The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1115: Take advantage of the void

Hiding in the woods, looking at the road far away, a group of people in red robes are rushing towards the mountain road where they are.

Their speed is amazing, and the eye-catching figure headed by them is actually the master instructor of the Fire Sacred Hall!

This is the biggest villain in the Yaori Empire camp, and Mo Xie's biggest opponent right now.

"Be careful, it's a mythical master who is here, let's hide." Mo Xie warned softly.

The two of them squatted in the small woods, their nervous hearts beating wildly, seeing these red-robed figures quickly approaching from a distance.

Then one by one rushed through the bends of the mountain road beside the small forest, towards the top of the mountain, and quickly disappeared.

"It was the Master of Vulcan, my god, I almost found us!" Li Hong exclaimed.

"Now the battle should have started at the gate of the city, why didn't he go to direct the battle?" Mo Xie looked at the distant mountain road in doubt, constantly guessing the other party's purpose in his heart.

At this time, the Protoss had already lost control of the Saint Princess, so mastering the ownership of the imperial city would be their final chance of winning. Only by firmly controlling the imperial mountain could they gain more time.

But the Protoss didn't know that the holy princess wanted to rescue the eldest prince, which also gave Mo Xie a great opportunity.

"Leave them alone, let's leave as soon as there are few people." Li Hong said.

"Let's go, the holy princess is out of danger, the emperor regiment declared war openly. Protoss may think that the puppet emperor has lost its value. At this time, the guard must be very lax. Let's go and see the situation." Mo Xie took her hand from the small forest. Drilling out, the two quickly walked to the end of the mountain road.

Rushing across the hillside and hiding behind a big tree in front of the Palace Square, the two looked around to observe the surroundings...

To their surprise, the guards and patrol teams here have been withdrawn, and it is estimated that they have all been sent to support the battle at the gate of the city.

However, on the opposite side of the square, above the palace tower in the distance, there are still dozens of Protoss warriors wandering back and forth on it, guarding the safety of the palace gate.

"There are guards above, but they can't control such a large area. There must be blind spots in the line of sight." Mo Xie said while looking ahead.

"Yes, they are few, and it is impossible to control such a long tower." Li Hong nodded, observing the guards' patrol methods.

The two stayed there, and after checking it quietly for nearly five minutes, they came up with an answer...

Because of the small number of these guards, either neatly patrolling to the left or patrolling to the right together, behind them is their blind spot!

Moreover, the team turned their heads back 20 seconds apart, which was enough for the two to do something.

"After a while I yelled and ran away, we rushed to the corner of the wall, and then walked towards them against the wall. When they turned around, we quickly turned up the tower and tried to leave." Moxie said.

The imperial palace tower in front of him was not very high, it was only five meters in height. With the climbing level that Mo Xie now exercised, ten seconds were enough to easily climb up.

"But I'm afraid I can't do it, and I won't be able to climb up then." Li Hong was a little worried and dragged his hind legs.

"It's okay, I can carry you up." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Okay." Li Hong nodded, her face flushed with shame.

The two hid behind the tree, waiting for the next opportunity...

Seeing a row of people on the tower walk to the end of the palace tower on the right, this is the junction of the palace wall and the foot of the mountain.

I saw these soldiers turning around, and the leading soldier turned back to the left. The soldiers behind him followed closely, staring at the outside of the city from the tower.

Their eyes seem to be always focused on the map outside the city.

This also gave Mo Xie even greater information, and could sneak into the palace again smoothly and safely.

Waiting for this group of soldiers to march towards the left side of the tower. Slowly, the last soldier also began to turn back to the left. This section of the tower is more than 300 meters long. Although their steps are fast, there are 20 in the middle. The sight is blank for about seconds.

"Prepare." Mo Xie has already begun to send out a reminder.

Waiting for the last soldier to go further and further to the left, and his back was already facing the big tree where the two of them were avoiding. At this moment, Mo Xie slapped Li Hong on the back. Directly rushed through the small square tens of meters wide, and quickly rushed into the corner of the city wall.

It took ten seconds to successfully reach the foot of the tower.

Standing quietly against the wall, Mo Xie shifted his feet and led Li Hong to move slowly to the left.

Now the two are moving against the wall. The soldiers on the tower will not be able to find the presence of the two unless they stick their heads out and look out of the city. If it is only in the current state of patrol, it will never be possible to see the situation at the foot of the wall.

As the two of them continued to move to the left, the front of the tower heard the sound of dense footsteps slowly approaching, and the patrolling soldiers had turned back from the left and patrolled to the right.

But Mo Xie had already figured out a plan. If the two of them were hiding at the foot of the city wall on the right, and the patrol team was at the end of the left side, they could easily see the situation on this side, which was more dangerous, so he was right again. The angle of sight allowed the two to avoid danger.

The distance between the two parties was getting closer and closer, Mo Xie had already taken out the mechanical flying claws, while Li Hong had empty hands, intending to really let Mo Xie carry her back to the tower.

The sound of footsteps passed by, Mo Xie immediately stopped moving and stood quietly against the wall, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

He silently counted the footsteps passing by above his head and judged their position...

When the footsteps of the last soldier were getting farther and farther away from the top of the two men's heads, Mo Xie immediately turned around, with flying claws in his hands toward the top of the city wall, and immediately followed his motive.

call out!

There was a slight breaking sound, a cold light flashed, and the flying claws flew up to the tower accurately.

As Mo Xie put away the machine and grabbed the rope with both hands and pulled it, the claws of the flying claws were firmly hooked on the edge of the city wall.

"Come up soon," Mo Xie said softly.

Li Hong hurriedly threw himself on his back, tightly wrapping his hands around his neck.

Holding the rope with both hands, and leaning both feet quickly on the wall alternately upwards. Although she is carrying Sister Hong’s body, in the game world, this weight does not have much effect on him. If in reality, carrying one It is impossible for him to climb steep walls so easily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity with the soldiers' eyes on one side, it only took less than ten seconds.

Turning over and climbing up the tower, watching the long patrol team has gone hundreds of meters away, it will reach the end of the other side.

Mo Xie put away the claw hook and took Hong sister, hurriedly rushed past the tower, and the two flew off the tower on the other side.

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