The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1026: False Alliance

As soon as Mo Xie's words were uttered, Mo Xiaolang immediately understood his thoughts. Luo Feng was still only half-understanding, staring at the two with doubtful eyes, hoping to get their answers.

"Mr. Luo, as far as I can see, since they actively come to the door this time, they will definitely value your strengths to achieve their goals. Therefore, even if you don’t want to participate in this plan, we will be passive. The situation of being beaten." Mo Xie said.

"Yes, if you refuse, they will be more careful. There will be no evidence at that time. It is impossible for us to deal with them. And if they develop rapidly, the future will be even more terrible. So this time, you must talk to them again. Contact once." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"But you want to tell me how to negotiate with them, and then how to get out?" Luo Feng asked.

"I already have an idea. Since tonight, the Arrogant Alliance and our God Realm Alliance remain hostile. The two sides are incompatible with each other, but in private, we can cooperate quietly to let the World Alliance and the Brotherhood relax their vigilance. You contact the other party while letting Chen Shao negotiate with them, but you must never tell Chen Shao insider in advance, so that he can talk to the other party with confidence, he has this ability." Moxie said.

"What, our two continue to be hostile, and then negotiate with them?" Luo Feng's eyes straightened, but after thinking for a moment, it seemed to understand a little bit.

"That's what I mean. Our two continue to be hostile on the surface, and we can also initiate some small-scale conflicts at any time, but in private, we can develop together and share the resources in the camp. In short, we must secretly develop and maintain absolute Strength. At the same time, let Chen Shao talk to them about cooperation, get their funds, and when he wants to use you at the critical moment, we can officially showdown with him. By then, President Luo must have their collusion in his hands. Enough evidence of foreign enemies." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"My God, your head is turning too fast, you can come up with such a perfect plan in such a little time!" Luo Feng said excitedly, patted the table.

"If Mr. Luo didn't say it, we wouldn't know this at all. The Arrogant Alliance has the conditions to deal with them this time. I just sorted out your ideas for you." Mo Xie smiled.

"You are right. Luo Feng is a good and evil person. I don't understand my personality. They think I dare to make any money. That's why they dare to find me instead of other big guilds. Plus my ineffectiveness Brother Gan only knows how to spend time and wine. As long as he hears that he is making money, he is the one who doesn't care about anything. Let him negotiate, and the other party has no suspicion... High! This strategy is really seamless!" Luo Feng couldn't help but admire .

"It seems that President Luo already knows how to operate." Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang smiled at each other.

"You two little foxes, it's fortunate that Lao Luo can think about it this time. I didn't plan to fight with you all the time, or it would be in your hands sooner or later." Luo Feng smiled.

"You are the old fox. You know how to avoid when you smell danger. This is what we want to learn." Mo Xie smiled.

"That's my instinct of wandering the rivers and lakes for decades. If I didn't have this ability, I would have died. Okay, let's not talk about it, drink..." Luo Feng's doubts were resolved, and the whole person Suddenly got excited, stood up and toasted with everyone.

While drinking, Luo Feng was also drunk and dimly drunk while discussing the details of how the two major alliances would hide their false hostility and how to cooperate secretly.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang, including Mo Xiaoyuan, were both overdrinked, sitting there crookedly.

"What's the matter, all the men are drunk?" Lianna stood up holding the glass, her slender figure also shaky.

The three sisters and Zhou Jianing, together with Mo Xiaoyu, today is the first time to officially pick up a cup and drink together. Originally, the three sisters were the goddesses of the night city, and all of them were massive.

The three of them were going to calculate Zhou Jianing and Mo Xiaoyu, and drunk them with a joke, only to find that Zhou Jianing was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He picked up the cup and took a big drink, taking the wine as a drink...

The three goddesses who hadn't met their opponents for a long time immediately happily faced each other, but after all the men drank and squatted, the five of them were almost enough.

The table was full of expensive wine bottles, and a group of beautiful foreign waiters were shocked by their drink volume, and whispered in whispers.

The guards of Luo Feng standing on the side saw that the banquet was almost over, they hurried over, bowed their heads and asked a few words in Luo Feng's ear...

"Ah...I'm all drunk. It's okay. Just open the room here. First, I must settle down with my guests and arrange them. I will settle the account with you if my hair is lost!" Luo Feng supported the table. Seeing a table of people who seemed to be lying on their stomachs, he ordered with his tongue out.

"Don't worry Mr. Luo, I'm going to book a room now." The guard nodded, and reached out to call the hotel manager who was waiting.

"Mr. Fei, we are all top-notch couples' suites here. Please tell me how many rooms you want." The manager asked respectfully.

"Eight of them, I remember there are two couples, two couples have two suites, one man has one suite, and the remaining three women have two suites." The tip looked at the people on the table and lit the rooms one by one.

"Understand Mr. Fei, we must make arrangements, I will go to prepare the room." The manager quickly turned and left.

The tip also waved quickly and motioned to a few bodyguards in the distance to come and help Mr. Luo up...

It was a good drink for this meal, and the tip was also not seen in many years, Mr. Luo was so happy.

Several bodyguards struggled to lift Luo Feng up, and then walked towards the entrance of the hall...

The tip took a wad of banknotes and handed it to several waiters to take care of the guests. He also hurriedly went to the hotel lobby to pay the bill.

At this time, it was the first time in his life that Mo Xie drank so much wine, especially red wine. He rarely drank this thing in the past, but as a result, he became drunk and unconscious.

The others were similar, Lianna was lying there still arguing and toasting, Li Hong's face flushed, tilted her head and drunk eyes and leaned against Ouyang Jiaojiao.

Zhou Jianing hugged Mo Xiaoyu, and the wine glasses on the table of the two of them all fell to one side.

Mo Xiaoyuan was lying on his back in the seat, already snoring.

Today was a busy day, and they were in a particularly happy mood. They had planned to drink some wine to celebrate. After this relaxation, they all became drunk.

After a while, the hotel manager walked into the lobby with the room card, greeted all the waiters, and hurriedly helped the eight VIPs up, and two of them helped one to the elevator entrance.

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