The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1060: Magical Pet Island

Mo Xie led the small team, far away from the large winged fairy spirits in front, lest they enter their attack range.

Around this beautiful grassy slope, the team members carefully paid attention to the surroundings and began to explore another large area on the island.

After a while, various monsters appeared in front of them, surprising everyone to see...

After finding several different monster gathering areas in a row, the players discovered that all the monsters they saw were humanoid monsters. There were cyclops with big sticks, demons with great axes, and flame elves floating in the air with torches... …

"How come they are all humanoid monsters, are they all dedicated to battle pets?" Lianna asked curiously.

"Yes, no matter how you catch such a pet, you won't be able to become a flying mount." Ouyang Jiaojiao never forgets a pet that can fly.

"Xiao Mo, since the Wan Beast Mountain map has special system settings, are there special rules here?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I'm here for the first time. Don't worry, we have only moved around one-third of the island now, and continue to look forward." Moxie said.

"Understood." Everyone replied, and proceeded forward cautiously...

Looking at the strange humanoid monsters constantly appearing around him, Mo Xie was also extremely curious in his heart. As a high-level pet instance, once these humanoid monsters were caught in the pet egg, they must be a good offensive pet, which is more powerful than the battle pet of Wan Beast Mountain. .

However, the special pets caught by Wanshoushan are more precious than the ordinary pets here, which means that the system must have the same special settings here.

High-level pet capture area, get special pets should be more excellent!

"Everyone pays attention to the surrounding areas, what special terrain and special monsters are there, and tell me as soon as you see it." Mo Xie exhorted.

"I see." The teammates replied excitedly, and looked around carefully.

Walking through a large grassy slope, a huge pasture between mountains has appeared in front of you. At first glance, the open area is very open, and the grassland is densely packed with a large number of black spots. Each black spot represents a different pet catch Area.

Looking at the large catchable pets, Mo Xie didn't have any special thoughts in his mind, because the terrain here was not special enough, and the distribution of monsters was too ordinary, and it was almost impossible to have hidden rules.

"Everyone, keep up, pay attention to the surroundings, we stepped up across this pasture." Moxie said, his mind has hit the high mountain ridge opposite the pasture, which is a giant ridge that traverses the center of the island, and the whole The island is divided into two halves.

He guessed in his mind that the other half of the island map is estimated to be more dangerous, and it may also be the location of the special rules of the system.

You can only catch three pets at a time. What does it mean?

Mo Xie led his teammates down the grassy **** and headed towards the vast expanse of grassy pasture. As soon as he entered this lush grassy pasture, the scent of various flowers puffed his nose and aroused cheers from the beauties.

The air here is so pure, and the scenery here is also very pleasant. Under the blue sky, the entire pasture is like heaven.

"The monster in front is still a humanoid monster. What does this copy mean?" Ouyang Jiaojiao looked around the meadow in surprise. Those black spots that are getting closer and closer are also humanoid monsters. There is no beast here. exist.

"It is estimated that this is deliberately set by the system. Although these monsters have different forms and different occupations, they almost cover all the combat occupations of our players." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Yes, look at these centaur riders in front. This is the only four-legged monster found." Zhou Jianing said.

"On the other side, look at those elf archers wearing leather armor, they are exactly the same as the elf clansmen. It is estimated that their bow and arrow skills are also very fierce. It is really good to catch one as a pet." Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"If we can't find a better one, we won't lose money by coming here. The pets here can't be caught outside." God Realm Dragon Soul laughed.

"Everyone should be careful around and don't let go of any unusual clues." Moxie said.

"Okay." The players scattered on the grass field and continued to move forward, expanding the area of ​​exploration a lot.

Just walked into the center of the pasture all the way, the broad green grass resembled a green ocean, fresh and prestigious constantly blowing, bringing bursts of rich floral fragrance.

Groups of monsters kept passing in front of them, and various humanoid monsters were discussed by the players watching.

Just like Mo Xiaolang analyzed, since entering the map of overseas flying islands, the humanoid monsters they have seen almost include all the combat professions of the players, and they are divided into many types.

For example, for monsters of the wizard class, there is a distinction between fire wizards, wind wizards, water wizards, and lightning wizards.

Warrior types are also divided into two-handed weapons and one-handed heavy weapons, and there are even shield warrior monsters holding huge wooden shields and short spears...

According to the type of monster fighting here, it is enough to meet any needs of players for pets.

But it is a pity that the players of this team have too high a vision, and they need not only high-end pets with powerful appearance and powerful fighting power, but also the most powerful super pets!

Walking through the large pastures all the way, the team gradually approached the ridge on the other side.

Along the way, apart from the beautiful scenery and the new strange groups of objects that I constantly encounter, there seems to be no special discovery.

Mo Xie's heart also began to be strange. Is it true that in the Overseas Flying Island dungeon, he can only catch pets obediently, without any special settings?

Anyway, open the map of the entire island first.

Mo Xie quickly moved forward with the countermeasures, passing through the wide pastures. A hundred meters away, a hillside extending upward finally appeared, and this hillside led to the peak of the ridge.

The height of this ridge is not particularly high, which is only four to five hundred meters.

When they came to the foot of the mountain, the players saw that there was a winding road on the hillside, leading to the top of the opposite ridge...

"Why is there a way here?" Lianna asked in surprise.

When everyone came to this island, they had never noticed any traces of man-made existence. When they arrived, they were surprised to find that there was a road dug out manually...

"It's really strange, is there any more here?" Ouyang Jiaojiao was also surprised.

"Speed ​​up and see what's going on on the other side. Sister Hong and I fly to the sky to see." Mo Xie also came to the spirit.

"You guys be careful." Mo Xiaolang nodded, and led the team to accelerate forward, rushing to the road on the hillside.

Mo Xie and Li Hong waved their arms, the light flashed around them, and two flying eagles appeared immediately.

The two drove their mounts straight into the sky. At this time, most of the island's situation was fully visible...

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