The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1123: The test of ice and fire

On the cliff of Wanzhang, Mo Xie and Li Hong slowly descend step by step with difficulty. Whenever they descend to a certain distance and find a suitable support point, they will immediately take out the ropes and hooks and fix their bodies on the cliff again safely. Climb down.

With the huge burden of the Fat Emperor, the two fell very slowly. Although as Moxie said, the weight in the virtual world was reduced a lot, but with the Fat Emperor, their burden was doubled. the above!

Unable to descend quickly, they could only patiently slow down and descend slowly and vertically on the cliff. Fortunately, the hole in the cliff that the Saint Princess ordered the man to dig was still there, which guaranteed their safety.

At the gate of the city, the battle has begun fiercely. Under the protection of the golden light shield, the sacred shield soldiers of the Protoss are braving the raindrops of arrows and stones, and there are even dozens of energy light bombs shining with various colors of halo. Relying on the protection of the sacred light shield, he quickly approached the foot of the tower while holding the shield.

Now they are less than ten meters away from the foot of the tower. Large golden figures crowded beneath the tower. The shields they raised up firmly protected the top of their heads. The health of all the sacred shield soldiers still looks like so far. It's still a long strip!

Facing such a strong defense of the Protoss shield soldier, the Saint Princess stood there with a frown, and couldn't think of a better way.

In midair, three flying mounts hovered and flew, relaying the situation on the ground to the commander-in-chief Mo Xiaolang at any time.

"The situation is not good, the light shield shields of these holy shield soldiers actually lasted for such a long time!" Ouyang Jiaojiao has been staring at the situation downstairs, since these shield soldiers turned on the light shields, it lasted nearly Five or six minutes, but it still exists, which shows that the maintenance time of this skill state can be very long.

"What is going on, who can beat the Protoss with such abnormal skills?" Lianna was also shocked.

According to their understanding of the game, the more powerful the skills, the greater the restrictions given by the system, or the status time is very short, or the cooling time is very long, in short, it will not give this powerful skill the opportunity to be used frequently.

But now, the defensive mask that lasted for five or six minutes showed no sign of disappearing, and the protoss shield phalanx had arrived at the foot of the city wall in mighty force. Under the raised golden shield, I didn’t know what happened...

"The skills of the Protoss cannot be analyzed by common sense. Their divine power is very strong. I am afraid that this defensive mask has a certain relationship with the damage value received." Mo Xiaolang replied with a deep voice.

"The boss meant that these sacred light shields must be given a certain degree of damage before they will dissipate automatically, otherwise there will be no status time limit?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid this is the case, because after all, this is a powerful defensive enchantment formed by combining the skills of each Protoss shield soldier. The existence of this enchantment is related to the defensive ability of each Protoss shield soldier. If they cannot be destroyed The defense, this barrier can only be closed by themselves." Mo Xiaolang frowned and said.

While the players are helping the holy princess analyze the power of the mask of the Protoss Shield Soldier, the most worrying situation arises...

The sacred shield soldiers rushed forward in large numbers, and under the protection of the light shield, they approached the tower without any pressure, forming a huge golden shield array with a length of hundreds of meters and a width of tens of meters.

The three investigators flying in the air immediately noticed that on the other side of the golden shield formation, among the large protoss soldiers, countless protoss sacrifices wearing red and blue robes were quietly crawling into the edge of the shield formation...

"It's not good, the protoss wizard legion has entered the shield formation and is approaching the tower!" Lianna hurried down to the tower and issued a warning in the air.

"Thank you." The Saint Princess smiled and raised her head to thank her, her beautiful eyes looked worriedly at the distance outside the city.

The power of the Protoss not only opened the eyes of the players, even she was also the first time that she faced the Protoss Legion head-on, and her ignorance of the Protoss made today's battle become passive at the beginning!

Since the last time the Protoss was defeated and they had no choice but to sign the defeat contract, they had handed over the eternal God Realm they once had to the hands of the Sun Empire, and placed them under the management of the Human Race Royal Family.

Since that time, the Protoss has begun preparations to end the civil strife and regain its strength, and has been hiding its strength. Whatever happens, the orc army will fight on its behalf, and it has never been willing to expose its true strength.

Now that the orc army has been destroyed, the holy princess is leading the emperor's army in a fierce manner, and they have no choice but to mobilize the elite army to meet the battle. The powerful strength is only shown by accident, and the holy princess who defends the city feels confused.

The Saint Princess now misses that little figure very much in her heart. With him, maybe things will be much easier...

"Order to go down, focus the firepower on the edge of the tower, the Protoss sacrificial legion is already approaching!" The holy princess held the holy axe in one hand, staring at the city, and said crisply in her mouth.

"Yes." The defending general and a group of lieutenants replied in unison, and immediately rushed back and forth on the tower to deploy a defense plan.

The arrow tower and the sling tower continue to put pressure on the divine power light shield, although it still cannot break this light curtain, but it can't let it exist forever.

The energy turrets have stopped their ineffective attacks, ready to deal with the appearance of the gods' sacrifices.

A large group of soldiers hid behind the city wall, the archers continued to release their arrows, and the other soldiers each held heavy stones, waiting for the attack instructions at any time.

Even so, the holy princess and the generals who defend the city are very clear in their hearts that this may not be able to stop the offensive of the Protoss. Their strength is very strong, and the first wave of attacks may capture the tower!

However, the holy princess was not worried about her own safety. A large number of emperor regiments were still ambushing on the other side of the city wall.

But in this way, it will be a devastating blow to the morale of the Imperial regiment!

In the preparations of everyone in the tower, the golden shield wall outside the city finally began to change. I saw that a large number of neat golden shields suddenly appeared in black gaps, and a large number of gods holding scepters were revealed!

Unexpectedly, the Protoss was so cunning that they did not open all the shield formations, but opened a part of the shield without any signs...


In an instant, the protoss priests who had just showed up waved their staffs and released their singing skills. Countless fireballs and water **** flew up to the tower. The scene was particularly spectacular!

A series of fireballs and huge blue water **** formed a dreamlike and beautiful scene in the air, but in the eyes of the soldiers on the tower, this was the most terrifying scene...

Puff puff!

The fireball fell to the tower, and the pillars of fire suddenly rose into the sky. The flames outside the armor of countless soldiers suddenly burned. The flames produced by these fireballs could attach to the enemy's body and burn continuously!

All the imperial soldiers hit by the flames suddenly appeared a series of fire damage numbers on their heads!

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