The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1127: Crazy fire attack

Hundreds of burning fire spots fell from the air, and the Aegis enchantment actually ignored them, allowing these fire spots to fall towards the ground.

Jingle bells!

Another burst of crisp metal percussion sounded outside the city, the falling rocket hit the golden shield wall, and the flames were still burning.

Seeing a rocket slowly slipping down the surface of the shield, and the dense shield wall protection, no rocket successfully landed, this made Mo Xiaolang look at it for a while!

"I'm dizzy, why haven't one of such dense rockets fall?" Lianna said in surprise with her beautiful eyes widened.

"The shield wall is built too densely. The kerosene can be dripped, but the rocket cannot. This is really helpless." Mo Xiaolang couldn't help sighing.

The inability to ignite kerosene is another new problem...

But what they never expected was that things changed dramatically in an instant!

I saw a golden shield suddenly opened in the distance, revealing the dense protoss sacrificial group inside. They raised their staffs and attacked the tower again. Just as countless fireballs and water droplets flew into the sky, they heard a muffled sound, and the entire ground suddenly Become a red!

Large flames rose into the sky, engulfing all the gods sacrifices that had just launched an attack into the blazing fire!


The screams immediately resounded outside the tower, and the entire Protoss shield formation was swallowed by the sea of ​​fire in an instant. The raging fire rushed into the air several meters high, and countless damage figures appeared. ...

"Haha, **** the gods, they dropped the rocket by themselves!" Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled excitedly.

The current situation really went beyond Mo Xiaolang's expectations. He thought that the rocket could not fall to the ground and could not ignite the kerosene. Unexpectedly, the Protoss rushed to attack, the shield wall opened, and the rocket was brought to the ground.

On the ground outside the city where a large amount of kerosene had already been accumulated, as soon as it encountered a rocket, the kerosene immediately ignited and spread to the surroundings. In just a few seconds, a large sea of ​​fire was formed, and the entire area ten meters in front of the tower The narrow area has all become a fiery purgatory!

As the flames burned wildly, the bodies of countless Protoss shield warriors had been wrapped in flames, and the entire shield wall began to collapse one after another. Protoss soldiers wanted to quickly escape this dangerous zone.

"Well done, soldiers, attack with all your strength!" The Saint Princess exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes." The defending general and the lieutenants immediately issued an attack command. The offensive on the tower that had been suppressed for a long time was now finally able to exhale.

As the sea of ​​fire burned, the light curtain of the Aegis enchantment was shining, and the state of dimming and brightening indicated that the enchantment could not bear a lot of damage and was on the verge of collapse.

Because all the shield soldiers of the gods are suffering from all the damage, it is not as simple as sharing the damage. In this way, their divine power barrier cannot provide enough protection, but consumes a lot of divine power.


As the dense arrows and stones fell to the ground, they were constantly bounced off by the light curtain, but when a group of energy light bombs hit the light curtain, the white halo instantly exploded, and the Aegis enchantment was finally Knock it out!

Faced with this situation, the advantages of the Protoss immediately disappeared. There was damage from the sea of ​​fire. There were countless arrows and stones flying above their heads. The soldiers of the Protoss retreat with difficulty in the sea of ​​fire because under their feet. There was thick kerosene, which blocked their retreat.

This gave the offensive on the tower the best time to perform, especially when a group of energy light bombs fell into the sea of ​​fire, and suddenly only the sound of the explosion sounded, countless golden armor figures and protoss sacrifices were blown into the air, and then Falling into the flames, he can no longer stand up smoothly.

Arrows chased the enemy in the sea of ​​flames and shot fiercely, the flying rocks smashed the Protoss soldiers to the ground, and the dazzling energy light bombs shook countless figures...

The imperial soldiers on the tower have been crushed and beaten for so long. Seeing that one by one is about to die, they really have recovered a life from the death line. Their anger is all contained in the attack, and they launched a crazy offensive outside the city.

The sea of ​​flames is still burning, but the battle has been completely reversed, and countless protoss shield soldiers and priests are madly trying to escape from the sea of ​​flames.

At the foot of Huangcheng Mountain, the Water God Sect Master and the large group of elders who had been watching the battle ahead, not only looked at each other in shock by the sudden appearance of the sea of ​​fire.

"Where did the fire come from, so powerful?" Water God Palm Master asked coldly.

"Master Qiqi, head teacher, these fires seem to be ignited by black oil falling from the flying boats in the sky. Our soldiers can no longer withstand it. Do we need rescue?" an elder asked.

"For such a fire, sending people to rescue will only increase the casualties, so let's wait for them to escape by themselves." Water God Palm Teacher said lightly.

"Yes." The elders didn't dare to say much, they had to respectfully take orders.

"Shenhuo Zhangjiao explained that this seat must be completed as soon as possible to seize the imperial city, and also a warning to the imperial generals, but now it seems that our plan was completely destroyed by those five flying boats." Said helplessly with angry eyes.

"Master Master, they only rely on this peculiar oil to get a little advantage. After the flames are burned, they simply let the Shenhuo Army and the Holy Water Army attack together to destroy their morale as soon as possible." An elder suggested.

"At present, it can only do this. Let the two legions quickly reinforce them. Only when the sea of ​​flames is burnt, immediately kill those who defend the city. Remember, give priority to killing the holy princess." The Water God Master said coldly.

"Subordinates obey." The elder quickly turned and walked up the mountainside.

I saw high Huangcheng Mountain, halfway up the Panshan Road, and I don't know when, another long deal appeared, stretching to the other side of the bend at the foot of the mountain, I don't know how big the scale is.

Moving hard step by step from the cliff behind Huangcheng Mountain, Mo Xie and Li Hong experienced several system warnings in total, and had no choice but to rest for a while before continuing to climb down.

The existence of the Fat Emperor caused both of them to suffer, but they couldn't ignore him.

After more than an hour of arduous descent, the three finally saw a large mountain **** below the cliff.

Looking at the top of the cliff beyond the end of the mountain, Mo Xie and Li Hong couldn't believe how they came down the road.

Although the escape this time was very hard, the relationship between the two people has become closer. This is far more than the two inexplicable intimacy, and it has increased their feelings.

When they got here, they could already see a large mountain **** below the cliff, and finally they could breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Ding Ding Ding’s system prompts suddenly popped out in front of them, and a lot of unchecked system information made Li Hong and Mo Xie stunned!

Especially when they saw the faction announcement and the district announcement, the contents of the above made Mo Xie immediately understand.

Because of this mission, they finally promoted the plot of the faction battle in advance, and the system will be updated with a new faction battle expansion...

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