The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1088: sneak into

Both Mo Xie and the players were shocked by the defense system of three gates in Huangcheng Mountain. With such a powerful defense system, it is really no joke to attack.

Following the army of soldiers, waiting for the opening of the three city gates, under the watchful eyes of the soldiers on both sides, this small group strode into the city gate cave and marched towards the mysterious Huangcheng Mountain...

After passing through the tens of meters-long city gate, the general led the team to the left and turned forward. The corner between Huangcheng Mountain and the city wall was in front of him, and it was the opposite of Shangshan Road on the other side.

At the foot of the mountain ahead, a barracks building appeared. This is one of the three barracks guarding Huangcheng Mountain. At least 20,000 soldiers were stationed.

Large tracts of barracks are gathered at the foot of the mountain, with a ridge at the forefront.

As they moved fast, the team had already arrived in front of the barracks. Not far away was a circle of walls guarding the barracks. The gates of the barracks were densely populated with numerous soldiers guarding there.

The general in front immediately raised his hand, and the team stopped moving.

I saw the General walked into the queue and came in front of Mo Xie.

"Your Excellency, I am ordered by the general to bring you here safely. Under the ridge ahead, I have sent someone to set up a climbing rope for you. The rest is up to you." The general faintly Said.

"Thank you General, I don't know if the rope on the other side of the ridge is ready for us." Mo Xie asked.

"Don't worry, I have prepared everything the general explained. The next thing has nothing to do with us. If you escape from the top of the mountain along the road, we will arrest you according to the rules." The general said with a serious face.

"Understand, we won't hurt you." Mo Xie nodded, and led the two of them out of the soldier formation, and walked quickly towards the tall mountain range in front.

Between the barracks tower and the outer tower of the imperial city, there is a large grassy plain stretching straight to the foot of the mountain.

At this time, there were soldiers training everywhere on the grassland, but the three of them passed by, and they all assumed they hadn’t seen them, allowing the players to pass through the large grasslands and directly reach the foot of the tall mountain...

Huangcheng Mountain is extremely majestic. Both sides of the main peak are like arms outstretched. The two mountains stretch out and are connected by the city wall on both sides, forming a closed area.

Therefore, if you want to go up the mountain, there is generally only one passage through the winding road, and Mo Xie cannot pass there. He can only choose the more dangerous passage, which is to climb up the cliff and enter the palace area quietly.

After a while, a high cliff appeared in front of the three of them. At a glance, Mo Xiaolang's expression changed.

"Oh my god, this cliff is too scary..." Li Hong couldn't help but exclaimed.

The cliff is hundreds of meters high. There are large smooth black rocks on the cliff. Trees are very rare. Only small green trees can be seen in the cracks of the rocks.

To climb from such a cliff, the risk factor is too big...

"No way, we only have this road, we have to go through here, and pets cannot be used in the inner imperial city, you are careful." Mo Xie said helplessly.

"Climb, just climb, you can take care of the red beauty, don't worry about me. But where is the rope?" Mo Xiaolang looked tens of meters ahead, the tall cliff stands in front of him, and where to go up is really important.

"Come with me." Mo Xie hurriedly led the two towards the foot of the mountain...

When they were near the bottom of the cliff, they began to carefully search for the ropes that might be hanging around. Mo Xie soon discovered that on a cliff wall on the left hand side near the edge of the tower, he saw three thick ropes hanging from the sky...

"There, we hurried over." Mo Xie said excitedly.

It seems that the General Town’s orders are indeed effective, and three ropes have been prepared here.

Of course, these three ropes hang down from the top of the cliff. If you want to use them to climb safely, you have to make some careful preparations.

However, they had already brought the corresponding auxiliary props before they set off, and to deal with this cliff, only the endurance value was enough.

When Mo Xie came to the three thick ropes, Mo Xie looked at the two people around him, and saw them exhaling the package, took out a leather bag and wrapped it around his waist, and then put it on with a ready-made iron ring, and then tightened the belt. The thick rope goes around the iron ring and entangles the waist firmly, so that you can ensure safety without worrying about falling from high altitude.

Mo Xie also started to take action, quickly preparing for the work.

"Mo, I'm ready," Li Hong said.

"I'm fine too, you can start." Mo Xiaolang said.

"Let's go, hurry up, if the endurance value is not enough, the system warning message will pop up, just fix it in place." Mo Xie exhorted.

"Understood." The two nodded, grasping the rope with both hands, touching the cliff with their feet, and began to climb up.

Now Mo Xie is not worried about herself and Mo Xiaolang, the only worry about Hong Jie's endurance value, because this endurance value is evaluated by the system based on the real-time data obtained by the player's control chair on the physical fitness test.

Once the control chair’s monitoring equipment on the players’ bodies finds that the players’ heartbeat, breathing, and other conditions are abnormal, and exceed the normal value of the body to a certain extent, the endurance system will immediately jump out to ensure that the players will not be affected by some in the virtual world. Excessive behavior affects their physical health in reality.

Because the human brain in the game environment, according to the actions of the players in the game, unconsciously convey the corresponding commands to the body limbs.

So when a player is lying there to play the game, suddenly there will be a situation of dancing, that is, the body is imitating the game action in the virtual environment, which is a normal situation of executing brain wave commands.

The three people began to climb quickly, facing this high cliff, which was the first more difficult level of this operation.

During the fast climb, whenever they came across a place where there were crevices and raised rocks on the cliff, the three immediately stopped, took out a prepared hook, connected the rope to the belt iron ring at the waist, and made sure After crawling for a certain height, there will be no danger due to other situations.

You must know that the higher you climb, the more dangerous you will be after falling. After a certain height, as long as you fall, you will be a dead end!

Just keep laying down the safety knot and then untie the previous ropes. The three people have climbed higher and higher, turning into three small black spots on the tall cliff.

As the three of them climbed to a certain height without interruption, Li Hong was the first to issue a warning. Her stamina warning message appeared, and she must stop and rest.

Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang immediately stopped climbing, the three of them stayed where they were, and immediately took out the prepared card locks and fastened the rope to the body firmly, so that they could save their power and hover in mid-air, waiting for Li Hong quietly. The endurance value slowly recovers.

About ten minutes later, Li Hong's endurance value was fully restored, Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang also recovered to the best value, the three of them removed the locks and began to climb up again.

After climbing for a certain distance and resting for a while, the tall cliffs were still behind them. Not far from them, the top of the ridge appeared impressively.

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