The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1124: Keep fighting

And those huge water **** flew slowly, and when the fireballs landed quickly and sparked a burst of fire on the tower, these blue water **** began to land continuously.

I saw blue light flashing on the tower immediately, and after the water polo fell, it was not splashes of water, but the cold frost spread rapidly on the tower, and ice thorns kept appearing!

What is even more shocking is that the two impossible conditions of flame and frost have no effect here, the fireball continues to burn, and the frost continues to spread around!

Above a large section of the tower, I suddenly saw countless imperial soldiers, blood dropping crazily...

The holy princess wielded the holy axe that had lost her supernatural power, and smashed all the fireballs and water **** that rushed towards her, and countless flames and ice lights gleamed above the tower.

Before the general defending the city issued an attack command, all soldiers and energy turrets locked the protoss sacrifices. When they launched a counterattack, the golden shield suddenly closed. After a burst of skills were activated, these protoss sacrifices were immediately protected.

Immediately afterwards, in other places not far away, the golden shield fell again, and another group of protoss priests hidden below activated the prepared skills again...

Fireballs and water **** were flying in the sky, and the three aerial scouts were dumbfounded.

The fire blazed into the sky on the tower, and frost was densely covered, and the players of the God Realm League who looked at the square outside the tower were also inexplicable.

"What's the matter, the Protoss approached the tower so quickly and started to attack?" Mo Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

"How long can the soldiers on the tower last for such a big attacking formation?" God Realm was also shocked by the power of the Protoss attack.

"There is no way, the Protoss is too cunning. With a shield formation, the soldiers of the holy princess can't fight effectively..." Ouyang Jiaojiao will tell everyone in detail about what she sees.

"This kind of tactic is really a headache. It seems that if we don't help anymore, the tower will be lost before Xiao Mo comes back." Mo Xiaolang said with a sigh.

"Then do it, Yufeng Shenzhou has long been waiting for an attack." Mo Xiaoyuan said excitedly.

"You only know how to fight. Now that Xiaomo is not there, and the Protoss is so powerful, if the tower falls so quickly, wouldn't all these expensive mechanical flying boats be destroyed?" Mo Xiaolang said silently.

"Do you want to fight or not?" Zhou Jianing asked.

"You have to help, but you must also be careful. Once the tower cannot be held, we must all go up. Xiao Mo means that we would rather hang up once, but also try our best to protect the important evacuation of the imperial regiment." Mo Xiao Said the wolf.

"Understand." All commanders nodded excitedly.

"Feizhou lifted into the sky to help the tower defense, all organs opened fire with all their strength." Mo Xiaolang commanded loudly.

"Okay, let's start right away." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled and conveyed the instructions, and the sub-group leader immediately asked the helmsmen who operated Yufeng Shenzhou to turn on the mechanism...

In fact, it is very simple to open Shenzhou. You only need to put the corresponding amount of energy spar into the designated energy furnace in the command cabin, then you can open the command to operate Shenzhou and select various functions.

It's just that the God Realm League lacks the wind power spar necessary for Shenzhou, and can only be replaced by the red flame spar, so many commands are unavailable. The only command that can operate the Shenzhou is the two functions of ascent and landing.


As if muffled thunder sounded, after five bursts of roars, the five silver battleships floating in line with the city wall ejected crimson flames from the bottom, rising quickly into the air...

This sudden change not only made the imperial soldiers on the tower look back in astonishment, but the high-level protoss on the other side of the city wall also stared in surprise in the distance, seeing the five giant silver warships from It appeared quickly on the ground and rose quickly above the tower.

"What is that?" The Palm Master Water God asked with a frown.

"Master Qixiu, we have never seen such a thing." A group of elders of the Protoss shook their heads one after another.

"Master Master, it seems that the old man has seen this kind of warship flying in the air somewhere. It should be... the ancient wind system protoss once had this kind of flying boat." An older protoss elder said in shock.

"No matter what it is, it cannot stop our plan to occupy the tower. From the current point of view, the imperial soldiers are so vulnerable in front of the elite of our protoss! I gave my order and the other two city gates attacked at the same time. Quickly occupy the tower, and then outflank it from the flank, be sure to capture the princess back for me!" The Water God Palm Teacher said coldly.

"Respect for the orders of the adults." A protoss priest immediately bowed and saluted, with a wave of his hand, a dazzling light rushed into the sky...


High in the air, the glare suddenly burst, emitting a dazzling white light...

After the attack order was issued, at the foot of the other two mountains, the Protoss Legion, which had been standing still and quietly confronting each other, suddenly began to take action. The sacred shield soldiers lined up in front of the team had already assembled and moved forward with their shields.

The commander of the imperial regiment guarding the middle city gate was the general of the town and country in person, and seeing the enemy starting to act, he quickly deployed a defense plan.

"As soon as I got the news, the protoss legions at the other two city gates have also begun to act. I am afraid they already know how to deal with the emperor regiment. The situation is very dangerous now!" The God Realm Dragon Soul suddenly said.

"Sooner or later, the protoss of the imperial city is bound to win, but the other two gates must not be lost prematurely, otherwise the protoss will outflank two places, and the holy princess will be in danger." Mo Xiaolang said in a deep voice. .

"Then simply let Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess retreat, anyway, now we can't beat the Protoss." Lianna said silently.

"What do you know, this is the first battle where the Saint Princess broke with the Protoss and officially declared war. If you don't fight this battle, the plot of the faction war will not start, but once the fight starts, it depends on the timing to announce the retreat. Now In less than half an hour from the beginning, Saint Princess died in battle and would not choose to leave at this time!" Mo Xiaolang shook his head and explained.

"Yes, retreating at this time will have a huge blow to the confidence of the Imperial regiment. If it is not done, there will be more serious consequences!" Zhou Jianing nodded.

"It's so complicated..." Lianna was stunned.

"You need to know that tonight the zero point system will officially update the expansion of the faction battle, and now this battle is the key plot to start the expansion of the expansion. According to Xiao Mo's previous analysis, this battle is not that simple. The system may have more hidden settings." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

Before today's Huangcheng Mountain operation, Mo Xie had discussed with him many times about what might happen today.

Because the two did not know in advance, triggering the official declaration of war between the Saint Princess and the Protoss, it would actually lead to a system update!

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