The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1119: Prologue before the war

Mo Xie and Li Hong were still on the cliffs of the imperial city, persuading the timid emperor who had weakened his legs with fright, and fierce battles had begun at the gates of the three cities!

A large number of the Protoss forces are concentrated at the foot of Huangcheng Mountain, and the three open areas leading to the city gate are constantly gathering their forces and gradually approaching the city gate.

The middle city gate and the right city gate are still facing each other, the Protoss is waiting for a large number of reinforcements to arrive, but at the left city gate, the battle has officially started.

Because here, not only the head of the water **** of the Protoss is sitting in the town, the figure of the holy princess is also standing proudly on the edge of the city wall on the opposite tower, commanding the defending army on the tower, and welcoming the large-scale attack of the golden armored soldiers!

This is the real main battlefield of the three battlefields. The other two gates are just facing each other. The Protoss will not start attacking until the battle on this side is determined.

Boom boom boom!

The dull footsteps sounded neatly within the city wall, and countless burly figures in golden armor, holding spears and shields, walked all the way from the foot of the mountain, and quickly entered the attack range of the defense tower on the tower.

Facing the densely packed golden armored soldiers, and also the golden shield soldiers holding shields, the imperial soldiers on the castle tower opened their eyes, knowing that these guys are very powerful.

The sacred shield soldiers of the Protoss, like their priests, are the most powerful combat profession of the Protoss.

The Holy Shield soldiers generally stayed in the temple and rarely came out to serve as guards. This time there was a crisis in the imperial city, the two headmasters issued an order to dispatch all these Holy Shield soldiers.

These sacred shield soldiers not only have super strong gold armor protection, but the shields in their hands can resist all kinds of long-range arrows and small stones thrown, but their most powerful thing is that every sacred shield soldier can Launch the Holy Light Shield, immune to various magical attacks for a certain period of time.

Of course, the defensive power of the sacred light shield is limited. The sacred shield soldiers alone cannot compete with the powerful offensive such as the energy turret, but they have a very terrifying group skill. When the sacred shield soldiers are arranged in a neat square, After keeping a certain distance with other shield soldiers, after each shield soldier activates the sacred light shield, they can influence each other!

All the sacred light shields will be connected together to provide a defensive mask for all members of the phalanx. Even if they suffer a strong damage that exceeds the protection of the light shield, they will be distributed to the members of each phalanx, helping teammates to disperse damage.

Therefore, the sacred shield soldiers of the Protoss had entered the attack range on the tower, but the general defending the city did not order a full attack.

Because they know very well that the attack distance is too far, they can only hit a few enemies in the front row of the shield soldiers. Once they turn on the sacred light shield and all of them help share the damage, then even the energy turret does not pose any threat to them... …

The sacred shield soldiers of the Protoss are the only strong defense class that can directly compete with energy turrets among all combat classes!

The footsteps became louder and denser, and the distance between the Protoss soldiers and the city wall was close to less than 50 meters.

The players of the God Realm League outside the city are still waiting quietly in the square outside the city gate, lined up behind countless soldiers.

The five gleaming silver Imperial Wind Shenzhou also hovered quietly in mid-air level with the tower, and all mechanical legion players were ready to participate in the battle at any time.

The three flying mounts circled back and forth on the tower, reporting the situation of the Protoss to Little Wolf who is instructing the battle at any time.

"What's the matter, the Protoss soldiers are almost 50 meters close to the city wall, why didn't Her Royal Highness order the attack?" Lianna said doubtfully in the air.

"Yeah, it's so close already, it should be possible to attack." Ouyang Jiaojiao was also puzzled.

"What's the situation inside?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"The phalanx of the shield soldiers of the Protoss is constantly approaching the city wall, and it is now less than 50 meters away from the foot of the city wall." God Realm Dragon Soul quickly replied.

"Continue to observe the situation. If you don't do anything, let's not rush to open fire and see what's going on." Mo Xiaolang knew that there was no guarantee of victory in this battle. After all, the Protoss is now going all out to defend the imperial city. The most powerful time.

According to Moxie's previous arrangement, as long as the Holy Princess was rescued this time, and the Emperor Group and the Protoss were completely separated, their goal had already been achieved.

Therefore, the battle for the tower is not at all painful. Of course victory is better, but it doesn't matter if you lose.

The most important thing is that this battle must be fought in order to officially kick off the battle between the Emperor Corps and the Protoss...

The news from the other two city gates was that the Protoss Legion and the Emperor's Army were facing each other far away, and neither of them took the initiative to attack. Only at this side of the city gate, the Protoss Legion began a large-scale march.

"Got it." The three aerial scouts replied in unison, continuing to pay attention to the speed of the Protoss Shield Legion.

The sound of neat footsteps kept coming from outside the city wall. News of battles appeared on Huangcheng Mountain and spread rapidly throughout the city. More and more players got news from the three gates of the city. Gathering, all come to see what happened.

In a short while, countless players gathered in the streets around the small square outside the three city gates, looking curiously at the situation in the square.

"What's the situation, why did Huangcheng Mountain suddenly start fighting?"

"No, who started the Huangcheng Mountain mission, so awesome!"

"Damn, those guys who are not from the God Realm League in front, how can they enter the square?"

"It's probably the mission they started, so they can go in."

Players were intercepted by a large group of golden armored soldiers at the entrances of various streets, looking at the situation in the distance, especially the scene where a large number of players of the God Realm League gathered, which made all players feel extremely curious.

Outside the three city gates, with the edge of the other end of the square as the boundary, the human wall composed of tens of thousands of soldiers guarding the city firmly blocked many street entrances, and even a street leading to the city center was completely covered from both ends. The soldiers in the golden armor blockade, and they are empty and no one can be seen.

This street is a passage reserved for the holy princess to leave, so that the protoss will not break through the tower, and all the streets will be occupied by players, and there will be no retreat.

Players from the entire Sun Empire camp quickly received this important news, and they flocked to the Evernight Imperial City from various maps, gathering in the half of the city close to Huangcheng Mountain...

"There are more and more people, hurry up and make a quick decision." Lianna looked at the ground from the air, already shocked by the huge number of players.

"No way, Saint Princess and the general defending the city don't order, we can only wait." Mo Xiaolang shook his head.

He knew very well that now only the Protoss and the Imperial regiment can start the first exchange of fire, and once the two sides encounter an attack, a huge battle epic will immediately begin.

This battle may last a long time!


The footsteps outside the city wall were closer, and the Protoss Sacred Shield Legion, marching continuously, had entered the area 30 meters near the tower.

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