The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1057: Mysterious Empire Reward

With the sound of the pleading voice of the Holy Princess, the system prompt suddenly jumped out in front of Mo Xie with a ding sound. He was immediately surprised by the content displayed above!

Ding...System: Players should not be sad. The noble Saint Princess asks you to protect the life of the Great Prince in the battle against the Protoss.

If you can safely guarantee the life of the eldest prince even after defeating the Protoss, the holy princess will give you a mysterious reward condition, which is the highest reward in the empire!

Note: This task is extremely difficult, you can choose to give up, but you will lose an excellent opportunity to reward.

Mysterious reward conditions... What is the highest reward in the empire?

Looking at the commented sentence under the system information, it tells him that this task is very difficult, and it is almost impossible to complete it!

And he can give up this task, but also give up the reward conditions of the holy princess...

"Don't be sad. When my father died, he told me that my brother was not suitable for the throne. After I took over the imperial power, he must protect his safety so that he can live his life safely. So for his safety, at the beginning I would rather give up the throne and live in seclusion for many years, but I saw that the Protoss became more and more unscrupulous. If this continues, not only will the empire be insecure, but my emperor’s life will also be ruined in their hands, so I have to reappear. I hope that my appearance can make it happen. The Protoss is a little jealous, and won't hurt his brother's life." The Holy Princess said with red eyes.

"What... you did all this just to save the life of the prince?" Mo Xie asked incredulously.

No wonder that from all aspects of the information, the battle of the Saint Princess might not have been so badly defeated, and it turned out that it was because the Saint Princess was softhearted and could not bear to threaten the life of the prince, so she willingly gave up the fight!

"The mother and queen died early. The emperor was brought up by me. Although I am in the royal family, I still try my best to protect the safety of my emperor. But I didn’t expect that the **** protoss would dare to take advantage of the demented character of the emperor. He is a puppet, so many things will happen! You have to believe me, my brother is not malicious to anyone, and everything is the gods’ tricks!" Saint Princess pleaded.

"This... the eldest prince has been held hostage by the gods for so many years. What is going on is unclear, and now the situation is unknown. We are not certain that we can defeat the gods. How dare we say that we can guarantee the safety of the big prince?" Said.

"Don't be sad, I need you to do your best, as long as you guarantee that after defeating the Protoss, you can safely rescue the prince, the reward you get is definitely a glory you can't imagine!" The holy princess said sternly.

"What is the reward?" Mo Xie asked altogether. He depends on the conditions of the reward, whether it's worth his hard work.

"I can't say about the conditions of the rewards now, but I can use the status of the holy princess to guarantee that the rewards you will receive are absolutely beyond your imagination. Your status in the empire will also be more than ten thousand people!" The holy princess said loudly.

"What reward is this..." Mo Xie was stunned.

Is it an official position? Or is it a fief?

Looking at the expression of the Saint Princess, if it is an official position, it must be no less than the status of the town general.

If it's a territory, then you must choose your own location!

But this task is really difficult to complete...

Mo Xie stood there, her face uncertain, whether she should accept this extra task...

But he knew that he didn't take this task and didn't have any loss, but if he took it, there would be countless more troubles!

"Mo sad, if you hesitate and don't want to do me this favor, the princess will release this task to the heroes of the world, so that everyone can help me." Saint Princess said coldly.

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for the player, the holy princess’s favorability for you has dropped by 100, and the opponent's favorability is currently 953, which is temporarily friendly!

The holy princess's cold voice, which seemed to be angry, just fell, and a system message popped out again before Mo Xie's eyes...

I went, just hesitating a little bit, how about losing the favorability so soon?

This **** is too cruel, right?

After deducting 100 points of friendship, it fell from 1,000 to more than 900, and the other party dropped from respect to friendly, which made Mo Xie feel extremely curious.

It seems that in this virtual world, not all players have friendly settings. Except for some specific ones, the existence of these friendliness must involve some special plot needs...

"Well, I accept your request, so I can barely give it a try." Mo Xie pressed the accept button, with a ding sound, the system information disappeared, and the taskbar light flashed.

"I need you to do your utmost to rescue the prince, rather than deal with me casually, otherwise, I would rather post the mission and let the warriors of the whole empire help me." The holy princess said sadly.

"Don't worry, I accept this task, and I will try my best to ensure the safety of the prince's life. Maybe I can find some ways to help him by going to the palace this time." Moxie said.

"That's great! Don't be sad, please rest assured, the reward conditions will not let you down, I hope to see a safe or safe younger brother." Saint Princess said excitedly.

"Then it's settled, give me the letter, I have to go to the general." Mo Xie nodded.

"The letter has already been prepared. When the general sees the letter, he will follow your instructions. Just tell him what you need to do." The holy princess waved her hand and a golden light flew into his body.

Looking at the extra golden letter props in the package, Mo Xie bends down and salutes, signalling Qing Binger to stay here, and then turns around and uses the City Return Scroll.


In the next second, the puzzled Moxie had appeared in the central teleportation formation of the imperial city.

"Brother Wolf, I just received a mission inexplicably..." Mo Xie couldn't pay attention and immediately contacted his best partner.

"What... The holy princess still needs to inform the entire district about the mission. This is not good. You have to follow. Oh, you have already taken it." Mo Xiaolang almost got a start.

"Don't you know the difficulty of this task?" Mo Xie asked angrily.

"I only heard that there is no penalty condition. For you, the harder the task, the more challenging it is. Thinking about rewards, that's incredible." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Fuck you, you help me think about how to rescue the eldest prince without being discovered in advance by the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked.

Seeing the majestic general of the town country surrounded by a large group of players, Mo Xie quickly chose to open the dialogue interface.

The halo flashed in front of him, and the General Zhen Guo looked at him with a smile, as if he was waiting for his report.

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