The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1097: The power of the Holy Axe

The temple collapsed, and the ground was littered with broken stones. As the smoke was blown away by the gale, a dense circle of Protoss soldiers appeared in front of Mo Xie and his two teammates!

Although they were mentally prepared to face the enemy, they were still shocked when they saw so many enemies surrounded by them.

At this time, the fire in the sky was shining, and after the temple collapsed, the divine fire bead slowly fell down and landed on the top of the holy princess. The top of the golden crown was immediately firmly embedded in it.

Seeing the sacred fire bead appeared, countless fire-type protoss suddenly lighted their eyes...

"Kill them and take back the holy objects!" a protoss priest in a red robe shouted excitedly.

"Yes!" the large group of golden armored soldiers replied in unison, rushing forward quickly...

Without the temple, there would be no barriers from the divine power contract. These protoss soldiers rushed forward with great momentum, and the sound of dense footsteps suddenly resounded around the entire altar!

"You follow me, don't leave the divine protection of the holy armor, the enemy will just leave it to me." The holy princess said coldly in front.

"Your Royal Highness, don't abuse the power of the holy axe, we have to save people." Mo Xie reminded, lest the holy princess be excited for a while, and use the power of the holy axe in the face of these enemies.

"Don't worry, there is no need to use the true power of the Holy Axe to deal with some shrimp soldiers and crabs. We will rush out of the palace and kill all the way to the top of the mountain to rescue the Elf King and the elders." The holy princess smiled faintly and started to fly forward. Rush...

Everyone followed her closely, afraid to leave the protected area of ​​the golden mask.


The intensive footsteps were getting closer and denser figures began to surround themselves in all directions, countless soldiers holding weapons in their hands, shouting and rushing towards the crowd.

"Come here, die!" The holy princess yelled, and the holy axe with colorful light that was held in both hands suddenly waved horizontally, and with a cry, a faint glow suddenly flashed, turning into a semicircular light. Arc, rushing forward quickly...

Puff puff!

All of a sudden, blood suddenly appeared!

Wherever the semi-circular light arc passed, all the Protoss warriors who stood in front of it were cut to pieces, and countless blood pillars rushed into the air!


Mo Xie, Li Hong, and Mo Xiaolang all opened their eyes. They knew that the holy axe was called the sacred axe, but they had never expected that the Protoss would be so vulnerable to its attack!

I saw a large group of enemies rushing from the front, all of a sudden lying on the ground, there were many protoss priests wearing red and blue robes, one by one stretched out their staff, forming a wall of fire and a water shield in front of them. Defensively, it is enough to escape the tragedy of being cut into two pieces with a single axe.

Under the protection of these protoss sacrifices, a large number of protoss soldiers survived, but after seeing the power of the holy axe, everyone in the protoss was scared to pale, they had never suffered such a big loss!

"No, it's the legendary sun axe that appeared. Be careful, everyone. The priests stop them." A protoss elder wearing a red robe quickly reminded.

Holy Axe of the Sun!

These four words instantly made countless protoss priests pale, and they all understood. Today, regardless of the number of people on their side, they have to be extremely careful in the face of the holy axe....

"The soldiers withdrew, far away from the power of the holy axe, and the priests held them!" Red robe elder shouted loudly.

Under his order, the surrounding gold armored soldiers retreated one after another, and one by one the protoss sacrificial wands in their hands came forward, and as the singing sounded neatly around, the gleam of light on the wands...

"They want to use the barrier to hold us, princess, rush over." Fairy Flaming Phoenix frowned.

"Everyone, follow me, the original plan remains the same!" The holy princess nodded, waved the holy axe again, and rushed forward...

In the golden mask, six people rushed forward at the same time, and with a cry, the holy axe once again swung a semi-circular arc of light, and flew toward the countless fiery red lights ahead!


Amidst the sound of the explosion, the arc of light quickly hit the light curtain of the flames in front of the priests. A whirlwind swept around fiercely. A long row of priests were shaken back, and a string of blood-red numbers appeared above their heads. , The blood bar also dropped abruptly.

"They can't stop the power of the holy axe, we continue to charge." After an experiment, the holy princess said in surprise.

With the five people behind her, the holy princess waved the middle holy axe, and a series of arcs flew forward, frightening the priests of the Protoss not daring to resist, and had to retreat to both sides.

Countless dense silhouettes can only watch as six people leave from the gap, and then chase behind them.

Although rushed out of the encirclement, countless fireballs and water arrows shot continuously in the midair behind him, hitting the golden mask with puffs, and exploded one after another.

The golden mask was constantly suffering raindrop attacks, shining brilliant golden light, blocking all offensives.

However, Mo Xie clearly saw that a faint strip had appeared on the top of the mask. As the magical attacks continued to hit, the strip was also rapidly diminishing, and now only one-third of its length remained.

"His Royal Highness, how much defensive power is left?" Mo Xie asked anxiously.

"It's only about 30%. Be careful, and I will remind you." Saint Princess replied as she rushed forward.

"That means we can only hold on for less than three minutes...We have to hurry forward and can't continue to be beaten!" Mo Xie frowned.

They just rushed out of the vicinity of the Temple of Heaven and were rushing towards a palace in front of them. Only after rushing through this palace did they formally come to the side palace square of the palace group, and then they could rush out of the palace gate.

But for such a long distance, the defensive power is definitely not enough. The Saint Princess can deal with so many enemies, but the players can't...

"But now I can't use pets, what should I do?" Li Hong asked.

"Pets can't be used, there are two sacred beasts here," Moxie said.

"Well, let's change back to the original shape together, Xiaoyu is taking the princess, and I will take the three of them." Qing Binger nodded and said.

"I got it." Fairy Flaming Phoenix waved her arms, and the fiery red light flashed instantly, and her slender body shot straight into the air...


In the crisp sound of the phoenix, the flames burned, and a huge colorful phoenix bird suddenly flew up and down above everyone's heads.

Ao Moo!

Qing Binger also suddenly turned into a blue icy pillar and rushed straight into the sky. The beam of light became larger and larger, and a blue frost dragon flew out of the beam, flying back and forth around the crowd.

Mo Xie and the two teammates immediately jumped out of a system message. Shenlong Qingbinger invited you to enter the riding state. Do you accept it?

As the three of them immediately chose to accept, their bodies were immediately attracted to fly into the sky and land firmly on top of Shenlong's head.

At this time, the holy princess also flew into the air, just standing on top of Phoenix's back.

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