The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1089: The dangerous palace city

Climbing this cliff and sneaking into the palace is equivalent to more than half of the completion.

Because at the end of one side of the ridge, there is a tall cliff, the top of which is the half-mountain plain of the main peak.

And on the mountainside plain is the core area of ​​the entire Sun Empire, where the Palace City is located.

Standing on the ridge, looking over one side, a large group of magnificent buildings appeared strikingly above the high mountainside...

"Let's go, there is only the last part of the road." Mo Xie led the two walking on the tall ridge, with a majestic map of the imperial city on one side and an endless green field map on the other. Standing on it, looking to both sides, The scenery is exceptionally beautiful.

The three quickly came to the end of the ridge, and another high cliff appeared, but the cliff was not as smooth as before, and it was covered with green trees.

And here, the secret rope has also been prepared.

They found three long ropes in the bushes, and they immediately began to act again...

This time, the difficulty of climbing has been reduced a lot. Grasp the rope and step on the canopy. With the help of the canopy, the climbing speed of the three people has doubled.

The high mountain cliff of more than two hundred meters was quickly climbed by them once again, and the large green trees and red flowers on the top of the cliff appeared not far away.

Looking at the small map, the three people just opened the two straight lines on the side of the **** scene, and the big map is still invisible.

But not far from their three small spots, a corner of the colorful garden was exposed.

"The above is the garden area in front of the palace. Be careful when you go up there. There are many guards there." Mo Xie conveyed what the Saint Princess had told him to the two.

"Don't make any noise, especially if you don't shake the trees, otherwise we will be all exposed." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"I see." Li Hong replied excitedly.

The three slowed down their climbing speed and slowly approached the top of the mountain step by step.

As they climbed upwards, the shady map continued to spread outwards, and red dots gradually appeared on the mountainside. As they went up, the shady opened up, and more and more dense red dots continued to appear!

At this moment, the three people looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock...

Because if it is a Terran soldier, a blue light point representing neutrality will be displayed on the map, not these red hostile colors!

In other words, the red dots they found were already soldiers of the Protoss.

"Be careful, everyone. Let's go up one by one. I'm first, Hong sister second, and wolf brother behind." Moxie said.

"Okay." The two nodded and slowed down, watching Mo Xie use his hands and feet together, and climbed up with extreme caution, constantly approaching the top of the cliff.

Soon, Mo Xie was close to the top of the cliff, and saw that the top of the cliff was a flowerbed made of stones, which was filled with various colorful flowers, emitting a strong fragrance.

Not far away, bursts of dense footsteps continued to be heard, and it seemed that a group of palace guards had just passed over the cliff.

This discovery made Mo Xie not only his heart beating wildly, but when the footsteps faded away, he continued to climb slowly, protruding his head from the top of the cliff.

Looking at the lush flowers in front of him, but unable to accommodate three people hiding in it, Mo Xie had to keep poking his head and venture out to look out...

A secluded forest suddenly appeared in front of him, neatly lined up in rows, and a road just between the trees stretched straight ahead.

And the outside of the establishment in front is the square outside the palace city, and it is also the place where he and the holy princess agreed to meet.

But in this woods, a golden armor warrior stood under each big tree, with a faint white halo all over his body, which was different from the human golden armor warriors, and all of their heads were blood red. The name.

The system has set this area as a hostile area, so the palace guarded by these Protoss warriors will only switch to friendly status unless they get a permit, otherwise it will always have this red hostile name.

In the woods not far away, a vertical continent leads to the opposite side of the mountain, and the backs of two golden armored soldiers go further and further...

Looking at this situation, Mo Xie already understood the two branch roads here. The horizontal road leads directly to the palace city on the other side, and this vertical passage leads to the end of the mountain.

The Protoss is heavily guarded here. Not only are hundreds of soldiers guarding the woods, but there are also patrols constantly patrolling along the roads to prevent the enemy from sneaking here, not to mention how many soldiers are stationed in the square...

Now Mo Xie is worried about how the Holy Princess should come here to meet...

After seeing the position of the Protoss soldiers, he began to scan the surrounding map environment, looking for blind spots where the sentry could hide temporarily.

However, except for the big trees, there are long flowerbed areas on both sides of the road. There is no such thing as a safe hiding place.

This is troublesome. The terrain outside the palace is a bit different from what the Saint Princess said. There is no bush to hide!

You know, the Protoss has controlled the Huangcheng Mountain for more than ten years, and the situation here is no longer the scene the Saint Princess had seen back then.

Mo Xie retracted his head and told the two teammates on the team channel what he had discovered now.

"What, there is no place to hide? What should I do?" Li Hong asked in surprise.

"Really can't hide anywhere? I'll come up and take a look." Mo Xiaolang said worriedly.

"Come on, let's take a look together and think of a better way. We can't always hang on the cliff." Moxie said.

Mo Xiaolang slowly climbed up, and soon came to Mo Xie's side. The two quietly poked their heads out again to check the terrain outside...

"My God, the terrain here has been specially modified, and there is no hiding place on the ground. As long as you go out, you will be immediately discovered by these Protoss soldiers with different positions and different perspectives!" Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"What should we do now, the situation described by the holy princess is completely different from now, we can't climb the cliff." Li Hong also said silently.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it again." Mo Xie frowned, studying his minimap...

Nowadays, the map of the palace city has only been swept away in a small area, and what we can see is only the situation near this cliff. It is still unknown what the surroundings look like.

Mo Xie glanced at the large cliff on the left hand side subconsciously.

It seems that this place cannot be landed safely, so I have to follow this cliff and keep close to the palace wall. Maybe I can find a suitable safe place...

Seeing a big bird that suddenly appeared on the cliff, shrouded in colorful halo, Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

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