The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1027: Secret cooperation

Originally, Mo Xie and Li Hong had been scared to death by the sound outside the door, but after hearing a few familiar laughs, the two let out a sigh of relief.

"Sister-in-law, you are going to die, you scared me to death." Li Hongjiao groaned.

"Who makes you get up, we have waited for a long time, get up and go back to work quickly." Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

"We'll get up right away... But sister-in-law, can you help me buy a dress, my dress can't wear it anymore." Li Hong looked at the ground, the skirt was almost torn into two pieces, and she couldn't put it on again.

It's your fault!

Li Hong gave Mo Xie a fierce look.

"Or I will buy it," Moxie said.

"You know how big clothes I wear, don't talk if you don't understand." Li Hong scolded even more anger.

"Why, so crazy last night, Xiao Mo tore all your clothes? Okay, wait, let's go eat breakfast and help you buy clothes by the way." Mo Xiaoyu said triumphantly.

"Sister-in-law, stop joking." Li Hong was completely speechless.

"Okay, no kidding, I'll buy it for you right away, and we'll go back in a while. Mr. Luo called Xiao Mo just now, but he didn't answer him. He already called my husband and said to arrange a car to take us home." After Mo Xiaoyu finished speaking, he turned and left with the beauties.

Mo Xie hurriedly searched for his mobile phone, and finally found it in a pile of colorful clothes. It turned out that the screen of the mobile phone was so dark that it was turned off...

Only then did he remember that he shut down the machine last night, fearing that others would disturb him and Sister Hong's dreams.

The two quickly got up...

At 9 o'clock, several beauties walked out of the hotel smiling all the way, surrounded by Li Hong who was putting on new clothes, followed by three smoking men.

"Xiao Mo, did you finally succeed this time?" Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile.

"Don't mention it, it's a shame." Mo Xie said silently.

"This is also shameful, then I wish I was ashamed every day." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled with his cigarette in his mouth.

When they walked outside the gate, the luxury bus was already waiting at the door, and the tip smiled to welcome everyone to board the vehicle.

"Who arranged the hotel room last night?" Mo Xie asked softly as he passed by him.

"It was President Luo who asked me to arrange it. Isn't President Mo unsatisfied?" asked the tip inexplicably.

"Very satisfied, you are such a good brother." Mo Xie patted his shoulder gratefully and strode into the car.

The door is closed, and only the tip is left touching his head, still not figuring out what it means...

All the way back to the studio, Mo Xie also received a call from Luo Feng, saying that he was drunk last night and did not entertain him. He also said that he would carry out further deployments in accordance with the plan proposed by Mo Xie and plan to contact the other side in the past two days.

Mo Xie told him to be careful about the details, don't let the other party doubt, and told Mr. Luo that in the future, the cooperation between the God Realm League and the Arrogant League will start with the Life Legion, sharing resources in private, and the battle will remain hostile...

The two reached an agreement and ended the call.

The atmosphere in the carriage was consistent and very subtle. Li Hong and the beauties sat at the front, making jokes on their own, ignoring the three men.

"Xiao Mo, make a big effort and take down the target, lest the night has many dreams." Mo Xiaolang reminded softly.

"Isn't it already won?" Mo Xie asked puzzledly.

"While the iron is hot, before Sister Hong is obedient to you, you must put down your face and cling to her, listening to me is absolutely right." Mo Xiaolang whispered.

"Oh, I understand." Mo Xie nodded half-knowingly.

The bus met all the way to the outskirts of the city, and finally stopped at the gate, and the time was already more than 10 o'clock in the morning.

The group hurriedly got off the car, the beauties went back to the room first, and the three of Mo Xie went directly to the studio to start today's work.

Lie on the control chair and log in to the game. Although there is no major event today, he still has some important things to deal with.


A white beam of light fell from the sky, and Mo Xie returned to the emperor city that never sleeps.

Standing in the city, watching more and more players on the street, the players from the three main cities have gradually gathered in the imperial city.

It is already a critical moment for the faction mission. The forces of the three main cities have gradually begun to occupy an important position in the imperial city. I just don't know how many of these players support the Protoss and how many support the Human Empire.

Following their defeat of the Orcs last night, the strength of the Protoss was severely damaged, and something important must happen today!

Mo Xie thought for a while, still planning to return to the territory to see the situation of the Beastmaster first.

He immediately chose the teleportation function of the territory, and his figure flashed before disappearing in the imperial city.

The God Realm Town shining in the sun is no longer what it was when it was first built. Today, God Realm Town is already a high-level town, and it is only one step away from upgrading the city.

The town is full of prosperous scenes. Players doing business, players going to and from leveling, as well as their own people in the God Realm League, are all busy inside and outside the city.

Mo Xie immediately called up the mount and flew directly to the sky...

Flying all the way through the mountain top forest and large grasslands, the Jinshan Mine cave in front appeared again.

In accordance with Mo Xie's instructions, Mo Xiaoyuan sent the rest of the Beast King and the remnants of the Orc family that he later found to this place last night for temporary repairs. The Earth Spirits are starting to dig caves in the nearby mountainous area for the beast The clan creates an absolutely safe site.

Mo Xie landed directly on the top of the mountain, looked at the opening of the cave, and walked in directly, rushing all the way to the lower cave.

It was discovered at first that there were two layers of caves and a hidden cave. The space was very open and large enough to accommodate the orc army.

When he circled down the steps and came to the first floor of the cave, two rows of orc soldiers were guarded by the door.

Mo Xie directly took out the sharp tooth necklace, and the orc soldiers hurriedly bowed to salute.

Entering the hall, a large group of black orc soldiers lined up and rested neatly, occupying the entire wide cave.

The Beastmaster was not far from the entrance of the cave, and when he saw Mo Xie appear, he immediately took a few guards to greet him in stride...

"Master Governor, you are here." The Beast King bowed his head respectfully and saluted.

Now he was defeated, and he had returned personally, so in front of Mo Xie, he was just a subordinate.

"Your Majesty, don't be so polite, you are the king of a clan after all. This time I'm here to see what else you need, and inquire about one thing by the way." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"I am very satisfied with this place, and my people think it is very good. Besides, your people are still helping me to create a new territory. We are already very content. I don't know if the governor needs my help?" Beastmaster asked with a smile. .

"It's like this. Yesterday I went to the fortress prison to check and found that only the Elf High Priest was being held there, but His Majesty the Elf King was missing. Do you know his current detention?" Mo Xie asked.

"His Majesty the Elf King has always been kept there, guarded by my soldiers. As a king, I have never treated him badly. But not long ago, the holy princess of the human race suddenly attacked the fortress with a team of soldiers. Fortunately, I was there. The defensive arrangement was very tight, and finally repelled her sneak attack. The Protoss was worried that they would rescue them, so they transferred His Majesty the Elf King to Huangcheng Mountain." The answer of the Beast King's answer was exactly the same as what Mo Xie got.

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