The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1025: Shocking plot

After listening to the analysis of Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang, Luo Feng, who originally wanted to get a little wind, now seemed to be completely frightened.

The major player guilds in the country are still thinking about how to calculate each other and get more benefits, when others have already reached their doorsteps!

And from the perspective of the situation, the other party's deployment is secretly orderly, while quietly developing, while merging the player's guild, it is still secretly recruiting troops!

"The one who called me was an old brother. When I had something to do and ran away, he used to rest for a while. It can be said to be kind to me. What I never expected was that this brother called I called and asked me if I wanted to do a big business. When I opened my mouth, it was an investment of tens of billions. As long as my arrogant alliance was willing to cooperate with the Tianxia League and the Brotherhood, I thought it was a good thing at the time. It's so tricky!" Luo Feng said coldly.

"What does he want you to do?" Mo Xie asked.

"I want me to reach an agreement with the Tianxia League and the Brotherhood. In the early stage, I pretended not to fight with the three. Once the faction battle starts, then gather forces to destroy several super guilds, thereby establishing the hegemony of the three alliances in the country. I don't know, but there is absolutely no good thing." Luo Feng said.

"This is a typical recruiting. As long as Mr. Luo accidentally cooperates with their plan and allows them to occupy the low position of the regional overlord, if you don't continue to cooperate, they will definitely cross the river and demolish the bridge." Mo Xiaolang said.

"It's a pity, they thought that President Luo only recognizes money and loyalty, but they didn't expect that President Luo is still a person who knows the big things." Mo Xie said admiringly.

"I don't know what's the big thing, but I will never betray my ancestors and do things for foreigners to harm my own people. Especially the sticks and the garbage from the island country!" Luo Feng said coldly.

"I understand, you are saying that there are spies in our area, they are foreign..." Lianna finally understood a little.

"It's okay to understand, don't speak out." Mo Xie exhorted.

"Oh." Lianna nodded.

"For this dinner, the waiters I invited are all foreigners who don't understand Mandarin, and they don't understand what we are saying, so you don't need to worry." Luo Feng smiled.

"Manager Luo is too careful." Mo Xie smiled.

"In fact, Mr. Luo can do his best. If Mr. Mo is tempted like this, he will definitely eat the bait, break the hook for him, and let them beat him up and pay his wife." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Fuck you, I'm so insidious." Mo Xie laughed.

"Yes, you are right, I only said to consider it when I received the call, because I don't know how to answer." Luo Feng's eyes lit up.

"You mean, you haven't rejected them yet?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, the call came last week. I was busy at the time. Although I knew it was a trap, I didn't scold or reject him at the time due to brotherhood." Luo Feng replied.

"In this case, why don't we discuss it carefully..." Mo Xie looked at everyone excitedly.

"Look at it, Mr. Mo is thinking about eating bait again." Ouyang Jiaojiao laughed.

"Mr. Mo, you have a good idea. If you can take advantage of them, you can cheat them. I am willing to give you half of this bait." Luo Feng asked with a smile.

"Well, Luo can always contact them tomorrow, saying that your arrogant alliance is not easy to mix up. The God Realm League is always against you, and it is developing very quickly. It needs a lot of funds to strengthen its strength, and it must first occupy Sunset City. , I have the opportunity to control the sun’s camp, and cooperation will be more effective then. As for replying to him after such a long time, you can say that I was robbing us for resources, so I almost forgot.” Mo Xie wrinkled Brows, really started to calculate...

"Well, I can try, but will they be fooled?" Luo Feng asked curiously.

"President Luo, don't worry, now they are begging you. If they want to deal with such a big force in the arrogant alliance, they will definitely show a certain degree of sincerity. Then we will dissolve their suspicions step by step according to their requirements." Mo Xiaolang Said.

"You two, it's no wonder that my think tanks can't beat you. It was only after meeting you knew how big the gap was." Luo Feng couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the two.

"That's because they didn't dare to let Mr. Luo take risks, but we are not afraid, and it is not our possession." Mo Xie smiled.

"This time you help me with an idea, so I must also ensure my interests." Luo Feng smiled.

As everyone talked, rows of waiters had already begun to serve food, and in a short while, the long large dining table was completely filled, and the food was very rich.

With the help of exotic beauties, everyone poured a large glass of wine in front of them.

"Everyone is hungry at night. After drinking some wine and eating to fill your stomach, we are slowly discussing it. For our first meeting, a toast." Luo Feng picked up the glass and stood up and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo for the hospitality, cheers!" Mo Xie and his friends got up together, took a big mouthful of their wine glasses.

With knives, forks and chopsticks, everyone can't wait to enjoy the delicious food...

However, Mo Xie was eating and thinking about things. Luo Feng's encounter might be a good thing...

It's no wonder that the person who invited Luo Feng is his benefactor, and the guy from the stick and the island country mistakenly thought Luo Feng was just a gangster, and everything had his own interests, so he dared to buy him.

However, they did not expect that Luo Feng is a man of justice, and what he has done is not only true, but he has a heart that understands the big and the wrong. This time the opponent may have made the wrong move...

Although what I just said was a joke, Mo Xie really saw another plan from it.

After three rounds of wine, a lot of the food on the table was wiped out, and all the guests slowly ate their meals. One by one picked up the napkins and wiped their lips, still picking out the food still unfinished.

"Mr. Luo, I thought about it carefully just now. Although this matter is a bit risky, I have to do it," Mo Xie said.

"Have to do it?" Luo Feng was taken aback, looking at the other party's solemn expression, he couldn't help being very confused.

"Yes, if Mr. Luo doesn't contact them, maybe they will continue to buy how many guilds and manpower. I am afraid it is difficult for us to understand these situations. If they do anything in the future, we can only passively suffer. In this way, it is better to actively cooperate with them, at least not to be passive when the time comes." Mo Xie analyzed.

"That's true, but my temper is not suitable for these things. They will find the clues sooner or later." Luo Feng frowned and said.

"I've considered this just now. Mr. Luo has a straight temper. If he can't help it, he will really be suspected by the other party. So I have a suggestion..." Mo Xie's face showed a mysterious smile again.

"Look, Xiao Mo must have another good idea, every time!" Lianna said with a smile.

"Mr Mo, please tell me, what should I do?" Luo Feng craned his neck and waited excitedly.

"Neither Mr. Luo’s character nor Mr. Luo’s identity is suitable for reaching this secret cooperation with the other party. Otherwise, it will be difficult even if you want to get out later. But you have a very suitable candidate, and he will do it. It won't cause suspicion, and it will make the other party very satisfied." Moxie said.

"You Uncle Chen's precious son?" Luo Feng understood in an instant.

"It's him. Everyone knows that he is the eldest master of the Chen Group and the representative of the major shareholder of the arrogant alliance. More importantly, you have always regarded him as very important, and his identity is even a bit afraid of you. , Let him negotiate, that is a very good candidate." Mo Xie said.

"You mean, let my incompetent brother help me carry the pot, even if he gets out later, he can borrow his name?" Luo Feng frowned and asked displeasedly on his face.

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