The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1105: Danger rescue

The moment he stepped on the suspension bridge with one foot, he dinged,

Ding...System: Warning! Players should not be sad. You have entered the map of Vulcan Town, where the map belongs to someone else’s private territory, and the territory is already in a state of war. If others enter without authorization, they will be treated as an intruder. move on?

Mo Xie's heart was shocked when he saw the red font warning.

Protoss actually launched a territory battle, and it turned out to be for the Saint Princess alone!

It can be seen that they attach great importance to this holy princess and want to concentrate all their power to kill her in the territory!

Moreover, the location of this town is very special. Except for the town territory, other places belong to the Imperial City. Therefore, only after stepping on the suspension bridge can Mo Xie enter the territory of Vulcan Town...

carry on!

Immediately making a choice, Mo Xie strode across the suspension bridge, over the piles of corpses densely piled in the gate hole, and rushed all the way through the long gate hole.

When Mo Xie rushed out of the city gate on the other side, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

The thick clouds and mists all over the sky dissipated in an instant, and the blue sky screen suddenly appeared above the head. Three sharp peaks rushed into the sky. At the top of the three mountains, three huge golden light beams were emitted from each...

Three golden lights gathered in the air obliquely, forming a huge golden halo. Above the halo, a small suspended island hovered quietly on the top of a high mountain!

Above the small island, a round giant red sun was dazzling, and Mo Xie almost couldn't open his eyes...

Such a gorgeous scene, only after entering the Vulcan Town of the Protoss, will the seal be unlocked and the secret scenery of the top of the imperial city mountain will finally be revealed.

Since entering the emperor city that never sleeps, players have been able to see the huge mountain range high above the city every day.

All were attracted by the magnificence and mystery of Huangcheng Mountain, and all wanted to enter Huangcheng Mountain to see.

Especially at the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain that is shrouded by white clouds all day long, what is hidden inside, it has aroused the curiosity of countless players.

In the forum, the topic of speculation about what map is in the depths of the cloud has appeared countless times.

Now, the secret in the depths of the clouds was unfolding before Mo Xie's eyes, and he was standing there with his mouth wide open.

Standing outside the city gate, the situation of this Vulcan Town is also clear at a glance.

Between the three mountain peaks that the town stretches all the time, the other side is closely connected to the foot of the mountain, and there is also a huge stone-step mountain road, which branches from the foot of the mountain and leads to the top of the three mountain peaks.

The huge phantom red sun on the suspended island of the divine beam of light, these magical sights are enough to make all players admire it.

Recovering from the surprise, Mo Xie did not forget this mission.

He looked forward, and the avenue of the city gate was straight ahead, forming the main arterial road in the center of the town, which can lead directly to the central square of the city.

And on this avenue, there are densely packed corpses of Protoss soldiers everywhere, as if the entire city has been looted, the scene is horrible!

However, on the far side of the road, Mo Xie seemed to see a lot of black spots coming towards the gate here, making his heart more nervous.

Protoss reinforcements are constantly coming from the Protoss teleportation array on the three peaks. Although the Saint Princess is powerful, her attack speed is definitely not as good as the number of Protoss reinforcements.

Seeing that the Protoss has slowed down, they are dispatching troops to chase the elves, and they are sending troops to block the passage, and then no one can get out!

"Sister Hong, be careful, there is already a Protoss army coming over here, I want to go to the city center as soon as possible." Mo Xie reminded in the team channel as he rushed to the avenue on the right.

"Then you must hurry up and bring the holy princess back." Li Hong exhorted.

"Don't worry." Mo Xie rushed to the right side of the road and quickly rushed towards the fork in the distance.

He had just rushed to the fork in the road and was about to continue straight, but in front of the road, countless figures were still rushing here, and he had no choice but to avoid him again.

It can be seen that the Protoss has been caught off guard from the very beginning, and has gradually stabilized, and wants to send a large number of legions to re-control the entire Huangcheng Mountain!

And their biggest goal is still in the holy princess, this is the real core of the Protoss conspiracy to seek imperial power!

Mo Xie detoured again, finally found countless alleys between the large buildings, and started to rush towards the center of the city...

Along the way, he was cautiously guarding possible enemies around him, and he gradually approached the square in the center of the town.

The rumbling sound of explosions kept coming from the front, Mo Xie rushed through a building, and the intersection in front of him was crowded with people. A large number of Protoss soldiers were blocked there, with their backs facing Mo Xie, but no one found his presence.

After turning several alleys in a row, Mo Xie tried to continue forward and find the position of the square, but the soldiers around were crowded with Protoss soldiers, and it seemed that they had already occupied all the space around the square!

Damn, the princess didn't know that the Elf King was successfully rescued. If no one told her the situation, she would continue to fight and try to attract the attention of the Protoss.

And this is already a task of the system, if no one comes to notify the princess, then she is likely to die here!

Moxie has nowhere to go. Whether it is on the street or the alley, there is no longer a passage around the entire square.

Hiding on the back of a building, looking up at the roof, he quickly exhaled the package and took out a mechanical flying claw from inside...


There was a faint sound of breaking through the air, the flying claws rushed straight into the sky, clinking, and the claws hung smoothly on the eaves of the building.

Grasping the rope with both hands, Mo Xie began to climb quickly, pedaling on the wall with both feet, and quickly climbed to the roof, stepping on the tiles, kneeling down on the roof, and continuing to walk forward along the roof ridge.

There were two other buildings in front of him blocking his vision. Mo Xie quietly came to the roof side and observed the distance between the two buildings. He retreated quickly and then dashed forward...

With a sigh, his body crossed the air and landed directly on the top of another building. With a bang, the tiles shattered and the fragments flew around.

The noise seemed to start some soldiers' attention. They turned their heads and glanced at the alleys and streets behind them, and found that no one appeared, so they continued to look back at the direction of the square.

Mo Xie's heart beat slowly and raised his head, leaving him not much time. Before the Protoss cleared the passage and closed the city gate, he must inform the Holy Princess of the news!


A figure passed across the office, and Mo Xie had already leapt from the top of one building to the top of another.

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