The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1099: The top of the mysterious imperial city

The screams were endless, and on the mountain avenue that spiraled upward, the densely packed Protoss soldiers were still rushing forward, stepping on the full body of the corpse, and continuing to block the path of the holy princess.

At this time, Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess was wearing golden armor and a golden crown on her head. The divine fire bead on the top of the crown exudes dazzling fire light.

The cloak behind her fluttered in the wind, and her hands wielded the holy axe shining with colorful rays of light. She looked awe-inspiring and looked like a **** of war, facing countless golden armored warriors rushing by herself, but there was no trace of fear.

On the contrary, as she constantly wielded the holy axe, dazzling arc lights continued to fly into the crowd, and in an instant, a large number of soldiers were cut off at the waist, and the pillar of blood rising into the sky made people shudder!

Fortunately, this is just a virtual game scene, and there are not too many **** scenes, otherwise the three players would have long been unable to bear it.

Going all the way up, it is almost a **** road, the number of golden armor soldiers rushing is getting less and less, and a group of people keeps marching towards the top of the mountain...

Turning around an intersection, the mountain road ahead is blocked by a tower, and a white light curtain is faintly visible in front of the tower.

"The front is the barrier of going up the mountain. I will go to deal with the enemies there first, and you can come back again depending on the situation." The Saint Princess explained without looking back.

"I know." Mo Xie nodded. Just a few hundred meters away, he witnessed a **** massacre that he had never seen before. The warriors of the Protoss had no resistance at all in front of the Holy Axe.

But he was also secretly surprised, where all the masters of the Protoss had gone, especially the masters of several major temples...

This is not good news, it means that these masters are preparing a trap, just waiting for them to send it to the door in person.

But in the current situation, even if they know that there are tigers in the mountains, they can only get away from the tiger's den...

The holy princess strode upwards, Mo Xie and the players continued to wait in place under the protection of the two goddesses.

Fortunately, there is still a long way to chase soldiers, so it shouldn't be so fast.

As soon as the holy princess rushed to the front of the high fortress, she saw countless arrows shooting from the howling sound, and all the clanging shots were shot in front of the golden light shield opened by the holy princess, falling to the ground in the shining light.

Arrow sticks can't hurt Her Royal Highness the princess protected by the holy armor, braving the arrow rain, the mighty and graceful figure rushed all the way, quickly rushed up the hillside, and stood at the foot of the tall tower.

Facing the closed city gate, the Saint Princess suddenly leaped into the air. The height of the vertical jump was as high as the tower, reaching a height of more than ten meters!

The tall figure wrapped in the golden halo suddenly raised both arms, and the holy axe in his hand was also raised high at the same time, a group of colorful glow shining brightly on the axe...

Break the world!

In the crisp voice, the holy princess seemed to be exhausting her whole body's strength and swung the large axe in her hand down. The huge colorful halo flew towards the tower, accompanied by a shining arc from top to bottom. , Rushed straight to the middle of the tower...


First, the colored light ball hit the top of the tower first, and there was a burst of screams, and countless golden armor figures were blown up from the tower and flew in the air, and then fell to the ground one by one.

But the most exciting thing was the huge arc of light that followed. With a bang, the arc of light smashed into the tower from the middle, penetrated directly and afterwards, the arc of light disappeared over the white mist-filled cliff...


In an instant, the tower fell to both sides, and countless stones rolled down...

Watching this scene, Mo Xie, Li Hong, and Mo Xiaolang opened their mouths together. They couldn't believe that this holy axe had such a powerful force!

Moreover, this is the case when the holy princess has not activated the holy axe!

Killing all the way from the palace depends on the power of the holy axe and the holy princess’s own divine power. She relies on the holy armor and her own divine power to control the holy axe. If any divine power is added, it can only be that one. The power of Shenhuozhu.

Seeing the city tower crashing down to both sides, the city gate fell in two halves, and it was also split by an axe!

"Come here quickly and keep going." The holy princess yelled loudly, waving the holy axe.

"Here, hurry up." Mo Xie nodded excitedly.

The five people rushed forward and looked at a pair of ruined towers, all of them stunned in surprise.

"Such a powerful holy axe, no wonder the Protoss was placed in the hands of the Humans." Fairy Blazing Phoenix sighed.

"The power of the holy axe, I am afraid that our patriarch will be hard to resist." Qing Binger also said in a speechless voice.

Even the sacred beast said so, it can be seen that the power of the holy axe is really powerful...

Following the Saint Princess, a group of people walked through the ruins of the city gate. The golden figures flashed in front of them, but they were all protoss soldiers who were scared away...

After seeing the power of the holy axe, no one dared to come and die again, even if their elders ordered them, no one was willing to execute them.

Because in front of the Holy Axe, their lives are like ants, even if they die in battle, they have no value...

Without the enemy's resistance, the rest of the mountain road was very easy to walk, bypassing two mountain road corners all the way, and the end of the high mountain top in front, finally appeared in front of six people.

I saw white clouds in the magical world shrouded in white clouds everywhere, and the situation in the distance was hard to see. The end of the mountain road was connected to a huge mountain-top plain, and huge palaces with golden light were faintly visible.

"I'm going to the old lair where the Protoss has been operating for many years, everyone, be careful, I may not be able to protect you." Saint Princess whispered.

"Don't worry, your Royal Highness, we will protect them." Fairy Blazing Phoenix said.

"Your Royal Highness, I have a suggestion. No matter what happens for a while, the three of you must ensure your safety. We will take care of ourselves as long as you are safe." Moxie said.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, but our task is to rescue His Majesty the Elf King. Maybe only you can complete this task." Saint Princess said.

"I will rescue the Elf King as much as possible, but the current situation is that the Protoss may focus all their attention on you, so after a while, there are only two consequences. One is that you are surrounded and cannot take care of us, and There is no time to rescue the Elf King. Another possibility is that the Protoss will send a master to entangle you, and focus all attacks on us and them. After solving us first, we will do our best to deal with you." Mo Xie said thinking.

"It's true, does the Governor have a clever plan?" the Saint Princess asked.

"Regardless of the situation, for us, the dangerous area on the top of the mountain cannot stay for long. We must find the whereabouts of the Elf King and the elders in the fastest time, and rescue them safely." Moxie said.

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