The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1106: Hard to die

With a bang, a dull voice sounded, Mo Xie sturdily pounced on the roof, and the sound of broken tiles rang out...

But now the attention of the Protoss soldiers was all concentrated in the center of the square, and no one actually noticed the situation above their heads.

After lying on the roof for a few seconds, it was determined that there was no danger, and Mo Xie slowly began to move, and climbed quietly towards the other side of the roof, carefully not making any noise.

Half a minute later, he climbed over the roof of the tall building and finally came to the edge of the square.

As the dark scenes on the minimap were wiped out, Mo Xie was surprised to find that he was already in a rectangular black shadow, which was the top of the building, surrounded by dense red light spots. The number of enemies was too great. It's amazing!

He has been surrounded by the roof of this building, surrounded by people...

However, in front of this building, a large vacant lot was shown on the map, obviously where the central square of the town was located.

He lay on the roof and carefully raised his head to look into the distance outside the roof. In front of his eyes, there were countless figures of soldiers in golden armor, who had firmly surrounded the center of the square in a circle!

And in the center of the sea of ​​people, in a small open space, a familiar slender and fuzzy figure is being surrounded by a huge flame mask. Clouds of golden light are constantly shining under the flame envelope. It seems that the Holy Princess is fighting against the Protoss master !

Looking at the scene of the battle in the distance, Mo Xie frowned, completely speechless.

His current location is at least 50 meters away from the position of the Saint Princess in the center of the square, but the front of the building is already densely packed with Protoss soldiers. No matter which direction he goes down, he will fall directly into the Protoss soldier's. In the crowd, the consequences are very dangerous!

But without getting close to the holy princess, he couldn't convey the news of the retreat to her...

Unexpectedly, the Protoss was more caring about the princess than expected, and sent so many soldiers to intercept, and all the masters gathered again, wanting to completely kill the holy princess once!

In addition to being close to the news, Mo Xie also had an item in Mo Xie's arms that was given by the holy princess, that is, the firework that could rush into the air to send out firework messages, so that people in the distance could get news.

However, in the densely foggy area on the top of the imperial city hill, the fireworks of the order had no effect at all, but now you enter the city and are close to the position of the holy princess, you should be able to use this item.

It's just that once the pass fireworks are lit, Mo Xie's situation can be dangerous!

At a distance of less than 100 meters, the transmission of fireworks can just play its role, but once it is used, his position will be exposed. Countless Protoss soldiers swarmed up and the end was completely predictable.

So Mo Xie hesitated, wondering what to do now?

In the center of the square in the distance, a huge flame is like a cloud, always shrouded in the head of the holy princess. She can only rely on the divine power of the holy armor to support her, and swing the holy axe to prevent the surrounding enemies from approaching...

Until now, the holy princess has not activated the full power of the holy axe. One person attracts the attention of the masters of the Protoss and creates conditions for others to rescue the Elf King.

But as time passed by, the holy princess who was in the encirclement began to feel anxious...

She didn't know what was going on outside. Being in the realm of the Protoss, her pressure was increasing!

Because just ten meters away from her, the two temple masters, wearing fiery red and water blue robes and shining golden crowns on their heads, shot together. The ice spread on the ground and turned the ground in the center of the square into A thick layer of ice!

The holy princess's feet were wrapped in ice on the ground, and she couldn't move half an inch at all!

Above her head, Huo Yun, the head of the Fire God Temple, was also declining. The huge divine power oppressed her, causing her holy armor to bear unimaginable pressure!

There are countless temple priests wearing various robes in a circle around, the staff is raised high to form a circle of magic shields, blocking the power of the holy axe, as long as her divine power is exhausted, the circle will immediately shrink...

Every minute passed, the divine power in the holy princess's body was constantly being consumed, and the defense of the holy armor had been activated several times, and the remaining divine power was only enough for this time, and it would be exhausted if it was opened again!

She has been waiting for new news to come, the divine power of the holy axe cannot be used at will...

At this time, the holy princess is ready, and only after the holy armor's protection is exhausted, she will use the powerful power of holy axe, no matter what, she will have to break a blood path.

But Mo Xie didn't know her mind. He was already worried when he was lying on the roof.

The importance of the holy princess is self-evident, and she must not be exposed to any danger!

Looking at the dense golden armored figures around, and the battle scene in the center of the square, Mo Xie gritted his teeth and made plans in his heart...

"Sister Hong, what's the situation at the gate?" Mo Xie asked.

"They are still moving the corpses, and they are about to clear the passage, as if they are preparing to close the city gate, and the tower is also repairing the defensive tower. They are going to keep you in it. Where are you, quickly notify the holy princess to leave here A town!" Li Hong said anxiously.

"The holy princess is surrounded in the center of the square. I can't get close to her. Be careful now. It is hidden outside the city gate. Maybe the holy princess will come out soon. You will leave the imperial city with her." Moxie exhorted.

"What do you want to do, don't you go together?" Li Hong felt nervous when he heard his voice.

"It's okay, I think about it. If I want to rescue the Holy Princess this time, I'm afraid I can only hang it once..." Mo Xie said with a sigh.

"Hang up once... Now you have a big loss when you hang up once. If you don't hang up, try to think of other methods." Li Hong said in horror.

"There is no other way. Be careful yourself." Mo Xie smiled and comforted.

Since he left Novice Village, he has been up until now, with the game going on for so long, even if he encounters a big trouble, he never hangs up once!

But in today's situation, he has nothing to do...

Hang it once, as long as the holy princess can be rescued, the price is absolutely worth it.

Mo Xie comforted himself. Now that the team channel is restricted by region, he can't contact Mo Xiaolang who is far away from the top of the mountain, and he has no way of knowing the current situation of the Elf King and Elf people.

Mo Xie lay on the roof, looking at the center of the square in the distance.

The person in the Palace of the Holy Princess, alone facing the encirclement of the Protoss Legion, has to fight against the two Protoss head teachers personally and the siege of countless Protoss high-level priests around, it seems a bit powerless...

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