"General, this is a letter from your Royal Highness Princess, please have a look." Mo Xie didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the letter and gave it to the other party.

"It is indeed a letter written by Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess, Governor-General, what do you need me to do for you, please do not hesitate to speak." The General Zhen Guo nodded and said.

"Tomorrow I will go to Huangcheng Mountain to investigate. I hope the general can help me enter the inner city. This is the first request." Moxie said.

"This is easy to handle. This general gives an order to the guard general on duty to let him let you in." The General Zhen Guo replied.

"Second request, I hope that the general will send out the garrison of the outer city to guard the three inner city gates to prevent accidents from happening at any time, especially to protect the safety of the Holy Princess." Moxie said.

"What? You asked me to mobilize the legion and prepare to confront the Protoss?" General Zhen Guo asked in surprise.

"Yes, although it is not necessary to confront the Protoss, when the necessary safety measures must be prepared, if the Princess is in danger, it will be too late to regret." Moxie said the reason.

"Well, I'll follow your suggestion. Tomorrow, I will secretly deploy 50,000 Outer City Legions to guard the gates of the three cities, to take over the Holy Princess at any time." The General Zhen Guo nodded helplessly.

"The third requirement, I hope that after entering the inner city and leaving, the general will secretly send someone outside the cliff on the left side of the mountain to help us build a few aerial ropeways so that we can sneak into the imperial city from here safely. Behind the mountain, stay away from the danger zone." Moxie said.

"Your third request is the simplest, but this general tells you that you are doing it for nothing. The aerial ropeway can't help you escape from Huangcheng Mountain." General Zhen Guo said, shaking his head.

"Why can't you help me escape Huangcheng Mountain?" Mo Xie asked in surprise. This secret escape route was a safe path that he found from the back of the mountain after observing the model for a long time with his teammates.

As long as the general sends someone to build a chain here, they can leave quietly from here if there is no way to escape then...

"If you didn't alarm the Protoss, it would be a good way to build a ropeway here, but as long as the Protoss is alarmed, they will immediately open the imperial city seal. Then the back of the mountain will be sealed off by the magical seal, and the entire Huangcheng Mountain will be covered by a layer of light. The hood protects all the towers from the inner city. You can't pass there at all, you can only go out from the middle gate of the inner city. There is the only gap in the seal." The General Zhen Guo reminded.

"The seal of Huangcheng Mountain... can't even the Holy Princess be closed?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"As long as your Royal Highness holds the imperial jade seal, the seal can be closed, but the problem is that the jade seal is now held by the Protoss." General Zhen Guo shook his head.

"Then what other way can I break this seal?" Mo Xie asked.

"What you think is too simple. Huangcheng Mountain is the core place of the empire. When the seal of divine power was designed, it was the most powerful defensive barrier. The source of divine power was the never-set sun on the top of the mountain. The enchantment is open, and the only thing that can close it is the jade seal symbolizing imperial power." General Zhen Guo shook his head.

"Has the general heard of the sacred axe?" Mo Xie asked.

"The legend of the Holy Axe, the imperial royal family has a long history. It is said that the founding emperor held the Holy Axe and defeated the Protoss. Only then did the Sun Empire exist. But since the first emperor, no one has seen what the Holy Axe looks like. I don't know its power, you ask me whether the Holy Axe can break the seal, and I don't have the correct answer." The General Zhen Guo shook his head.

"Okay, you should help me prepare the third plan. Can you use it later?" Moxie said.

"Just these three, I must send someone to help you arrange them properly." General Zhen Guo nodded.

"Then thank you Grand General, if you can move smoothly tomorrow, it will be fine. If the safety of the Holy Princess is endangered, then General Lao will send troops to fight against the Protoss." Mo Xie asked with a serious face.

"This is inevitable. The safety of the holy princess is already the bottom line of the empire. Even if we risk the danger to turn against the gods, we can only break with them." The town country general sighed.

"By the way, the general, the princess gave me a task to ensure the safety of your majesty today, what do you think?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Your Majesty is always of royal blood, and he is of orthodox blood. Of course it is best to be able to hug him. But... I'm afraid that the Protoss keeps using him as a shield, but then it will make us afraid..." Frowned and said.

"You mean, if the Protoss threatens the prince, you still decide to sacrifice your majesty?" Mo Xie asked.

"This is also a last resort, we must focus on the foundation of the empire." General Zhen Guo sighed.

"Let me take care of this matter. It is not a last resort. The safety of the prince must be guaranteed." Moxie said.

"Young man, the important task has been entrusted to you, and the future of the empire is up to you." General Zhen Guo smiled and encouraged.

"Okay, these three things will definitely help me do it. I will come to you at this time tomorrow morning." Mo Xie nodded, bowed and said goodbye.

Turning around and striding down the high platform, Mo Xie knew that tomorrow's actions would be very critical. What will happen to the Human Empire and the Protoss will be clear tomorrow...

Walking out of the general's mansion, Mo Xie rushed to the direction of the pet merchant in the city and opened the Alliance Commander Channel...

"I'm here, where are you?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Hurry up and enter the map of the Royal Hunting Ground. We are waiting for you on the other side of the hunting ground." Liana replied.

"The other side of the royal hunting ground is the sea?" Mo Xie couldn't help being surprised when he heard the news for the first time.

"What do you think, there is a vast ocean at the right end of the hunting ground, and there is a teleportation array on the sea port, which can be activated with a token to send us to the overseas high-level hunting ground map." Ouyang Jiaojiao explained.

"Then we are going to sea to catch pets. The advanced map is so amazing, I will come right away." Mo Xie said excitedly.

As soon as his voice fell, Mo Xiaolang's long-range team invitation had already been sent, and the number of teams in 1920 was just right away from him.

Accepting the invitation to enter the team list, Mo Xie continued to move forward.

Soon he rushed to the lively market square, found the senior pet manager inside, and spent 100 gold coins to enter the royal hunting ground map.


The light in front of him flashed, and a green grassland immediately appeared in front of him, and he was relaxed and happy to see.

The news that the senior pet manager can enter the hunting ground instance to catch pets is no secret now, so many people can be seen in many places on the map, and they are holding pets hard.

Because of the system settings, pets caught by the same monster will have three different qualities randomly, so players stay there and catch them, just like fighting luck to catch a pet with the highest quality.

For those who like online games, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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