The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1056: Moment of turning face

"Who, with so many merits, he wants to open the floating island in the sky, he won't be promoted?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Who else, Dragon Soul and Kuangyong, these two boys insist on better pets. They save merits and not get promoted. One person made a high-level pet copy transmission order." Mo Xiaolang said silently.

However, these two boys are both high-level commanders, and the way to obtain merit points is no less than that of the core command level, and they will be able to quickly upgrade their official positions in the future.

They all wanted better pets, but it gave Mo Xie a chance to see the advanced instance, of course he couldn't miss it.

"In fact, we also want to try our luck with high-level tokens. I still have a bit of merit and I am not willing to upgrade to an official position." Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"Me too." Lianna smiled.

"To see the situation tomorrow, if we can master the knack of the dungeon, we will grab a few more times." Mo Xie nodded.

"Okay, okay, I won't be reconciled if I don't catch the flying pet!" Lianna said fiercely.

Everyone quickly finished their dinner, the beauties returned to the room to rest temporarily, Mo Xie and the Mo family brothers continued to work in the studio...

After logging in to the game and returning to God Realm Town, Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xiaoyuan are still busy dealing with the affairs of the alliance. Mo Xie calls out the mount and flies to the quicksand desert...

Find the location of the underground palace and enter the 5th floor underground. At this time, many brothers from the God Realm are teaming up to level up in the legion. Seeing the arrival of the boss, they suddenly cheered and quickly added him to the team, killing the monster...

As soon as he joined the team, the number of experience points kept jumping out of his head, Mo Xie chatted with all the players in the guild channel, brandishing an artifact and a staff to attack the dense group of monsters.

After having the Scepter of Nirvana, Mo Xie's attack power was increased four or five times compared to before. Even with a normal attack, he became the highest output in the entire legion.

On the damage list of the Legion Channel, his name quickly rose to the first place, and it was a five-body cast that admired the players of the blockbuster League of Gods.

"Most mighty!"

"Mo Da is too tough!"

"Great, I love you!"

Throughout the cave, there was more than one wave of deafening cheers...

One night of leveling is actually not hard at all. Mo Xie just let the character stay there, and then uses the system's automatic lock automatic attack command, so you don't have to worry about too many things, just chat with the players at ease.

At around 23:00 in the evening, the online time warning sounded. At the last minute, Mo Xie said goodbye to everyone with a smile, and quit the game by calling up the control panel.

In just one night, his experience value rushed to 87 again, and it seemed to be upgraded again...

Who makes his artifact output too powerful, the experience value assigned by the system is also the one with the highest proportion.

Exiting the game world, watching Li Hong next to him still struggling in the game, Mo Xie smiled slightly and left the studio with a cigarette in his mouth, and went to rest in the dormitory.

There was no word for a night, and until the next morning, Mo Xie opened his eyes amid Mo Xiaoyuan's knock on the door, and quickly got up to wash.

After eating early with the teammates, and arranging a copy time for this morning, everyone will return to the studio to deal with today's affairs.

The place where Mo Xie went online was still in the safety zone of the underground palace. He used the scroll to return to God Realm Town, and then teleported to the imperial city. He quickly flew to the vast mountains west of the city...

After half an hour of fast flight, Xiaofeidian slowly landed in a valley.

Under a cliff not far away, the dark hole opened, and the elf archers guarded both sides of the gate.

When Mo Xie walked into the cave, the elves guards saluted. Now Mo Xie has become the object of veneration for all the elves because of his repeated contributions to saving the elves. As long as he appears, the elves always pay the utmost respect.

Passing through the strict guardianship of the Elf Legion, strode into the cave. In the spacious cave, a group of high-level people gathered on the side of the cave.

"You're here, don't take me out for so long." The blue light flashed, and Qing Binger's beautiful figure instantly appeared before his eyes.

"I have been in the imperial city during this period of time. There are protoss everywhere. You will have trouble when you show up. But don't worry, you can move normally from now on." Mo Xie explained with a smile.

"That's good." Qing Binger smiled contentedly.

Mo Xie walked straight to the Saint Princess and told the other party in detail about the plan discussed yesterday...

"You actually cracked the formula of the emperor...It turns out that the secret is hidden in the Vulcan Tower!" The holy princess stared in surprise.

"I didn't expect that the first emperors of the empire would have known that the Protoss would still make trouble in the end, and guessed that it was the trouble caused by the Fire God Temple." Mo Xie smiled.

"Yes, the ancestors had expected this disaster a long time ago, so they made arrangements in advance..." The Saint Princess nodded helplessly.

"Now the formula has been deciphered, but we don't know the situation there. Has the Princess ever been to the Vulcan Tower?" Mo Xie asked.

"The palace is too big, I have never had a chance to go to many places, but I often go to the viewing platform. The Five Elements Pagoda has been climbed. There is a large altar at the top of each tower. Say, I seem to understand how to turn on the mechanism." The Saint Princess nodded.

"That's fine, as long as you use your blood, you can open the tomb of the holy emperor, and then gather the dragon scales and phoenix feathers to open the holy tomb to get the holy axe." Moxie said.

"Longlin and Fengyu are by our side. It seems that we are going to take Bing'er and Xiaoyu." The Saint Princess glanced at the two beauties.

"The current dragon scales and phoenix feathers are still not sure what we are talking about, but no matter what, Bing'er and Fairy must join this trip." Mo Xie nodded.

"Xiao Yu and I have a contract. I can take her into Huangcheng Mountain. As for you, you can only pass through the inner city gate." Saint Princess said.

"Don't worry, Binger and I also have a contract. As long as I can enter Huangcheng Mountain, she will have no problem." Mo Xie smiled.

"Then it's so decided. Act early tomorrow morning. You take my letter to find the general and ask him to arrange for the inner city." Saint Princess said.

"Understand, this time we need not only the general to help us enter Huangcheng Mountain, but also let him mobilize the legion to secretly guard at the foot of the mountain to meet us. Once we are in danger, we can only rely on their garrison." Moxie said.

"Do you mean that if the Protoss finds and hunts us, the Emperor Corps and the Protoss Legion will officially turn their faces?" The Saint Princess asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's time to turn our faces, as long as you exist, we can ignore the puppet emperor, plus as long as we get the holy axe, it means that we have the ability to fight against the gods." Mo Xie gazes Said firmly.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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