The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1063: Fierce fire dragon

Standing in the ruined hall, looking at the tall stone stele and half-deity statues in front, and the huge black bottomless pit on the ground, Mo Xie was stunned.

The densely packed countless fonts on the stone tablet are still unclear for the time being, but the four most eye-catching big blood-red characters have already made his heart beat wildly!

Fire dragon disaster!

Just looking at these four words, people already understand the setting here...

The whole city, it's because of this fire dragon disaster!

"Sister Hong, don't fly above the temple, hurry up and stay away." Mo Xie warned for the first time.

"Okay, I'm circling around." Li Hong replied.

"Xiao Mo, what happened?" Mo Xiaolang led his teammates into the square outside the temple from the street.

"Everyone, be careful, just stay away. The system has a task set here. I have found a stone monument. I will talk about it when I see the situation clearly." Moxie said.

"Understand, we are waiting for your news." Mo Xiaolang immediately stopped walking on the spot and waited quietly in the square.

Mo Xie carefully looked around the temple. The gloomy and dark environment made people very uncomfortable, but there was nothing unusual, and even no sound was heard.

There is a small open space in front of him. Five or six meters away is the edge of a huge pit. Looking up from the pit, a huge hole appeared at the top of the entire temple. It seems that someone attacked from above, not only the roof Breakdown, even the ground was not spared.

Such a terrifying offensive power, I am afraid that only the so-called fire dragon can achieve.

Mo Xie moved forward slightly, slowly approaching the edge of the pit, poking out his head and looking down quietly, only to see a huge deep pit with no bottom visible, just like a huge meteorite falling from the sky. Destructive power.

Mo Xie didn't dare to jump down and look at it easily. He had to go to the side of the stone stele first along the edge of the pit and look at the font on it.

"Xiao Mo, nothing was found around." Li Hong reported in the air.

"Be careful around and above your head, this city might have been destroyed by a dragon." Li Wei warned.

"What evil dragon, is it Eastern Dragon or Western Dragon?" Li Hong asked curiously.

"It's still unclear. I'm looking at the text on the stone tablet. Maybe I will understand the system settings in a while." Li Wei said.

Along the edge of the pit, quickly walked to the stone stele and statues of gods. This wide stone stele, more than two meters high, can finally be seen clearly with the densely packed fonts carved on it.

Fire dragon disaster:

Fairyland City was originally a paradise, inhabited by tens of thousands of people from overseas spiritual tribes, living a beautiful life without contending with the world.

But suddenly one day, a fire dragon flew out of the sea and began to attack the fairyland city continuously. The inhabitants of the spirit tribe resisted fiercely. However, the fire dragon was fierce. The entire city was destroyed by the fire dragon, and a large number of people were swallowed by the dragon...

While fighting the fire dragon, the residents tried their best to survive. They had to abandon their homes and build cities underground to avoid the fire dragon's attack.

If someone sees the news on the stele, be careful not to disturb the fire dragon, otherwise it will be the start of another massacre!

If you come to Wonderland City, if you are interested in helping the residents of this city to fight the fire dragon, please show your strength and get the dragon scales of the fire dragon as a token. You can display the dragon scales in front of the statue to get the help of the residents.

The fire dragon has a ferocious character. If it finds an enemy in the air, it will immediately attract its attention. The huge metal knocking sound will also attract its crazy attacks. Remember!

The content on the stele is not long, but Mo Xie's heart became more tense while checking it carefully!

Especially when he saw the last warning, his shocked heart beat wildly...

"Sister Hong, land quickly from the sky, don't be in the sky, there is a fire dragon!" Mo Xie warned immediately.

But his warning had just been issued, and suddenly there was a deafening explosion in the vast sea outside the island in the distance...

Boom boom boom!

Countless water jets shot out from the sea into the air in a row, rushing straight across the island over tens of meters high, blocking the entire coastline on the other side of the island, like a huge water curtain, blocking half of the island to death. Come!

"What?" Li Hong was a little confused by the sound of the explosion in the air. Mo Xie's warning sound did not make a single word clear. When she saw the fonts that appeared on the channel simultaneously, her beautiful eyes were suddenly frightened...

Ao Moo!

As a drainage pillar began to fall slowly, a desolate dragon roar sounded from the sea, and the sky was shining, and a huge oriental fire dragon shot straight into the sky like an arrow!

The huge dragon body like a train, shrouded in a blazing flame, shining incomparably in the sky!

"What the **** is this?" Lianna looked at the flame meteor that had already begun to swoop over the island, her eyes widened in fright.

The entire giant fire dragon swooped frantically, and the raging fire light wrapped its body. From a distance, it looked like a huge flame meteor, and it was impossible to see the appearance of a dragon.

Li Hong was already so scared that he commanded the mount to land to the ground, but was stared at by the meteor in the distance, and the distance between the two parties was quickly getting closer!

"Don't land at this time, quickly fly to the other side, lead it away to safety and return quietly." Mo Xie reminded loudly.

"I know, but it's so fast!" Li Hong looked back, and the flames rushed forward, several times faster than the speed of the mount, and he would be caught up by the flames in less than a minute.

"Fly close to the ground, bypass the building complex, and slow down its speed." Mo Xie reminded loudly.

"Understood." Li Hong was so scared that he commanded the horse to rush to the ground, dodge around the street among countless white buildings...

In this way, the huge flame meteor in the sky can't get close again...

Ao Moo!

An angry roar sounded from the long fire ball, and small fire **** rushed out of the giant fire ball, chasing after Li Hong like beads.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, fireballs hit the buildings that Li Hong flew quickly over. The flames burst, and countless rubbles were flying in the sky. Buildings were destroyed again, some of them collapsed directly, making a loud noise, completely Become a pile of rubble!

At this moment, Mo Xiaolang and his teammates were all shocked...

Just a small fireball attack can cause so much damage, that fire dragon is really fierce!

However, with Mo Xie's guidance, Li Hong slowly recovered from the panic, and continued to evade in the building complex by sticking to the veneer, but it made the huge fire dragon in the sky unable to approach and could only launch long-range attacks...

"Everyone, be careful, they were discovered by the fire dragon." Mo Xie issued an order to remind all teammates.

"What is the situation? What task did Xiao Mo receive? How did you release the fire dragon so early?"

Mo Xiaolang asked puzzledly.

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