The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1125: Bloody battle

Now whether it is considering the hidden settings of the game, or in order to learn more about the full strength of the Protoss, this battle that can't be won, you have to work hard for a little longer.

"Now assigning work, Miss Zhou brought a mechanical sub-group, five Yufeng Shenzhou, and ten thousand brothers, and hurried to the middle tower to help defend. The same goes for the Dragon Soul. Act immediately."

"Understand." Zhou Jianing and God Realm Dragon Soul nodded excitedly.

Especially Zhou Jianing, this is the first time she has accepted a single-sided task. The excitement is several times more exciting than her own concert.

The two of them accepted the order, immediately dispatched the corresponding personnel, followed them back to the city, and rushed to the two city gates to report.

Above the tower ahead, five shining silver spaceships hovered there, and they had stopped continuing to soar.

The height of Yufeng Shenzhou and the tower is about ten meters, and the distance from the ground is almost 20 meters or more. This height is the best height after careful discussion between Mo Xie and the commander, and it is more suitable for some of the Yufeng Shenzhou. Offensive weapons...

"Already reached the designated height, ready to open fire!" Mo Xiaoyuan sent a message back.

"Don't waste resources, arrows and stones, even energy turrets can't break their light shields." Lianna reminded.

"No, are their light shields still there?" Mo Xiaoyuan stood on the edge of the deck of the Shenzhou ship in the middle and looked down curiously, only to see a square array of large golden shields outside the tower, which looked extremely spectacular. , But the white semicircular mask over the golden shield made his eyes straighten.

Fifteen minutes have passed, but the sacred light shield composed of the sacred shield soldiers still exists...

"Attack it again, and see the situation before talking." Mo Xiaolang smiled faintly.

"Understood." Mo Xiaoyuan issued an order. A hundred Divine Realm players on each of the five spaceships immediately began to control various weapons and attacked the outside of the tower...

I saw the surfaces on both sides of the spacecraft suddenly opened a block of partitions, revealing circular holes, red halos suddenly appeared, huge red light flares shining with raging flames, flying towards the outside of the tower. Down.

There are countless clusters of arrows shot from the continuous crossbow machine on the edge of the deck. Each of the two decks of each flying boat is equipped with at least 20 continuous crossbow machines. Suddenly, there is a loud roar in mid-air, and a series of arrows are directed toward you. The ground poured away...

Some players who did not control the mechanism simply took out the stones in the package and threw them outward, smashing them into the sky above the white light curtain.

Puff puff!

Dense sounds sounded and countless light curtains flashed. What surprised all players was that their attacks were still blocked by the white light curtain. The red fire ball disappeared magically as soon as it touched the white light curtain, and the stones and The arrowhead was bounced off by the light curtain, and then fell weakly to the ground...

Faced with such a strong defense, the players all looked dumbfounded.

"I just said, your attacks are useless, and the offensives on the towers of the people's castle haven't played any role." Lianna said helplessly.

"Yeah, what the **** is this, why is it so difficult to deal with?" Mo Xiaoyuan said startledly.

"I'll take a look." Mo Xiaolang listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help striding towards the tower.

At this time, the Protoss counterattack has never ceased. Their tactics are very cunning. The shields are opened one by one in an irregular manner. The priests of the Protoss hiding in them constantly fire ball of fire and ice blue blisters. Frost and ice are everywhere above the tower. Flames are flying around, and the blood of all soldiers is falling every second!

The current situation is very critical. If the battle continues like this, within half an hour, all the guards on the tower will be killed!

The holy princess can only constantly wield the holy axe, knocking the fireball and water drops falling beside her into the air, and her beautiful eyes have revealed a helpless look...

"His Royal Highness, we will not be able to hold on like this. For your safety, you should leave the tower and be escorted to a safe area by other generals." The general defending the city said anxiously, even the long blood bar on his head. There was a slight loss.

"The soldiers won't retreat, and I won't leave. I must persist. I must fight for more than an hour at least." The holy princess said with a frown. Now that he retreats so quickly and the defeat is so miserable, the arrogance of the Protoss will be even more arrogant. And some vacillating Empire generals will also make a choice to surrender to the powerful Protoss.

She cannot bear the consequences!

"Okay." The general defending the city looked at the sky above his head in desperation. All hopes of the five suspended silver battleships can only be pinned on them.

In the high sky above the tower, a big flame bird fell rapidly towards the ground, and soon rushed into the sky again. Little Mo was sitting behind the flying pet, carefully observing the battle on the other side of the tower.

At this moment, he can see all the fighting situation clearly...

"If I’m not mistaken, these defensive light curtains are made up of countless protoss shield soldiers. This is not an ordinary skill, but an exclusive divine enchantment of the protoss. They exist for a very long time and can be maintained for a long time as long as the divine power is sufficient. Go down." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

"Ah... if it exists for a long time, wouldn't it be invincible?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"No, what is the word that Xiao Mo often says?" Mo Xiaolang replied with a smile.

"That guy doesn't always say that there is no invincibility, just to see if it can be restrained." Lianna replied.

"It seems that you all know that this defensive mask is very powerful, but as long as you find a way to restrain it." Mo Xiaolang carefully watched the offensive on the tower, like arrows and stone bullets, and even energy light bullets. Hit the light curtain, the situation is also very different.

In the face of a physical attack, the defensive light curtain directly bounces it off, while in the face of a magical attribute attack like the energy light bullet, it merges with the light curtain and disappears directly.

However, if you look closely, you can see that although the light bomb is absorbed by the light curtain, a long series of damage numbers will burst on the head of a large gold shield soldier. Although it is not much, it cannot cause a lot of damage to them, but it is better than those arrows. The effect caused by flying sticks and stone bullets is more obvious.

"This light curtain is afraid of magical attacks, and the damage it receives is collectively shared by all shield soldiers, so the intensity of its damage is very strong, and we can't see the damage effect." Mo Xiaolang frowned.

"According to you, if you want to break their defense barrier, don't you have to kill all the shield soldiers to disappear?" Lianna asked in surprise.

"It shouldn't be so complicated. It only needs to consume a certain amount of blood of the shield soldiers, and this level of enchantment should not be able to maintain." Mo Xiaolang is still thinking about the way to deal with it.

"My God, the enchantment that energy light bullets can't hit, how do we consume their blood?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked suspiciously.

"There is only one way to do this, and that is to find a way to continuously consume their blood until they can't hold on." Mo Xiaolang muttered.

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