The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1085: Dark gold quality pet

Leaving the cave where the holy princess was, Mo Xie rode his mount to visit the guarding generals of the three major barracks again, and informed them of the situation tomorrow. After receiving the promise of the generals to send troops, he rode his mount to the Hupao barracks again...

Contacted the general anode, asked him to lead troops to the west of the city overnight, first meet with the holy princess, and prepare for tomorrow's **** action.

After all the negotiations were over, Mo Xie went to Sunset City again and informed General Yang Hui of everything...

According to General Yang Hui, the guard generals of the other two major cities have been notified that they plan to go to the Great Court together and form a showdown with the Protoss.

At that time, they will bring at least one hundred thousand elite soldiers to the imperial city to support the Saint Princess ascending the throne.

If the Protoss dares to continue to resist, the 300,000 soldiers in the three main cities, plus 200,000 soldiers from the three barracks, and nearly 100,000 soldiers from the garrison stationed in the city, will immediately leave the imperial jurisdiction and belong to Under the command of Saint Princess!

Under Moxie's needle threading arrangement, the situation of the entire Yaori Empire has gradually become clear, and a huge storm is about to come...

After finishing all the work, Mo Xie immediately returned to the territory, first went to check the current storage situation of the major warehouses in the territory, and then found Brother Zhao to understand the operation status of the Life Corps in the past two days, and found that Brother Zhao had already followed his request. Some items needed for large-scale battles are stored in a dedicated warehouse, waiting for the Union Army to take them at any time.

Mo Xie was very satisfied, and drove his mount to fly to the quicksand desert map, and stopped for a while when passing through the mining area to check if there were new mineral veins.

However, the exploration of new mineral veins is very complicated. In addition, the last mining area is full of thick yellow sand, and the mine spirits cannot find the veins through the sand layer of hundreds of meters thick. Players have to turn the desert first. It took a turn to the sky to determine the location of the new vein.

Moxie rides to fly to the desert underground palace, and continues to level up with the legion players...

At this time, the two beauties who had newly acquired flying mounts and the Dragon Soul of the God Realm had already caught all kinds of pet eggs needed to incubate their pets, and were preparing to hatch new pets in the underground palace.

When Mo Xie came to the leveling underground palace, he saw a large group of players surrounded the three of them, all waiting for the appearance of new pets...

"Mo Da is here." The God Realm madly watched Mo Xie come over, and hurriedly signaled everyone to step aside and let him come to the middle of the team.

I saw two beauties and the God Realm Dragon Soul standing in the middle of the long and narrow safety zone, and a huge pet egg was placed in front of each of the three. This was the original fire dragon egg.

The dragon eggs that should have hatched the cubs of the dragon gods, at this time, because of the ignorance of the element people, they have completely lost the ability to hatch the beasts...

"Xiao Mo is here, we are ready to start hatching pet eggs." Lianna smiled excitedly.

"Go on, I just watch." Mo Xie nodded, and wondered what kind of monster the new pet looked like and whether it could fly in the air.

The three of them nodded, their hands flashed, and took out an ordinary white pet egg from the package, and slammed it directly on the tall dome in front of you...


With a flash of light, this ordinary white pet egg magically passed through the shell and flew directly into the dome.

I saw that the three people did not stop at all, then took out a white pet egg and smashed it at the dome again...

According to the system requirements of this kind of mutant pet eggs, in order to hatch them, they must meet the specified number of pet eggs of various qualities before they can reach the hatching conditions.

Once the conditions are met, the hatched pet will be bound to the owner, and can no longer be traded or unbound.

Watching the three people keep throwing pet eggs of various colors at the dome, after a while, the white ordinary pet and the green excellent pet eggs were all thrown out, and the dome was also shining with a faint light.

"The last blue pet egg!" Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled and took out the outstanding pet egg, and started throwing it again and again.


With the last ray of blue light shining into the dome, golden lights suddenly appeared around the dome, everyone watching was amazed...


The three pet eggs disappeared immediately and the venue was empty.

The three players smiled and took out a golden pet egg from the package again, but the size had become several times smaller, only the size of a normal pet egg.

"It has been bound, we are going to hatch." Lianna said excitedly.

I saw three people biting their fingers one after another, dropping blood beads on their hands on the golden egg, and the golden light masterpiece, numerous cracks appeared on the pet egg...

"The new pet is coming out, so looking forward to it, is it a flying pet?"

"My God, golden perfect pet, this is my dream!"

"This time I have opened my eyes. I haven't seen what the golden pet looks like when it hatches."

Players are talking about it, staring wide-eyed, expecting new pets to come out...


The sound of cracking eggshells continued to sound, as did the cooing cubs.

Suddenly, three golden eggs broke a small hole at the top at the same time, and three small hairy heads were drilled out.

At this moment, all people's attention was focused on the heads of the three cubs.

Mo Xie already knew the pet names of the three pet eggs, but he had never seen what they looked like.

One is called the Flaming Flying Lizard, now owned by Lianna.

One was called Profound Fire Winged Beast, which now belonged to Ouyang Jiaojiao.

There is also a Thunderbird, which was discovered by the dragon soul of the gods.

With the three small heads exposing the eggshells, the three pale gold names also appeared in front of everyone, which triggered a burst of cheers from the players.

You know, look for the quality of the props to be seen in the to-be-continued, which are divided into white ordinary quality green excellent quality blue outstanding quality purple excellent quality.

These are the four most common quality classifications, and above it is the more high-end golden perfect quality...

Gold-quality items are already second only to artifacts, but so far, there are very few artifacts in the entire region, and gold equipment is the high-quality equipment that most players pursue.

However, as players become more and more exposed to the golden perfect equipment, they are surprised to find that the golden equipment is actually secretly divided into two quality divisions by the system.

Sometimes players get the same two gold-level weapons, which happen to be weapons of the same class, even the same level, but their attributes are obviously strong and weak, and the golden names and colors of the two weapons are slightly different. different.

Finally, the players are noticing that the gold weapons with poor attributes have bright gold names and emit a clear golden light.

The weapon is also very dazzling, and the light effect needs to be turned off to not be so inviting.

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