The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1113: Key battle

"Damn it, do you want to provoke a war? If you don't open the city gate and return to the barracks obediently, the Protoss Legion will never let you go!"

The sacrificial words were poor, so I had to shout hoarsely.

A few words from the general defending the city caused the two protoss to be in charge, and a group of high-level priests frowned.

The current situation has exceeded their imagination, and the emperor regiment has lost control!

"They are useless in the past, let them come back, quickly mobilize all the soldiers, prepare to storm the city tower, we must control the imperial city in our hands." Vulcan Palm Master said coldly.

"Brother Xian, in my humble opinion, we must now fight together with other temples. This time the human race is determined to turn our faces and must mobilize all soldiers to participate in the battle as soon as possible." The Water God Commander reminded.

"Brother Xian is right. This incident happened suddenly. I think most of it was because of the appearance of the Holy Princess. The human army has been united. This battle is hard to avoid. It is a pity that the time is too early. Our preparations It's not all perfect yet." Vulcan Palm Master said coldly.

"Don't worry, Brother Xian, how can the strength of the Emperor Group be compared with ours? As long as the divine power is enough, the entire imperial city will be controlled by us. As long as we get the sacred artifact, the world is so big that our Protoss can still Gallop free!" The Water God Palm Teacher said with a smile.

"The battle at Huangcheng Mountain will depend on the command of the virtuous brother. I will hurry up to unite with other temples these days, and then collect the sacred artifacts as soon as possible." The Vulcan Master nodded.

"Brother Xian, please go and prepare, the robbing of the tower is on my body." The Water God Master said confidently.

"Don't underestimate these guys. This time the situation happened too suddenly. Someone must be planning this secretly." Vulcan Sect Master warned.

After the reminder was issued, the division of labor between the two masters was immediately completed. The master of the water **** led the army to rob the imperial city, and the master of the fire **** continued to work on the most important things...

I saw the Vulcan Master and a group of subordinates turned and hurriedly left, giving the command here to the Water God Master for full command.

"Let all those people come back. It will be useless to negotiate with them. If the order goes on, the three city gates will be ready for battle!" The Water God Master said coldly.


Suddenly, countless priests returned to the mountain road separately, scattered to convey instructions.

And the large group of Protoss soldiers who were shouting downstairs had already begun to stare at the tower vigilantly, and quickly retreated.

"Master General, they are gone." A deputy said.

"Watch those protoss closely for me, they will never give up." The general defending the city frowned.

I saw the protoss team retreating quickly, but on the mountain road, there were already a large number of golden figures constantly moving forward, lined up at the foot of the mountain, countless golden shields were held in front of them, and the long shield wall was arranged in an instant.

"General, they are mobilizing troops, as if they are coming to attack the city!" The lieutenant reported nervously.

"I saw that they are powerful and the tower is difficult to defend, but our battle must be fought. Only when a real war is waged can we regain the imperial power of our empire." The general defending the city groaned.

"Well said, it really deserves to be a loyal general to the empire!"

Suddenly, a clear voice of a woman rang from the castle tower, and the slender figure of the holy princess jumped from the Yufeng Shenzhou outside the castle tower to the wall. He just heard what the defending general said and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"The last general will join the princess!" The general defending the city and a group of lieutenants, all the surrounding soldiers hurriedly bowed to their knees.

"The war is just around the corner, don't be so polite. I have heard what the general said just now. This battle is indeed very dangerous, but only by starting a war can we save the future of our empire." The Saint Princess said with a smile.

"Finally, the general will follow Her Royal Highness to the death, expel the Protoss and return my imperial city!" The general defending the city nodded excitedly.

"I will accompany you in this battle, but I don't need to fight to the end. After all, their strength is strong, we will come to Japan for a long time." Saint Princess said.

These words are still Mo Xie's plan to slow down her troops. Start this first battle first, let all the empire soldiers know that the return of the Holy Princess and the official declaration of war with the Protoss has reached the first goal.

But now the Protoss is still powerful, confrontation in the imperial city is not the best strategy, because the Protoss has the blessing of the divine power from the top of the imperial city, it can be said to be invincible within the imperial city, and sacrifice in vain is not the best strategy.

"His Royal Highness is right, and will eventually follow His Highness's orders at any time." The general defending the city saluted respectfully.

"According to my order, as long as the Protoss dare to approach the tower, immediately launch an attack, I will decide whether to retreat according to the battle situation." The Saint Princess said lightly.

"Yes." The general defending the city nodded and stood up and immediately relayed her order.


At this moment, neat footsteps sounded at the foot of the mountain, and I saw countless golden armored soldiers holding their shields, forming a thick shield wall phalanx, striding forward neatly.

Behind the shield wall, countless protoss mages were dressed in red and blue robes, and their staffs were shining with halo, and the dense crowd followed the shield wall in an orderly and synchronized manner.

In the dense crowd on the mountain road, a large number of protoss archers also rushed down the mountain road from both sides, following the two wings of the mage legion, and constantly approaching the city gate.

"First salute and then soldiers, wait for me to speak for a while." The holy princess stood in front of the city wall, her beautiful eyes watching the attack of the dense Protoss legion, and she said coldly.

"Respectfully follow the princess's instructions." The goalkeeper replied respectfully.

Right at the gate of the city, when a battle was about to begin, Mo Xie and Li Hong finally waited for the moment when the resurrection time was zero.

Unable to choose to resurrect, Mo Xie's eyes flashed and appeared in a gloomy space, only to see a large number of humanoid ghosts floating in the air around a huge stone pillar.

Ding...System: The player is not sad, you have entered the stage of reincarnation waiting for resurrection, because you are a normal death, there is no punishment requirement, you can choose to resurrect:

1: Resurrection in situ 100 gold

2: The recent city resurrection has no consumption

I go, resurrection in situ is so expensive?

Mo Xie died for the first time, and it was also the first time he experienced the resurrection request of the Reincarnation Stage. Not only was he stunned by the system prompts in front of him...

Unknowingly, as the players’ levels get higher and higher, the price of resurrection in place is also more and more expensive. If you don’t want to spend money to resurrect in place, then choose the cost-free resurrection. It will be at death. The nearest city appeared.

However, this is still a condition for normal resurrection. If some players have a guilty value or die in some special places, the Reincarnation Platform will also give different resurrection restrictions.

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