The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1028: Mythical Beast Seal Zone

In Moxie's plan, the task most wanted to find was His Majesty the King of the Elves.

As long as you find him, the entire elven clan is equal to regaining freedom. With the leadership of the elven king, the God Realm Alliance will gain a powerful legion, which will play a vital role in defeating the gods in the future!

And now, the Elf King Tie must be captured by the Protoss, so there is only the Beast King, who may know some secrets of the Protoss.

"Huangcheng Mountain has an area controlled by the Protoss. It is covered by the white clouds on the top of the mountain. There is a huge magic circle inside. The teleportation array of the six major temples of the Protoss is also secretly set here. If the Protoss wants to continue Only there is the safest place to imprison the Elf King." Beast King said.

"I understand, thank you, Your Majesty." Mo Xie nodded and smiled.

"Your Excellency, you really take care of our Orcs. In order to thank you for not killing, I have another message here. I don't know if you are interested?" said the Beastmaster.

"What news does your majesty have, what is it about?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"It was the last time that the holy princess suddenly appeared and led a team to attack my fortress. I have been chasing down by spies, and finally found some clues. Maybe we can find the position of holy princess." Beastmaster smiled lightly.

"Really! Tell me quickly, what is the name of that place" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"This place is very mysterious. My spies followed quietly all the way, but when they reached a peculiar forest, they were blocked by a powerful divine enchantment. They had no choice but to come back and told me the news. Later, I sent out. More spies went to explore, but they have not received any news." Beastmaster Xie Ri replied.

"The powerful enchantment of divine power, what is that place, your majesty will tell me the location, I will go and see for myself." Mo Xie was excited.

"Since you have to go and have a look, the king will tell you that it is a virgin forest in the southeast corner of the imperial city, which leads directly to the end of the imperial city's territory. It is said that it is beyond the jurisdiction of the Yaori Empire. There is also a dark night in the area, where there are many exiled masters who will never appear under the sun. So if you want to go, be careful, my spies have lost a lot." Beastmaster warned.

"At the southeast end of the imperial city, there is a map of the night..." Mo Xie was very curious.

If the map is divided into day and night, it means that this map has exceeded the jurisdiction of the imperial city that never sleeps, but on the big map, the southeast corner of the imperial city is already at the end of the map, surrounded by high mountain barriers. , Outside is the end of the dark map, it is no longer a regional map of the country!

Unless this place is a copy of the map space set by the system, this can be said of the past.

By the way, a copy of the mission map!

Mo Xie's eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly thought of the dungeon system...

According to the system settings, after level 30, players can start a new dungeon task every 10th level to obtain advanced equipment required by the current level from the dungeon.

Up to now, level 50 players have opened three dungeons in total, but for Mo Xie, his current identity no longer needs to specialize in dungeon missions. The alliance has more things for him to deal with, and there is a dedicated team. To develop dungeon resources, drop the equipment needed by the core players directly into the warehouse for selection.

If the dungeon map is found within the night of the imperial city, it means that this is a separate dungeon mission!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I'll go take a look now." Mo Xie said anxiously.

"Don't take risks. As I said earlier, there is a magical seal there. Even if you go there, you may not be able to find the clue you want." The Beastmaster hurriedly stopped.

"Even if there is a magical seal, you have to figure out the strength of this seal." Moxie said.

"You don't need to try, this king can tell you that this is the powerful divine power from the sacred beast. Even if my entire orc army goes there, there is no ability to break the seal, otherwise the king would have gone to capture the princess. Why wait until now." Beastmaster persuaded.

"The seal of the beast!" Mo Xie's eyes were taken aback. If it was the seal of the beast, then he had nothing to do.

The seal under the sacred beast can only be opened by the sacred beast itself, or can be opened by the sacred beast that is more powerful than his divine power. Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, no matter how powerful the battle is, there will be no way to face the mysterious seal...

"This seal is not only a sacred beast seal, but it also has pure fire power. This king once notified the protoss, but after waiting for a long time, even they had no news. I am afraid that it is impossible to break the seal. "Beastmaster said.

"I understand what you mean. You and the Orcs can't crack the seal, and then give it to the Protoss. They also have no solution... What kind of divine beast is the seal of the fire divine power?" Mo Xie was also stunned.

"If you really want to crack the seal, you must first know who the owner of the seal is, and then ask a beast that is stronger than it to deal with her. Otherwise, no one can crack that seal." Beastmaster said.

"I understand, thank you Majesty, I know what to do." Mo Xie got his reminder and immediately thought of a choice.

"You must be very careful, it is very dangerous, it is not the area where ordinary monsters are located." Beastmaster finally exhorted.

Mo Xie nodded and said goodbye. Now that the orcs have settled down, he can go to solve new mysteries...

Is the mysterious map a copy or another setting?

Mo Xie opened the package, used the City Return Scroll, and instantly returned to Sunset City...

Back in the main city again, he rushed towards the general's mansion.

It didn't take long to rush into the general's mansion, and on the high platform, the burly General Yanghui appeared in front of him again.

"Dear General, I'm back again." Mo Xie started the dialogue with a smile.

"It turned out to be you. I haven't seen you for a while. I didn't expect to be the Governor-General." General Yang Hui said with a smile.

"The general may not believe that the general of the town country is recommending me for the position of the imperial general." Mo Xie flaunted.

"You're going to be promoted to general so soon, have you ever fought the Holy Moon Empire?" General Yang Hui asked in surprise.

"It's a long story. I went to the imperial city this time. I ran into a lot of trouble..." Mo Xie didn't hide it. After entering the imperial city, the lord of the imperial city would make things difficult for him, and then inadvertently couldn't attack the country's secret agents and all Report all the affairs of the Annihilation Beast Army to him in detail...

"It's incredible! The Protoss actually colluded with the enemy country, in order to fight for the imperial power, they dare to do so! But finally, you destroyed their altar, which is a great achievement. But the orc army is so powerful, you can actually destroy them , It is incredible! Based on this, you should be a general!"

General Yang Hui said excitedly.

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