The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1086: Three new flying pets

The three kinds of pets gradually broke out of their shells. Before seeing their specific appearance, the players were already surprised and cheered by the dark golden names on their heads.

The dark golden pet is already second only to the beast-level existence!

Seriously compared, the quality of these three pets is even better than the flying pets of Mo Xie and Li Hong!

But the specifics depend on whether they have the ability to fly, so that they are truly the best pets and riding pets...

Everyone's eyes were wide, and in anticipation, the three little guys pecked open the eggshell little by little, and their hairy bodies gradually appeared.

In the eggshells that Lianna held in her hands, the pets that appeared were different from the other two. They had bare pink skin all over, and the head was like a bird, but the mouth was as pointed and long as a crocodile.

As the peculiar pink-skinned monster stretched out its long neck and struggling to stick out the body, the players behind her cheered deafeningly.

Because this little thing has a blazing flying lizard written on its head, it looks like a lizard, but the two long front paws that stretch out actually have a thin pink layer of wings, and it looks like a pair of natural. wing!

At this time, the players all understood that the flame flying lizard was so named. If this little guy grows up, will he grow into the peculiar appearance of the Western Dragon?

Lianna was also very surprised. After confirming that her new pet is a flying pet, she couldn't help but stretch out her hands and hold the little guy in her hands...

The flame flying lizard has a slender body, with a long snake neck, large thin wings connected between the body and the front paws, a pair of very short hind feet, and a thick and long tail that is constantly swaying, looking at Lianna's **** bean eyes. It also shone brightly.


Perhaps the blazing flying lizard was frightened by its owner's actions. With a small mouth, a flame sprayed out, and the players who watched kept cheering.

"This pet is not bad. It will definitely look like a western fire-breathing dragon when he grows up."

"Yes, there is no Western Flying Dragon in our district. This one should be almost the most similar to the Western Flying Dragon."

"It's so cute, it can breathe fire, I love it to death!"

Lianna had already harvested a flying battle pet with excitement, holding the little guy happily and reluctant to let go.

In front of Ouyang Jiaojiao, a small black furry animal appeared in the eggshell with a strange appearance. On the top of her head was the name of the mysterious firewing beast, but it revealed a pig nose, and then it was like a bat. His big face, a pair of dark eyes looked around curiously.

Immediately after the swollen black body squeezed out the eggshell, its forearms suddenly opened, revealing a pair of black wings wet.

As soon as the little guy came out of the eggshell, he flapped his wings vigorously, and he was about to spread his wings and fly.

Ouyang Jiaojiao looked at her new pet in surprise with her eyes, and stretched out her hand to hold it in her palm.

On the other side, in the eggshell of the Dragon Soul of the God Realm, there appeared an authentic bird's head with a curved beak, like a duck-like head. One eye looked around curiously, and the whole body was red and fluffy. This, a pair of thick wings just came out of the eggshell, they kept flapping this...

At this time, only the cheers of the players were heard in the leveling underground palace, and they witnessed the emergence of three dark gold-quality flying pets, which made all players feel extremely excited.

"Now that's all right, your air flight team has been successfully constructed." Zhou Jianing said enviously.

"Five flying pets, we can all fly in the air with a seat in the future." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

"Don't worry. Although flying pets are rare now, it doesn't mean that they will be difficult to obtain in the future. Perhaps in the next advanced map, we will be able to capture flying mounts in large quantities, and everyone will have them by then." Said comforting everyone.

"I hope so, the map is too big, and only flying mounts can help players solve the trouble of running the map." Mo Xiaoyu nodded.

After gaining a new mount, the players are in a good mood, and under the command of the commander, they start team leveling again.

The three guys who got the new mounts can't wait to join the leveling team, with new pets on their shoulders, waiting for them to quickly upgrade their levels.

The Commander Channel was even more lively. Three screenshots of pet attributes were released, and everyone who saw it was shocked.

The dark golden pets are indeed a bit sharper than the two-headed war eagles of Mo Xie and Li Hong. Only the initial attribute value can tell their preciousness.

The group continued to level up with a smile, and Mo Xie also passed the time, waiting for the official action the next day...

Unknowingly, one day passed, and after a whole day of rapid leveling, the level of the three new pets continued to soar, and their heads grew wildly. At the beginning, they could carry the leveling on their shoulders, and then three more. Where the guy stops, blockbuster players have to make way for them...

These three pets all reached level 31 in one day, and their appearance and strength have undergone tremendous changes.

The blazing flying lizard has grown into a red monitor lizard with a height of more than three meters, with thick wings and rock-like skin, as well as two sturdy front claws, and a majestic face. It looks exactly like the Western Fire Dragon!

The blazing flying lizard can fly, but the attack distance is short, and it needs to be close to the ground to activate its skills. The farthest attack method is only 6 meters high, so it has a thick leather armor. I am afraid it is also for close combat. set up.

In this case, Lianna really works best with it, because she can launch ordinary bow and arrow attacks on the enemy on the mount, and the range is about the same.

Ouyang Jiaojiao's Profound Firewing Beast grew into a huge black monster after level 31. From a distance, the pig nose on its face is particularly eye-catching, and its appearance is also unusually funny.

But don't underestimate its pig's nose. Once an attack is initiated, the two holes in the pig's nose will emit blue flames and attack a large area!

Moreover, the mysterious fire wing beast's attack distance is very long, the range is also very large, it is obviously the magic super attack of the fire law system.

The appearance of the Thunder Sparrow of the God Realm Dragon Soul is relatively ordinary. It is a huge fire crow covered with fiery red feathers. After attacking in midair, a large plume of fire falls from the sky, and it can also launch a wind attack, and the wind assists firepower. , Can cause a larger area of ​​fire damage!

The powerful attributes of the three pets made Li Hong a little jealous. The three pets have strange appearances and various attack skills. The dark gold pets are indeed impressive.

Mo Xie was very happy. With the help of three new pets, the strength of the God Realm League once again increased to a new level...

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