Calculated based on the washing time just now, they still have to wait for ten or twenty minutes.

"Xiao Mo, don't you worry about Luo Feng at all?" Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile.

"I was really worried before, but after dealing with this person several times, I found that this person is very reassuring." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"Why do you think so?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"Luo Feng, if he is your enemy, he will be very scary. He will use any means to fight the enemy unless you can prevent him. But as long as he is not his enemy, become his partner or friend. , But he is a very trustworthy person, he will stab you." Mo Xie said.

"Xiao Mo is right. Since Luo Feng can become a legend, he must have a unique personality or personality charm, so that people around him can give everything for him." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Luo Feng speaks of loyalty, and his brothers persuaded him. Originally, he could leave the Chen Group to start his own business very early, but he has been thinking of Mr. Chen's kindness, so he has been willing to stay behind the scenes. This time he wanted to start his own business. There is no commercial competition with the Chen Group." Moxie said.

"He is so loyal?" Mo Xiaoyuan couldn't believe it.

"But I also heard that Luo Feng's hands are very dark. Once he takes action against people, the other party will definitely be miserable." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Yeah, this is already our local legend. Many stories say that Luo Feng secretly destroyed his family, caused traffic accidents and killed people, etc., but these are all legends. Last time we were almost killed by Luo Feng because Luo Feng himself had said that he would withdraw from the arena, which allowed us to escape. Such people who keep their promises will not pose a threat to us." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Yeah, there is still this thing." The two suddenly remembered.

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that there will be no accidents when I see him this time. On the contrary, Luo Feng will do his best to protect us." Mo Xie smiled.

Although Luo Feng is no longer an enemy to him, he still remembers Brother Hao's affairs. Since Chen Shao was completely abandoned by Luo Feng, even Brother Hao has been banished to the periphery of the arrogant alliance, and he can no longer contact him. The secret of the core of the alliance.

But Brother Hao once said that he and Luo Feng don't agree with each other, what kind of hatred is there?

This matter has kept him worried secretly, lest there be something bad for his own reasons...

The security took seats for the three people, and they sat at the door smoking and chatting, waiting for the time to pass slowly.

After a while, a group of beauties changed their clothes, and they came to the gate together, and the three people with their beautiful figures were dumbfounded...

At about this time, a luxury bus drove up from the factory area and quickly stopped at the gate.

As the door opened, several men in suits and shoes jumped out of the car and respectfully greeted everyone on board the bus.

Sitting in a bus with luxurious interiors and a desk, watching the man in black guarding on both sides of the window and the door of the car, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang glanced at each other, and they all understood each other's meaning.

These black-clothed people have a healthy body and agile movements. At first glance, they are well-trained masters. They specialize in security duties, and they seem to be no worse than Thunder Security.

The vehicle started, and headed towards the most prosperous part of the city in the dark...

In less than an hour, the vehicle has arrived in the city's most prosperous entertainment zone, and the night is in one of the corners of this area.

But in comparison, the place where Luo Feng entertained everyone this time was already the most upscale place in the city.

The bus stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and the man in black got off the bus first. After patrolling outside, no problem was found, and then he signaled that everyone could get off one by one.

When Mo Xie was the first to get out of the car, a group of beauties in suits and uniforms immediately rushed over, one by one holding Mo Xie's arms, and went straight into the hotel door.

The same is true for other people. Surrounded by these beautiful women who seem to be beautiful but with very powerful hands, they escorted them into the elevator.

The bodyguards followed, and after pressing the button on the 55th floor, the elevator moved up quickly.

"Do you need this, President Luo is too careful." Lianna woke up now.

"People invite us to come, of course, they are afraid that we will have an accident, but the arrangement is too exaggerated." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"You laughed, I'm Mr. Luo's secretary tip, Mr. Luo specifically explained that everyone is secretly protected by Thunder Security every day. Our security level cannot be too low, so everyone laughed." A gentle suit The young man turned and said.

"Oh, it's nothing, President Luo has already arrived?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Mr. Luo has been here long ago and is arranging food and drinks for everyone." The tip replied respectfully.

Everyone stopped talking, waiting for the elevator to stop on the 55th floor, the door opened with a jingle, and a luxurious hall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This magnificent hall is extraordinarily wide, and it seems that a grand singing and dancing party can be held.

However, in the hall, only a huge rectangular dining table was placed. Numerous foreign beauties and handsome men in formal dresses stood respectfully there, and hurriedly bowed to salute when everyone arrived.

At the seat of the dining table, an old handsome man in his thirties with neatly combed hair and a radiant face, wearing a straight suit, was smiling and standing up and looking at the crowd.

"Wow, Luo Feng looks a bit like a big star, he's really pie." Mo Xiaoyu couldn't help but praise him when he saw Luo Feng for the first time.

"Welcome to President Mo, welcome to everyone, it is my fault for Luo Feng to disturb you all this night." Luo Feng walked towards everyone with a smile.

"Mr. Luo is polite, you are too dear to us." Mo Xie hurried up, clasping his hands together.

"Mr. Mo is really a person who can't look good. When I first saw your information, I couldn't believe it to be honest." Luo Feng said with emotion.

"I'm small, don't I look good." Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"There is no place for people to look like, and the sea is not to be measured." Luo Feng said sincerely.

"This is my girlfriend, Li Hong." Mo Xie hurriedly grabbed the beauty next to him, and said with a smile.

"Who is... hello, President Luo." Li Honggang was about to refute, but seeing Mo Xie's wink, he understood his thoughts.

"Oh, you are Li Hong. I have heard it a long time ago. Last time I did something wrong. I acted rashly without understanding things clearly. You don't need to worry about this matter anymore. I have made arrangements for your family situation. Whether it's your brother or your father, it's a pretty good time now." Luo Feng smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Great, thank you Mr. Luo." Li Hong really took a breath, and the trouble finally passed...

She understood what Mo Xie meant, and now her identity was Mo Xie's girlfriend, Luo Feng would never make a fuss about her again.

"This is Mo Xiaolang, my partner and my best brother." Mo Xie introduced them one by one.

"Mr. Wolf, you have been admiring your name for a long time. At that time, I bought the Mo Family and found that you hadn't come. I was so angry that I scolded those guys. The entire Mo Family is worth half the price. They actually don't know the goods!" Luo Feng's eyes lit up! , Shook hands quickly.

"President Luo is polite, I'm just eating a meal." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

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