The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1112: Break openly

Because they received the order from the general of the town country that once they saw the holy princess escape safely from the city gate, they could open fire on the Protoss without worrying about any rules...

This means that the general has issued a battle order, and the Imperial Army officially declares war with the Protoss Legion!

But this was only a decision of the military. Before the Saint Princess officially expelled the Protoss, their actions were against the emperor's order and could not get any protection.

Mo Xie and Li Hong still lay quietly in the control chair, staring at the two corpses in the white mist, just waiting for the resurrection time.

Both of them knew very well in their hearts that at this time, the entrance of Huangcheng Mountain was already very lively, and it was still a major turning point in the game. They must rush to help as soon as possible...

But helplessly, there are still 10 minutes left in the resurrection time, and they can only stare at them and wait until time slowly jumps away.

The sound of rumbling footsteps resounded through the gate of Huangcheng Mountain. At this time, the Protoss Legion had all been dispatched. On the entire Huangcheng Mountain, in the three passages leading to the foot of the mountain, densely packed golden silhouettes were rushing down the mountain frantically, ready to be fully prepared. Block the imperial city and completely trap the Saint Princess to death!

But Mo Xie had already made preparations in advance. Outside the gates of the three cities, countless soldiers of the Imperial regiment were secretly ready to stop the Protoss from continuing to track.

Especially the city gate on the left is the core location of this major event!

Players are also waiting here. Three flying pets hovered in the air, staring at the situation on the mountainside. As the Protoss Legion approached, the God Realm Alliance Mechanical Legion was dispatched for the first time, and the five Imperial Wind Shenzhou lifted up vertically. When it was level with the city wall, it immediately stopped continuing its ascent, quietly waiting for the commander's order.

At this time, pieces of elven clansmen in tattered clothes kept rushing out of the city gate, and were immediately directed by the players to a safe area to meet the Elf Queen and Princess Zixin, so that they could temporarily stay away from the dangerous area.

As batches of elves rushed out of the city gate frantically, countless protoss teams following them also came to the foot of the mountain. Seeing a large number of elves rush out of the city gate, the two protoss leaders were even more surprised.

The two protoss leaders have already seen that the situation is not good. The outer city gate opened without permission and allowed the elves to flee from there. This clearly meant to oppose the protoss.

"Go and see what's going on at the gate of the city. The others were supposed to wait." The palm of Vulcan wears a long red crown on his head and makes a dazzling red robe with gold threads embroidered with countless golden flames. He stops there. It felt like a burning flame.

If Mo Xie saw him, he would be very familiar with it. In the scenario of the mission that he saw at the bottom of the lake, the man in the red robe who led the soldiers to destroy the Temple of Life was the Vulcan Master in front of him.

"Yes." Several red-robed priests rushed to the foot of the mountain with a large group of golden armored soldiers, seeing the elves rushing out of the city gate one by one, except for a large pile of corpses left on the mountainside, this action cost nearly 50,000 The elven captive escaped safely from a whole 40,000 people!

This was still the result of the pursuit and killing of the two protoss leaders, which had already exceeded Mo Xie's expectations.

In fact, before this mission, he couldn't imagine that so many elven captives were imprisoned on the top of Huangcheng Mountain...

As the last group of elves fled the gate of the city in panic, the mountain under the imperial city finally became quiet, but a greater crisis was slowly approaching.

The Protoss army all stopped on the mountain road and waited quietly. Only a small group of thousands of people, led by a few red robe sacrificial worshippers, slowly walked down the hillside, standing in a safe zone 100 meters away from the tower.

"Close the city gate, even a Protoss can't let it go, as long as they get close to the tower, they will attack immediately!" The general defending the city stood on the tower and said coldly, looking at the city.

According to the command of the general, he had already transferred all the troops deployed in the defensive barracks at the foot of the mountain to the wall, ready to fight the Protoss!

And they have been waiting for this day for more than ten years...

"Yes." Several lieutenants immediately bowed and took their orders, and went to different parts of the tower to convey instructions. Each arrow tower and turret were all ready to attack.

There are countless soldiers bend over and hide behind the wall stacks, all the weapons in their hands are unsheathed, and the archers are opening their bows and arrows, waiting for instructions to fight at any time.

The Protoss team slowly came to a distance of 100 meters from the tower. A large group of golden armored soldiers immediately held up their shields to protect several sacrifices in the middle, and continued to approach the tower...

On the square outside the tower, the holy princess and the two goddesses waited quietly. Seeing the last group of elves escaped smoothly, she stepped forward and approached the city gate.

"His Royal Highness, where are you going?" Mo Xiaolang kept following her, asking in confusion.

"My warriors are confronting the Protoss. They need me to show up at this time." The holy princess replied faintly without looking back. The graceful figure wrapped in gold armor was like a goddess, behind her cloak fluttering in the wind, strode down the city go with.

"The Saint Princess is approaching the tower, everyone is ready to protect." Mo Xiaolang hurriedly issued instructions.

"Don't worry, we are here." Mo Xiaoyuan replied with a smile.

"We also protect the princess." Lianna hovered and fell from the sky.

Three flying pets approached the sky above the tower, ready to protect the princess at any time.

In the city, a large group of protoss soldiers had been surrounded by several sacrifices and approached 60 meters away from the tower. They immediately stopped there and did not dare to move forward. They also knew that they could enter the attack range of the defensive tower further ahead!

Although the energy tower on the tower can attack a distance of about 100 meters, the longer the shooting range, the lower the attack hit rate, and the 60-meter range is the best distance to truly exert the attack power of the energy turret.

The tower was still waiting for these people to continue to approach, but the enemy was not as stupid as he thought.

"Which general is guarding the tower, why didn't he follow the instructions and dared to open the city gate privately?" a priest shouted and asked.

"Sorry, this general only obeys the emperor's order, who are you who dare to question this general?" The general defending the city replied coldly.

"Bold, you didn't see the two head masters coming in person, how dare you let go of the felons privately, and dared to block us in the city!" another priest shouted angrily.

"Master Headmaster, that is the headmaster of your Protoss. What does it have to do with me? If you want to open the city gate, please show your majesty's will, otherwise, please forgive me for not being able to follow my life." The gatekeeper said with a sneer.

" are presumptuous, do you want to rebel?" a priest shouted in anger.

"You are the presumptuous. This is the imperial capital of our empire. How can you let the gods do whatever they want? How dare you say that this general is rebelling, I think you are the one who rebelled."

"In the past few years, you have acted like tigers and yelled at our imperial soldiers. We have endured you for a long time. If you don't have the will of your majesty, if you dare to approach the city gate without authorization, you can blame this general for being rude!"

Shouted the goalkeeper.

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