The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1062: Fire Dragon

The screenshot above is indeed an irregular metal sphere with different shapes and sizes.

But the only similarity is that their appearance is all rusty, as if they have gone through a long time.

Since entering this white dead city, Mo Xie has been in a state of tension.

He has experienced too many dangerous missions in the unfinished continuation. Intuition tells him that he has encountered a dangerous mission environment again!

This is an overseas flying island, a high-level pet map, and it still needs a lot of merit points to exchange tokens to enter the exclusive scene...

In other words, a token can lead a team to open a mission scenario, but it doesn’t matter what the settings are and whether they are the same every time.

Even if other players take the token and lead the team into the teleportation, the map they go to will not be separated from the Moxie team.

Therefore, in such a special dungeon map, such a strange scene of abandoned city suddenly appeared, which must hide the special settings of the system.

Only by unlocking this secret can it be possible to obtain special rewards, and the rewards in the pet copy map must be special pets!

However, how to unlock the secrets of the scene and open the plot of the special mission depends on the players' understanding of the game and relying on their own brains.

But Mo Xie knows very well that this is an advanced pet map, and with such a huge plot scene set up, once the quest is started, it may be a very difficult task!

He let Li Hong continue to hover in the air, driving his mount slowly to the ground.

"You stare at me in the air, I will collect clues below, and immediately notify if there is any danger." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, I will stare at it." Li Hong nodded sternly.

At the foot of the mountain on the other side of the valley, Mo Xiaolang's large army had just walked down the hillside and entered this huge city ruin!

"I'm going here. It's like having experienced a world war. All the houses have been destroyed, and no one is left!" Lianna looked at both sides of the street, the more severely damaged large buildings, couldn't help but be surprised.

"The battle scene here is very tragic. How much attack power is needed to destroy all the stone houses like this?" The God Realm Dragon Soul said in shock.

"If the enemy uses a catapult to throw stones into the city, how dense an offensive would be to create such a spectacular scene?" Mo Xiaoyuan frowned.

"What's more, it takes a lot of time to attack such a large city area like a carpet, and you have to prepare thousands of catapults, but there is no need to focus on the entire city. "Zhou Jianing guessed.

"Yes, what is going on here, I am a little scared." Ouyang Jiaojiao said solemnly.

"It seems that this task is very difficult. I just hope that it won't cause major trouble." Mo Xiaolang said worriedly.

"Xiao Mo is checking the clues. We will meet up quickly. Don't wait a while and the whole army will be wiped out." Lianna reminded worriedly.

"You crow's mouth, you always say good things are bad, bad words are absolutely accurate, you spit on me quickly." Ouyang Jiaojiao said silently.

"But where did I get the saliva in the game..." Lianna smiled with her tongue out.

A group of people hurriedly crossed the large streets and rushed towards the center of the city. The city of Nuovo is no less than the size of the imperial city. It takes a certain amount of time to get to the city.

Mo Xie had already landed on the ground, allowing the mount to follow behind him at any time, and walked towards a magnificent huge building directly opposite to the front...

This is the abandoned temple that Li Hong discovered, and it is also the largest single building in the entire abandoned city. Only the remaining city walls reach a height of more than ten meters. The giant stone pillars falling at the entrance of the main hall can not be embraced by two people.

Mo Xie carefully walked through the square, looking at the countless stones and broken stone pillars along the way, none of the broken stones was a smooth section, all were uneven fractured surfaces!

This discovery made him even more shocked...

It should be understood that a smooth section can also be understood as squeezing stone pillars or walls when a building collapses, breaking it off, and the section will be flatter.

And these fracture surfaces are like huge shells hitting the stone pillars and walls, instantly splitting the entire stone pillar and the entire wall, and being forcibly broken by external force.

The roofs of the entire city were all shattered, and just as the teammates found out, no building in the entire city had door panels and door frames, not even windows!

This is nothing. In the ruins of the entire city, a piece of wood is not seen...

Combined with the discovery of those metal balls, Mo Xie had a bad prediction...

Over there, the whole city is like being burned by fire, all wood is turned into ashes, all metal is turned into molten iron, condensed into balls!

But to produce such an effect, it needs a holy artifact like Skyfire. What happened here?

There are also large damaged buildings. How powerful is the attacking power to achieve this effect?

Mo Xie's heart was full of question marks, but he also felt a trace of panic...

Passing through the waste rock pile, on the steps of the tall temple in front, the huge doorway is like the big mouth of a monster, waiting for him to go in and die!

"Sister Hong, fly to the sky above the temple, stay high, and keep an eye on the conditions inside and around the temple at any time." Mo Xie approached the steps and ordered immediately.

"Okay, I'll help you stare in the sky." Li Hong replied, commanding the mount to hover over the temple.

"Have you found anything?" Mo Xie asked.

"There is a lot of space in the temple, you can't see anything in the dark, you have to fly a little lower." Li Hong replied.

"Don't come down, I'll go." Mo Xie said worriedly.

He quickly stepped up the high steps and approached the entrance of the temple...

On the other side, the teammates rushed swiftly, rushing through the streets, getting closer and closer to the central square, and they were only five hundred meters away from the central square to get to the temple.

Mo Xie had also rushed up the steps and stood at the dark gate. It was indeed a huge space, and there were some uncollapsed compartments on the roof, blocking the view from the sky.

He took a breath and let the mount continue to follow. With a wave of his arm, the scepter of Nirvana appeared, and a ring of fire surrounded his short body.

Holding the artifact, Mo Xie walked into the gate and entered a spacious hall.

There are gravel piles everywhere in the entire hall, the roof of the hall is mostly damaged, and only half of the body is left from the huge noise opposite!

But at the foot of the idol, a stone monument stands impressively, and it is filled with dense fonts.

Looking at the stele, Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and he hurried forward across the piles of stones, and kept getting closer to the front of the stele.

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