The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1111: Machine Legion Appears

With the participation of the Saint Princess, the four god-level masters rushed forward and directly rushed into the group of gods soldiers, screams sounded from the crowd, and large pieces of corpses continued to fall.

Frightened this group of protoss soldiers could not have the mind to continue blocking the road, now running at full speed to escape, also created opportunities for the elves to quickly escape.

The running speed of the elves was already amazing, but now they rushed madly, and in a short while, they rushed through two mountain road bends in a row, leaving only a few hundred meters down the mountain road, and the tall tower at the foot of the mountain can already be seen from a distance.

At this time, the gatekeeper on the castle tower also saw the battle on the hillside in his eyes. When the elves successfully escaped to a distance close to the foot of the mountain, he issued the order according to the previous plan, and the three gates opened slowly at the same time. Open the passage for the Saint Princess to escape from Huangcheng Mountain.

On the other side of the tower, countless soldiers gathered along the foot of the tower. Not only the city gate on this side, but also outside the two other gates leading to Huangcheng Mountain, there were also a large number of legions.

Almost the entire emperor regiment inside and outside the imperial city gathered here, just to protect the safety of the holy princess.

Mo Xiaoyuan and Mo Xiaoyu led a large number of player legions to guard the center of the square outside the city gate at the same time, just waiting for the plan to open successfully...

Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao hovered in the air with their new flying pet, staring at the situation in the imperial city. When they clearly saw that a large group of people rushed down the mountain along the remote mountain road, they immediately informed the situation. Everyone on the ground.

"I saw many elves have rushed out, and they can rush out of the city gate in a few minutes at most!" Lianna said excitedly.

"Did you see the chasing soldiers?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked quickly.

"Their fleeing team is too long, where the chaser hasn't appeared yet. It should be outside the curve." Ouyang Jiaojiao replied.

"No matter what, as long as the holy princess escapes outside the city, our plan will be implemented immediately, and we cannot give the Protoss any chance." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"Then I will make arrangements now." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded, and immediately led a group of players prepared to rush towards the densely packed soldiers on both sides of the city gate.

In the fast running, the protoss chaser had already caught up with the end of the elven army behind the bend. The two headmasters and a group of priests made their own shots. Countless fireballs and water arrows rushed to the elven soldiers that lined up behind to intercept the enemy elves. The flames burned, and the screams directed towards the entire mountainside.

All the elves understand that their clansmen are being slaughtered behind, but the mountain roads are long and unavoidable. The only way is to rush forward as soon as possible to extend the distance from the enemy, so as to protect more clansmen from being killed.

The elves rushed all the way through the last mountain road. The team in front had quickly wiped out the protoss soldiers and rushed to the gate of the city unimpeded.

"His Royal Highness, please leave from the city gate." The gatekeeper waited for a long time, watching the large group rushing forward, and the formal imperial holy princess headed by her, bowed respectfully and saluted.

"Thank you General, you have to be careful too." The holy princess nodded and quickly rushed into the city gate with the Elf King and the two goddesses. Mo Xiaolang led the group of elves to follow closely, and the long line continued from the city gate. After passing, finally far away from the dangerous imperial city.

As Mo Xiaolang rushed out of the city gate for the first time, he opened the Alliance Channel and immediately issued instructions...

"Xiao Mo and Hong Mei have died and are waiting for their resurrection. The protoss chasing soldiers are behind. Once the elves rush out of the city gate, our plan will be implemented immediately, and now we will begin preparations." Mo Xiaolang anxiously issued an order.

"Understood!" All the commanders answered neatly, relaying instructions one after another.

"Wow, Xiao Mo actually hung up. I haven't seen him die once since the game started." Lianna said in surprise.

"What does Sister Na mean, Xiao Mo hung up and listened to you, as if he was quite happy?" Zhou Jianing asked with a smile.

"He should hang up once too, let him experience what it's like to hang up, I have hanged up countless times." Ouyang Jiaojiao laughed.

"Why is his level so high? It's because he has never hung up." Mo Xiaoyuan also said jokingly.

The commanders were chatting, but the players were not idle and began to deploy nervously outside the city gate.

Especially the five-hundred player group led by Mo Xiaoyuan, this is the first mechanical army formed by elite players personally selected by Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang.

Today, the Mechanical Legion will make an official appearance for the first time, in order to ensure the safe escape of the Holy Princess and the Elf King, and to stop the Protoss from pursuing soldiers and prevent them from pursuing them.

On both sides of the city gate, the silver light at the foot of the city wall was shining, and huge groups of silver light appeared one after another. As the silver light dissipated, a dozen-meter-long silver battleship suddenly appeared in the crowd, which immediately triggered a burst of exclamation from the players. , I wonder what stuff this is.

Even the large groups of soldiers nearby were shocked to look back at the behemoths around them.

"What kind of ship is this, why did it run to the shore?"

"I heard that it was a mechanical army formed by the boss himself. I don't know what it is capable of. This silver boat should be a mechanical weapon."

"I have always heard that our God Realm League has very powerful mechanical weapons. Is it this kind of boat?"

Among the crowds of players on the square, the large groups of players were all puzzled by the few silver warships they saw in front of them.

Before they understood the situation, they saw a group of elite players boarding the battleship, and immediately after the fire shining below the battleship, the silver battleships slowly rose vertically into the sky...

This is the Yufeng Shenzhou that Mo Xie asked for back from the organ master craftsman. Today, he finally sent a few ships to perform the task.

It is a pity that there are only two or three energy spars in the alliance warehouse, but there is no wind spar required by Yufeng Shenzhou.

The consequence of this is that the Yufeng Shenzhou can only lift into the air but cannot move around, but some of the weapons on the battleship can still be used...

With the silver light shining, the six warships slowly lifted into the air, rising to a height of twenty or thirty meters against the city wall, surpassing the tower, and staring at the city.

Large groups of elves continued to gush out of the city gate. After the average number of elves escaped from the city gate, at the end of the curve on the mountainside, a group of golden armored soldiers finally appeared in front of the players.

"I saw the enemies of the Protoss, they chased after the elves, they looked very powerful." Lianna said in surprise.

Seeing half of the mountainside of Huangcheng Mountain, the long elven tribe team was still running towards the gate of the city, and behind them, countless flaming red and blue figures appeared at the corner of the mountain road, rushing all the way to kill these elves.

According to the instructions, the general defending the city kept opening the gates wide, waiting for all the elves to escape from the outer city, and the soldiers were also ready to fight the Protoss.

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