The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1087: Operation Imperial City

There was plenty of rest time. As soon as the sun appeared at the window in the morning of the next morning, Mo Xie woke up and quickly dressed and got up.

Today is a very important day, and the imperial city mission will start immediately.

This task is of great importance. Once it can be completed, the plot background of the Sun Empire will be completely changed, and it will develop in a direction that is beneficial to the players.

From then on, players in the Sun Empire camp will have the initiative of the entire region, can develop to advanced maps faster, and can also declare war on the Holy Moon Empire camp as soon as possible!

And this time, it was entirely the players' abilities that changed the operation of the system and pushed the system forward!

This is also a hugely influential event for the entire region, allowing the country to be a little bit ahead of the competition in the world region...

After washing, Mo Xie hurried to the door. Just opened the door and stood on the corridor. When he was about to go down the stairs, the door of another apartment behind him opened, and a graceful figure walked out the door. It was today that he was going with Mo Xie. Sister Hong of the Imperial City mission.

"Morning, Xiao Mo, has Brother Lang come out?" Li Hong asked with a smile.

"I don't know yet. Let's go to the restaurant to wait for him and call him on the way." Mo Xie smiled and took out his mobile phone, and the two went down the stairs together.

When they prepared three breakfasts in the dining room, Mo Xiaolang also hurriedly walked in. The three of them hurriedly used up breakfast together and set off to the studio immediately.

Entering the studio and landing on the controller, a white beam of light fell from the sky, and all three people appeared in the safety zone of the underground palace.

"Let's go, go to the territory warehouse to prepare the props, there is still half an hour to prepare." Mo Xie smiled.

"You have to be prepared this time, otherwise the mission will fail and Brother Wolf and I will be sinners." Li Hong nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, working with Xiao Mo on the task, that's a bit sloppy. You can't deal with it, so you can only avoid it." Mo Xiaolang had already understood Mo Xie's task and smiled bitterly. .

All three of them used to return to the city, chose the nearest territory to teleport, and returned to the central square of the city in an instant.

Now God Realm Town is on the verge of upgrading the city. As the players of the God Realm League continue to work hard every day, the size of the alliance will soon be upgraded to the size of the junior legion!

The bad news is that the arrogant alliance with rich wealth has completed the upgrade of the arrogant alliance to the arrogant legion a day ago, when Moxie was preparing for the mission of the imperial city, becoming the first professional in the entire country to become a junior legion. Players' Guild!

This is also no way. Now the two have formed allies, and after the well water does not violate the river water, they put away the harmful arrogant alliance, and the development is indeed too ferocious.

This also proves that, thinking less about harming others and doing more things is actually the most correct way.

Arriving to the warehouse area on the side of the territory, under the leadership of the players on duty in the God Realm League, the item warehouses opened, which were filled with the great achievements of the Life Legion during this time.

Various elementary and intermediate mechanical props and some special resources are hoarded here.

The three hurriedly picked up the most important and practical props and stuffed them into the package. After spending a few minutes, seeing that the package had no storage space, they stopped.

"It's almost done, let's go directly to the left gate of Huangcheng Mountain." Moxie said.

The three immediately rushed to the teleportation formation and chose to go to the emperor city that never sleeps.

The moment they returned to the imperial city, three walking mounts ran wildly in the street, and after bypassing a large area of ​​the city, they kept approaching Huangcheng Mountain on the other side of the city.

After rushing out of a long street, a small square appeared in front of the three people.

At the end of the square on the right hand, a magnificent tower and a huge gate appeared. Numerous golden armored soldiers lined up at the gate, guarding the gate leading to Huangcheng Mountain.

And not far behind the tower, I saw a tall mountain rising from the ground, lying in front of the city that never sleeps.

There are clusters of buildings on the mountains, the winding Panshan Avenue is faintly visible, leading to the magnificent palaces halfway up the mountain, and the end disappears in the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain.

This is a wonderful sight. The huge mountain range is like a row of barriers, which cut off one side of the imperial city. The top of the tall mountain is covered with thick clouds. Above the clouds, a huge golden sun hangs forever. The sky has never fallen.

On the other side of the sky, another sun is faintly visible.

Mo Xie knew that the real sun set by the system was not the sun at the top of the mountain, but the faintly visible second sun.

The sun on the top of the imperial city is actually a condensation of divine power, which can keep the map near the imperial city in the daytime.

Moreover, this round of the sun is also vital to the Protoss, and it is the only barrier for them to survive normally on Huangcheng Mountain.

According to the General Zhen Guoda, the reason why the Protoss collects divine power mineral veins outside is actually to maintain the existence of this round of sun...

Mo Xie took the dumbfounded two people, jumped off the mount, and walked along a row of buildings to the gate of the city.

In a short while, they approached the army phalanx guarding the gate and immediately attracted the attention of a large group of soldiers...

"Stop, whoever trespasses in the imperial city, kill without mercy!"

The loud voice sounded, and the three of them were scared to move forward.

However, Mo Xie was pleasantly surprised to see that there was already a tall Jinjia general with two groups of soldiers approaching them.

"The general is here, it's up to him whether he can enter the city." Mo Xie hurriedly exhaled the package, and took out the token handed by the General Zhen Guo from inside...

Watching that the general walked up to them mightily and stretched out his arm to block their path.

"Who are you, what do you want?" General Jin Jia frowned and asked.

"Master General, this is for you." According to the instructions of General Zhen Guo, Mo Xie passed the token directly in front of him without saying anything.

"It turned out to be you. Come with me quickly and don't panic." General Jin Jia waved his hand, and the two rows of soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward, forming two groups to sandwich the three of them.

As the general walked forward, this team of soldiers also began to move forward...

"Follow them, they are trying to **** us into the city gate." Mo Xie quickly said softly.

Mo Xiaolang and Li Hong nodded, and followed the middle of the team, quietly moving towards the gate of the imperial city...

All the way through the heavily guarded phalanx of large groups of soldiers, the team came to the grand gate of the city.

The general in front waved his hand and issued an order, and saw that the closed gate slowly opened upward, and the thick gate had two layers!

The first floor is a hanging door. The whole body is made of heavy metal. It requires several soldiers to turn a winch on the tower to lift it up.

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