The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1117: Zhen Guo Yu Xi

The supreme emperor of the dignified sun empire was unexpectedly a guy who was more timid than a mouse. Mo Xie just shouted, and he was so scared that he took the initiative to show his feet.

Seeing this guy's appearance in the potential hot spring, the two couldn't help but laugh, and laughed together.

"The holy princess is so noble, I didn't expect her brother to look like this." Li Hong sighed.

"It's not the setting of the system. If he is not timid, we can't find him. Get him out quickly, or he will suffocate himself alive." Mo Xie shook his head, bent over and stretched out his hand, grabbing him. The top of his head was lifted up hard...


Amidst the sound of the water, a fat man in a big golden robe was pulled directly out of the water by him, and a big face in a white robe appeared in front of the two of them.

I have to say that although the emperor is courageous and so fat, his face is very gentle and delicate, a bit like a holy princess.

After watching the Fat Emperor being dragged out of the water, his eyes were horrified. When he wanted to speak, he spit out a stream of water, which seemed to really hold himself back.

"Don't worry, we scared you just now, didn't want to kill you, on the contrary, we came to save you." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"Really don't be afraid, your princess sister asked us to rescue you out." Li Hong also comforted.

"You, who are you, dare to privately enter the emperor, the palace!" The fat emperor was still stuttering...

"Didn't you just say that, your princess sister is here to let us rescue you from the palace." Mo Xie explained patiently.

However, the name on the top of the emperor's head still aroused his surprise.

In the Eternal God Realm, each one is set by the system with corresponding responsibilities and different strengths. Through the color of the name on the top of the head, players can have the simplest understanding of this strength and know how strong he is. Strong, what kind of responsibilities belong.

For example, if it is displayed in a white name, it is usually a task of management or players. This type of task has almost no IQ, and is just a simple task of buying and selling goods or delivering.

The green name shows that most of them have some elementary intelligence and are peaceful friends, responsible for some special management tasks of the system, such as some middle-level or professional mentors, who can have simple communication with players.

Then there are some special ones. The color of their names on the top of their heads begins to represent the division of their strength, just like the guard soldiers in the main city. Ordinary soldiers are shown in blue, indicating that they have good strength. Different levels have different combat power.

The purple name is already considered a relatively high level of strength, and those golden armored officers are displayed in this color.

If there is a golden or pale golden name, you must be careful. This is already the strength of the commander level. Even if the players are of the same level, they must unite a large number of teammates to defeat the opponent.

When the strength is higher, their names will begin to be displayed in color, indicating that their strength has reached the level of top beasts. This is a guy who can never be offended. Players have no chance to defeat them.

This top level, just like the master of the Saint Princess and the Protoss, the system is set to not consider the players to deal with, they represent the needs of a plot, even if they are going to die, they are fighting deaths with similar strength.

Therefore, after Mo Xie found this timid emperor, he immediately observed his name on his head, lest this guy also has terrifying fighting power, after all, he is an imperial emperor and should have a god-level fighting power.

What surprised him was that this guy who was stammering and talking had the four characters of Emperor Yaori on his head very eye-catching, but the color of the font was surprisingly ordinary blue!

In other words, this guy is not only timid, but also very weak...

The setting of the system left Mo Xie completely speechless.

Although he is a puppet emperor, there is no need to set it so badly, right?

"You, you let go, presumptuous! I, my emperor sister, is already dead, dead for more than ten, a few years!" The Fat Emperor said angrily.

"Believe it or not, your princess sister is at the bottom of the mountain, if you want to survive, follow me and stay in the palace, it will be a dead end!" Mo Xie warned coldly.

"You, you want, you want to kill me!" The fat emperor was frightened by his words, his face paled again, and his whole body seemed to slip into the water again.

"Stand well, I won't kill if I'm obedient, or I'll kill you!" Mo Xie knew that talking to him wouldn't work. This guy was born to be scared.

"I, I listen, obedient, don't kill, kill me." The Fat Emperor stammered, hearing Mo Xie extremely speechless.

"It's so hard to talk to him, so I just take it away." Li Hong couldn't help it.

"How to take it away now, who knows he is so fat..." Mo Xie looked at this guy's huge size, with a chance of three times his own weight, and felt very helpless when he thought of leaving from the cliff later.

"Yes, you have to leave Huangcheng Mountain a certain distance before the mount can be used. It is really troublesome to carry him." Li Hong smiled.

"Just get rid of him, he will be killed by the Protoss anyway." Mo Xie looked at him shivering with fright and couldn't help but continue to scare him.

"Don't don't don't, kill me, I listen, listen to you." The Fat Emperor turned pale, and quickly begged for mercy.

"Then you follow us. If you don't obey, we will kill you immediately." Mo Xie wiped his neck.

"Ming, I understand." The Fat Emperor nodded as if a chicken pecking at rice.

"Hurry up, we will leave here immediately." Moxie said.

"But how do you take this guy out?" Li Hong also got a headache when he saw his size.

"If there is no other way, just hang down slowly, as long as nothing happens." Mo Xie said, touching his head.

"It can only be so..." Li Hong smiled.

The two of them were about to leave this hall, just about to turn around and set off, only to find that the fat emperor behind him jumped into the hot spring pool again...

Before the two of them figured out what he was going to do, they saw that he had quickly stood up from the pool, with one hand seeming to be holding something, and climbing to the edge of the pool with difficulty.

"I, I want to take it, take it, and then go." The Fat Emperor stood up, holding a large square brocade box in his hand, stammering nervously.

"What is this?" Mo Xie and Li Hong's eyes lit up, because they couldn't see the attributes of the things in the brocade box, so they couldn't know what treasures were inside.

"My father, the emperor will give it to me. I want it. I want it to be handed in, handed in and handed over to my sister." The fat man replied vaguely, and the two of them almost fainted.

"Take me a look."

Mo Xie was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, stretched out his hand to grab the brocade box, and opened the lid directly...

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