The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1059: Overseas Fairy Island

Mo Xie flew across the grassland on the mount, and flew towards the end of the map...

Flying over a long distance, a large blue area gradually appeared on the edge of the big map. Just at the edge of the blue area, the green light spots representing teammates gathered in a long black area.

As Mo Xie flew closer and closer, a large stretch of coast appeared at the end of the grassland, and the vast ocean in front of him.

The teammates stood on a large dam on the bank of the grassland, guarding a circular altar.

When Mo Xie fell from the air and stood on the embankment surging by the sea breeze, his teammates immediately surrounded him with excitement, and the God Realm Dragon Soul stood in front of an altar stone tablet.

"Mo Da is here too, the number of people is full, ready to teleport." God Realm Dragon Soul said with a smile.

"Let's go, you can start." Mo Xiaolang and others gathered together.

"Your kid is willing to spend so much merit to exchange for a high-level token. Are you afraid that you will regret it after entering?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"I'm not afraid. Anyway, I haven't been to the advanced map, and I don't regret it." God Realm Dragon Soul smiled and placed the token in a groove on the stone tablet...


The entire ground trembled violently, and a giant white beam of light would rush out from the top of the stele, reaching a height of more than ten meters in the sky.

Bai Guang continued to expand, until after all the team members were wrapped in, a system prompt with a ding sound appeared in front of 20 people...

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for players, your squad is about to enter the overseas flying island advanced pet map under the leadership of the Dragon Soul of the God Realm. If any squad member leaves the group, the instance will be closed immediately! After entering the dungeon map, your squad has three chances to catch pets. Once the pet eggs enter the package, it will take effect immediately!


Less than three seconds after the system information appeared, everyone flashed a glare, and a brief feeling of floating appeared. In the next second, he was already standing on the ground, surrounded by brilliant white light, and he couldn't see the surrounding situation.

But the white light dissipated immediately, and an unfamiliar scene appeared in front of every player...

They were standing on a wide square, surrounded by a circular stonehenge, and in front of them was a large map of beautiful mountains and valleys, flowers and green grass stretching to the horizon, and countless shadows on the map ahead. Turn around leisurely.

"Look, we are in the air!" Lianna's surprised voice sounded.

Everyone followed her voice and looked back and found that there was a cliff behind the square, and under the cliff was a blue sea. The island they were on was suspended above the vast sea!

Looking around, a more peculiar scene appeared. On the blue sea, in the far air, there were a large number of islands floating in the air. Each island was like a huge aircraft carrier suspended on the sea. The green hills above stretched and the scene was abnormal. Spectacular...

"I'm going, is this an overseas fairy island?" Ouyang Jiaojiao said excitedly.

"It's a beautiful place. This map is really well designed." Zhou Jianing said with a smile.

"I don't know what the pets here are like, I'm looking forward to it." Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

"Don't expect, you can see it right away, let's go." Mo Xiaoyuan greeted excitedly.

"Attention everyone, just now the system information has been clearly stated. The rule for entering this dungeon is that a team is not allowed to leave the team once it comes in, otherwise the whole team will be sent back." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Understand." The crowd replied excitedly.

"Also, don't worry about catching pets. Don't rush to pick up pet eggs. Our team only has three chances to pick up pet eggs at a time. As long as they enter the package, they will be recognized by the system as valid." Moxie said.

"Then only take the best three." Li Hong laughed.

"The whole team turns off the automatic picking function, and Xiao Mo decides whether to pick it." Mo Xiaolang said.

The teammates immediately opened the team interface and turned off the automatic pickup function...

"Let's go and see what's going on here." Mo Xie couldn't help being extremely excited.

An advanced pet map can only come in once with nearly 10,000 prestige points. What a price!

I just hope that this map will not disappoint the players...

Leading the team out of Stonehenge, after a gentle slope, everyone walked into a hillside grassland with birds and flowers.

On the crisp grass tens of meters away, large silhouettes of people can already float in the air and fly around...

"What's the situation, those figures in the sky are so weird?" Lianna looked ahead in surprise, and saw the silhouettes of petite women, with a pair of huge butterfly wings growing behind them, dancing among the large flowers... …

These women with colorful wings are very small, each one is only over one meter high, and they are graceful and light in flight.

"Be careful not to disturb them, let's go over and take a look." Mo Xie reminded, bending forward and walking forward.

As the distance narrowed, the butterfly-winged women flying in front of them were clearly revealed...

Their figures are bumpy, but they are only one meter tall. They each have a pair of beautiful wings that are still tall. They are wearing colorful long skirts and dancing in the air, constantly using a small method in their hands. Stick, collect the pollen of flowers.

On the top of their heads, purple names show...

Butterfly Wing Faerie Boss

Level: 60

"I see, they are all beginners at level 60, everyone, be careful, don't lead them in groups, or we will be miserable." Mo Xie warned.

"Can these faeries be caught?" Lianna asked and was immediately despised by the whole team.

"Nonsense, this is a pet copy, all monsters you see can take pet eggs." Ouyang Jiaojiao said silently.

"But how do humanoid pets ride? Is it possible to let this beauty fly with you on her back?" Lianna asked suspiciously.

"That's right, such a petite beauty flew in the air with big masters like me on her back, and she was laughed to death when she spread it out," Mo Xiaolang said.

"The pet of the Advanced Quest is so strange... After this kind of butterfly wing fairy is caught as a pet, the attack power must be very powerful." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

Because he seemed to see the shadows of senior mages from these petite beauties with butterfly wings. The short rods in their hands must be weapons for launching magical attacks. In addition, they can fly quickly. It will be a very powerful battle pet!

If they can be accompanied by control magic and auxiliary magic, it would be perfect...

"I don't want this kind of pet, it's too fancy." The God Realm Dragon Soul still wants a pet that is more prestigious and even capable of flying.

"Such a pretty little girl, if only one could be given to me." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"Don't catch it in a hurry. Anyway, there is no time limit for the dungeon. After reading the situation on the island, we will decide what type of pet to catch." Moxie said.

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