The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1118: Timid emperor

The imperial emperor who was stammering and cowardly took out the jade seal of the town from the hot spring pool, which surprised both Mo Xie and Li Hong.

Looking at this already soaked brocade box, and the densely dense yellowish rust on the jade seal, it looks like this jade seal has been in the hot spring pool for a long time.

"Have you kept this jade seal here?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

Because he had known from the general anode and many others that after the death of the first emperor that year, the jade seal of the town was nowhere to be found, so the battle for royal power between the eldest prince and the princess was actually a battle between the Protoss and the Holy Princess.

The biggest reason is that neither the eldest prince nor the holy princess have taken out the jade seal of the town country in their hands, so the battle of the imperial city will be triggered...

If one of the parties took out the Jade Seal of the Zhen Kingdom earlier, even if they knew that the Protoss had controlled the eldest prince, the holy princess and her supporters, they would have to obediently bow down and claim the court.

The existence of the jade seal of the town country represents the symbol of the highest imperial power. Whoever owns the jade seal has the throne and is a well-deserved heir to the emperor.

Holding the jade seal in his hand, all imperial generals must also obey orders. Even now, as long as the Protoss takes out the jade seal to issue orders at the gate of the city, the town general and all generals can only stop resisting and continue to obey the instructions of the Protoss.

However, no one thought that the eldest prince would have kept the jade seal secretly, and even the gods would not even know...

And the place where the jade seal is hidden is even more unbelievable. This silly-looking, timid, and can't speak prince secretly hides in this hot spring pool!

Seeing Gululu constantly surging blisters, white mist on the water, and the hot spring pool where the situation under the water could not be seen clearly, Mo Xie and Li Hong were shocked.

"He actually hid Yuxi here for more than ten years!" Li Hong said in surprise.

With a thud, the curious Mo Xie has already jumped out of the hot spring pool. The warm water is 1.78 meters deep. He is short, and he immediately spreads over his head.

Stretching out his hands and groping for the bottom of the pool, Mo Xie discovered that the bottom of the hot spring pool was densely piled with many stones, and there were thick sand piles underneath. Big and small stones and sand piles were indeed a good place to hide things.

Moreover, the Protoss couldn't believe that this timid prince could actually keep a shocking secret for more than ten years in front of them!

The eldest prince stammered just now that this jade seal was something that the first emperor asked him to hand over to the holy princess, so he kept the secret and waited for the opportunity to return the jade seal to his sister.

It seems that the emperor is not bad in character, but everything is involuntary.

Thinking of this, Mo Xie and Li Hong's attitude towards this timid emperor instantly became much more gentle.

"Come with us, Yuxi will hand it to your princess sister in your presence, as long as you leave the imperial city, you will be completely safe, and no one will hurt you." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Yeah, we never thought about hurting you. Your sister asked us to guarantee your safety and take you out of this dangerous palace safely." Li Hong said comfortingly.

"Okay, okay, I, I, I, and I will follow you." Looking at the eyes of the two, the eldest prince also seemed to understand that they really did not hurt their own minds, which made him bolder.

"Let's go, let's go down from the viewing platform behind." Mo Xie immediately led the two of them down the hall and quickly returned to the original road.

Walking out of the hot spring hall, leaving the back door of Qingxin Palace, the two opened the way in front, leading the Fat Emperor and quickly walked away...

Almost unimpeded along the way, the entire palace was silent. Perhaps because of the fierce fighting at the foot of the mountain, almost all the guards of the entire palace except the palace gate and some key locations were transferred to the foot of the mountain to participate in the battle.

This also gave Mo Xie and the three people an excellent opportunity to walk all the way through the bedroom area and once again to the viewing platform. There was still a mess here, with countless stones scattered everywhere.

The three quickly approached and passed through the courtyard wall and returned to the back garden area of ​​the palace. Mo Xie first went to observe and made sure that there was no danger, so Li Hong took the fat emperor and walked out quickly through the rockery and garden. District, the large bamboo forest in front is impressive.

Coming here means that the three are finally completely safe.

What now needs to be considered is how to enable the huge emperor to escape the palace smoothly from the cliff.

This is a very difficult task, far exceeding the difficulty of passing through the palace secretly!

The three walked into the bamboo forest and walked all the way to the end along the forest path. At the edge of the cliff in front, a beautiful long corridor appeared again.

Mo Xie rushed to the observation deck first, and waited there for a few minutes, making sure that there were no soldiers patrolling, and waved to let the two of them come together.

Standing on the other side of the promenade, looking at the magnificent scenery of a large expansive map in the distance, and then looking at the bottomless cliffs, the prince’s face was already covered with the word “horror”.

"You, you, go from, here, down?" The prince was slurred, and this scare made him unable to say a word for a long time.

"Don't worry, we can ensure your safety, but you have to cooperate with us." Mo Xie has already begun to exhale the package, taking out a lot of ropes and getting busy.

Li Hong was not idle either. He took out the rope and tied it tightly on the guardrail of the promenade as a safety rope for landing.

And Mo Xie took the rope and tied it round and round to the left of the big prince, tightly binding his **** body, making sure that there would be no accidents, and it would not let him suffocate, so he took out more The ropes are wound around the fence.

"Xiao Mo, how are you going to put him down?" Li Hong also had no idea about this action.

"It's very simple. Use the weight of the two of us to hang him in the middle. When we descend, he also descends." Mo Xie pointed to the distance between the two.

"No, he is so fat, how can we two bear it?" Li Hong asked in exclamation.

"This is not the real world. His weight is not that terrible. You'll know after a while if you don't believe it." Mo Xie smiled, confidently continuing to busy.

He first tied the rope he was landing on to the fence, then tied his body with a rope loop, and connected more long ropes together one by one, until two long ropes were prepared, and then he was ready to formally Acted.

He wrapped three sets of ropes around his waist, the other end passed through the noose behind the big prince, and then he passed it to Li Hong and wrapped it around his waist.

In this way, the body of the prince was connected in series between the two, and when the two descended, he could also slowly descend in mid-air.

If it is the real world, this method is definitely a dead end, and all three of them will fall off the cliff.

But Mo Xie is very aware of the rules in this game world, especially in some dangerous environments, the virtual world actually has certain protective measures for players.

Just like the big prince, he looks fat, but he can't be measured by weight in reality.

The shape of the figure is just a visual effect for the players, in fact it is not as heavy as imagined.

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