The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1098: Fierce Saint Princess

"Be careful to avoid, I'll clear the way." The Saint Princess snorted loudly and directed the Phoenix to continue flying forward.

All the soldiers of the Protoss who rushed to intercept them all appeared in the semi-circular arc light attack from the air, and their bodies fell on the ground one after another...

The protoss chasing soldiers on the ground pursued them all the way, and the two sacred beasts rushed to the end of the palace all the way unimpeded in the air.

"Why not fly directly to the top of the mountain?" Li Hong asked curiously.

"There is an enchantment on the top of the mountain. Look at the cloud-filled areas ahead, where the seal of the Protoss is located." Qing Binger replied.

"We have to come down before the seal, but we have thrown the chaser far enough, there shouldn't be too much trouble." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

He knew very well in his heart that the holy princess had not yet officially activated the power of the holy axe. Once her Majesty the Elf King was found on the top of the mountain, it could not be a bigger **** battle!

Whether or not we can retreat today depends on the true power of the holy axe...

All the way through the square, in front of the tall imperial castle and the city gate, there are countless golden soldiers gathered underground. Watching two sacred beasts fly, a puff of arrows suddenly roars into the sky, but they are facing both ends. The beast is not threatening.

"Stand firmly, you are about to rush through the tower, be careful of their energy turrets." Fairy Flaming Phoenix warned.

The energy turrets that even the beasts have to worry about, of course, the players are even more unable to resist. They quickly stand firmly, holding hands and carefully looking to the ground...

On the huge slabstone towers on the tower, there are already halos of various colors flying into the air. When some light **** fly to the farthest position, they explode directly in the air, and the huge halo air waves separate. Moving far away made Mo Xie feel a little unsteady.

On the tower, more light groups lifted into the air, almost blocking a large area of ​​the sky!

"Our flying height cannot exceed the barrier, everyone, be careful, we have to pass through the middle of the energy light bomb." Qing Bing'er tried to increase the flying speed, but could not fly high again, a transparent knot in the air The world limits the flying height of the two mythical beasts.

"Ah, no!" Li Hong's eyes were startled.

Ao Moo!


The sound of the dragon and the phoenix sounded at the same time, and Fairy Blazing Phoenix spread his wings and carried the holy princess to fly forward first, shuttled back and forth between the dense light bombs, constantly seeing light bombs suddenly in the air. It exploded, the volume suddenly expanded more than ten times, and it was still spreading around, and finally turned into a whirring wind resounding all around!

In the face of such a intensive offensive, Mo Xie was also very frightened. He never expected that the Protoss had built so many energy turrets on the palace tower, which shows how careful the Protoss should be in controlling Huangcheng Mountain!

If you haven't been to the imperial city today, if you bring troops to attack, I am afraid you will suffer a big loss...

"We have to rush too. Be careful." Qing Binger reminded immediately after waiting for Phoenix to fly away.

"I know." Mo Xie nodded, holding Li Hong's hand tightly with one hand, and the dragon horn beside him with the other.


The dragon hovered in the air, and the dragon head began to fly forward. The long dragon body was winding through among the energy light bullets flying up. It was necessary to avoid the attack of light bullets and be careful that they flew to the highest point. Time bursts by itself...

Whether it is hit or bursts around, Qing Binger can withstand the damage, but three players can be killed directly!

The hearts of the three people were beating wildly, seeing huge **** of light passing by their side. This kind of intense and exciting feeling was a scene they had never experienced before...

"Look at Xiaomo, the holy princess is in danger!" Li Hong looked forward, opening her mouth wide, and shouting nervously.

I saw the front, the huge phoenix easily circumventing the ball of light in the fire ball. When it was unimpeded, the three energy turrets on the tower were actually launched at the same time, shooting three light bullets at the same time from the left, right and front The phoenix monster directly surrounded...

At this moment, it seems inevitable!

But just when the three players were worried, the tweeted clear chirp sounded, and the Phoenix opened his mouth and ejected a ball of fire leaning toward the ground. The holy princess also waved the holy axe, and an arc of light swayed to the left.


Two consecutive huge explosions sounded in mid-air, and the three light clusters were hit by fireballs and arc lights respectively. They burst before they got close to the Phoenix, and only the last light bombs rushed into the sky from the side of the Phoenix bird. The threat is completely lost.

"My God, it's too nervous." Mo Xiaolang couldn't help reaching out and touching his forehead.

Ao Moo!

Qing Binger made a high-pitched dragon roar, and outside the huge dragon, countless snowflakes were scattered and falling, as if a heavy snow of goose feathers fell in the sky, falling towards the ground.

"I see, you can smash the light bullet with divine power!" Qing Binger exclaimed in excitement. The snow falling all over the sky began to gather together, forming countless basketball-sized hail, whizzing and accelerating to the ground...

Inspired by the attacks of Phoenix and Saint Princess just now, Qing Binger also began to perform her skills. The power of this trick is much stronger than before.

"When did your divine power recover so much?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Sister Xiaoyu and Your Royal Highness help me, my divine power is recovering every day, and it won't be long before I can return to Tianchi." Qing Binger replied excitedly.

"It's also time. When you return to Tianchi, I will see you off myself." Mo Xie said with a smile.

Players' levels are now rapidly increasing, and more advanced maps are slowly beginning to unfold to the players. Even if Qingbinger is escorted to the Dragon Clan Tianchi, it seems that it is no longer a problem.

As countless hailstones fell, the light bombs fired by those energy turrets burst when they were close to the ground before they took off. In an instant, countless protoss soldiers on the tower fell, and the screams were even more deafening!

Even the large chasing soldiers were covered by energy light bullets that exploded not far above their heads, and they lay down a large area. The rest did not dare to continue forward and could only follow far away.

"Haha, this is a good time to play, let them eat their own fruits!" Li Hong couldn't help laughing.

As the dragon flew over the tower, large patches of hail were still falling. The protoss soldiers on the tower did not dare to attack the energy turret anymore. They could only watch the two sacred beasts flying outside the palace towards the top of the mountain. Mid-levels road rushed.

After rushing out of the tower, there were very few enemies on the ground. Only a few patrol teams rushed to hear the news and chased them from a distance on the ground. Seeing two sacred beasts flying across the square in front of the palace, they flew directly to the left. The road halfway up the mountain is empty...

At the end of the road halfway up the mountain, there is no sight in the depths of the white clouds.

The dragon and the phoenix slowly landed on the wide mountain road. The golden light in front of them was shining, and the soldiers of the Protoss who intercepted them appeared one after another!

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