The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1116: Timid emperor

Mo Xie and Li Hong rushed all the way. After passing through a large group of palaces, a beautiful garden appeared in front of them. The circular arch on the opposite side of the garden looked very familiar. It was the entrance to the inner palace by the lake.

The two hurried through the garden and rushed to the arch. First, they carefully looked out and found that the heavily guarded inner palace was now empty, and there was not even a maid.

"Be careful, come with me." Mo Xie rushed out of the arch first, along the right passage by the lake, towards the back of the most magnificent palace.

All the way across the long bluestone road, gradually, the two came to the back door of this palace, and above the gorgeous palace door, the three characters of Qingxin Hall shone with golden light.

"This is the place where the emperor lives. We will make sure that it is safe before we show up, otherwise we have to hang up again." Mo Xie warned.

"I will do what you say." Li Hong smiled and nodded.

"Well, go in for a while, you first find a safe place to hide, I will find out the situation of the emperor, don't come out without my greetings, even if I hang up, I can't be impulsive." Mo Xie reminded.

"Well, listen to you." Li Hong nodded.

Mo Xie turned around in satisfaction, stepped into the magnificent palace gate first, stepped on the soft exquisite carpet, and slowly walked towards the end of the corridor behind the gate.

When he came to the end of the long corridor, a wonderful space filled with white mist appeared in front of him. The sound of gurgling water bubbling sounded everywhere, and there were patches of hot spring ponds everywhere on the ground. This was originally a hot spring place.

But this hall was covered with whiteness everywhere, as if returning to the map on the top of the imperial city hill again, it was impossible to see whether there were enemies hidden in it.

However, the enemy seems to be unable to see him, unless they are very close.

"Sister Hong, you can come in now." Mo Xie quickly reminded in the team channel.

"Okay." Li Hong got the news and began to walk into the palace gate, approaching where Mo Xie was.

Mo Xie simply told her the situation of the hot spring hall, and asked her to quickly find a safe corner to hide first. Li Hong obediently walked to the left side of the hall, looking for a safe hiding place.

After Li Hong escaped safely, Mo Xie had the courage to start a careful search of every hot spring pond...

After passing through thick water mist, countless hot spring ponds in the whole hall were empty, and no other movement was heard.

But Mo Xie didn't dare to care. He did see a fat emperor with a group of palace ladies playing in the water in the center of the lake outside. Now the entire palace is ordered by the Protoss. If no one is outside, he must hide nearby. Environment.

The spacious hot spring hall has a lot of space, and it really takes a lot of time to search it slowly.

Mo Xie could only look for it slowly. In such a concealed place, it was very possible that the puppet emperor of the **** race was hiding.

It is said that this guy is extremely courageous and dull, so he was selected by the Protoss and pushed to the throne because he is easily controlled.

Now that there is a turmoil outside, since this emperor is timid, he will definitely choose a place to hide...

Gradually, the large hot springs were inspected piece by piece by Mo Xie, and there was no sound at all in the entire hall except for the sound of bubbling water.

But what Mo Xie lacks most is patience. Since he came here with great difficulty, he must check carefully.

Walking on the road among countless hot spring ponds, Mo Xie waved his long sleeves to disperse the mist, and carefully inspected every pond, but every time he found nothing.

Seeing that the entire hot spring hall has been inspected for only a half, the remaining space is huge!

However, it takes at least half an hour to complete the inspection.

But he understands that the longer the time spent here, the more dangerous it is. Once the high-levels of the Protoss react and want to find the puppet emperor, a large number of Protoss soldiers will appear here at any time!

"Sister Hong, come out and help too, start from the other side, and you must find out as soon as possible whether the emperor is hidden here." Mo Xie had to ask for help.

"There is water mist everywhere, and you can't see anything two or three meters away. It's not a way to find it this way," Li Hong said.

"Then you help me pay attention, how can you be sure that there is someone or no one here?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"What is the relationship between the puppet emperor and the Protoss? If we shout, we will say that the holy princess will rescue him. Will he come out?" Li Hong asked.

"I don't think so, the princess told me that that guy is so courageous, even if thunder can scare him to hide under the bed. Now in this situation, he is already scared to pee his pants, how could he show up "Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

"Is he so courageous?" Li Hong asked incredulously.

"It seems that the system is set up like this." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"If we are really timid, maybe we can use this..." Li Hong said in a deep voice.

"Do you have a solution?" Mo Xie was overjoyed when she heard her tone.

"If he is really hiding in this hot spring palace, if we scare him by shouting, will he make any movement, even if it is just a little noise, it will be a hundred times stronger than the clueless search now." Li Hong analyzed.

"You mean, we suddenly yelled, if he hides in the hot spring, there will be a voice when he is afraid..." Mo Xie second understood her meaning, and was pleasantly surprised.

This attention may really work...

"You come to shout in a while, I pay attention to the surrounding movement, as long as he is there, there will be a reaction, then I can accurately find him." Li Hong suggested.

"Okay, then we are ready." Mo Xie nodded, stood up, and took a deep breath.

Li Hong also hurriedly listened, receiving abnormal movements around him at any time.

"Emperor Dog, I'm here to kill you, don't run, I see you!" Mo Xie was lucky to Dantian, and suddenly there was a loud roar, and the whole hall suddenly echoed.


Suddenly, as Mo Xie's shout was just remembered, a fierce splash of water suddenly sounded in the far corner of the main hall, immediately allowing Li Hong to accurately determine the line of defense.

"He is in the corner of the hall." Li Hong reminded excitedly.

"Go, hurry over, don't let him run." Mo Xie rushed in excitement, dashing forward in the hot spring ponds, quickly approaching the upper right corner of the hall.

Li Hong also rushed to this corner, and the two waved their sleeves to blow away the thick water mist covering the pond.

A piece of hot spring water, bubbling with blisters, suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

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