The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1128: Fight to the end

In this way, the mission story of the Sun Empire camp is far ahead of the Holy Moon Empire camp on the opposite side, and it has already occupied an absolute advantage in the future battle of the region!

Looking at all the information, Mo Xie's heart moved. This information obviously appeared long ago, and no faction announcement was found in the sky. It can be seen that Huangcheng Mountain shielded this information, and the system information will not appear again until they leave Huangcheng Mountain. .

If this is the case, isn't their current position completely out of the imperial city's limits?

Mo Xie quickly reminded Li Hong and asked her to try to summon the mount to ride, but she did not expect to stand on the mount's back once successfully, which made him extremely excited.

At this point, the Huangcheng Mountain's system limit had been exceeded, and the two of them finally escaped from the danger zone.

Mo Xie also hurriedly recruited his mount, and immediately issued a ride invitation to the Fat Emperor.

The three of them hovered in the air, quickly moving away from this dangerous cliff.

At this time, Mo Xie quickly opened the Alliance Channel and found that the communication prohibition had expired, and they could contact their teammates at any time.

"Xiao Mo, you finally showed up, hurry to the gate of Huangcheng Mountain City. It's been almost an hour since the battle has just turned around..." Mo Xiaolang quickly explained the situation.

"It's a good job. I broke the shield formation of the Protoss so quickly." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Come on now, the imperial soldiers on the tower are all remnants of blood. If the Protoss makes another attack, the situation will be even more troublesome." Mo Xiaolang said anxiously.

"I'm rushing over. According to the situation you said, we must hold on for a period of time to allow the princess to lead the evacuation. Leaving now, I am afraid that it happened to be the trick of the Protoss." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"Do you also think that the reason why the Protoss wants to occupy the imperial city so madly is not only to catch the holy princess?" Mo Xiaolang asked with a smile.

"The Divine Tribe has been dominated by the Protoss for more than ten years. Although many generals have expressed their support for the Saint Princess, they dare not say how many of them can stick to this decision. Once they find that the Protoss is too powerful to resist, the consequences can be I want to know!" Moxie said.

"I think so too, so today's fight must be sustained for a while, and if you want to retreat, you must retreat decently." Mo Xiaolang said.

"There will be an expansion update tonight. Maybe this situation also has a systematic hidden setting. You must not be careless." Mo Xie said in a deep voice.

Just now he has carefully read the entire content of the regional announcement and the faction announcement. Although the above did not introduce any special rules for the battle of the imperial city, the system also said very clearly that players are not allowed to participate in the battle of the imperial city, but Let the Imperial Army and the Protoss Army fight on their own.

This is a bit interesting, since players are not allowed to participate in the battle, then simply set the rules so that players can only watch the battle and cannot participate.

But the God Realm Alliance is still able to join this war with the Protoss, which shows that it is not as simple as the system said.

The outcome of this battle in the imperial city is likely to have a certain impact on tomorrow's update or the rules of the battle of factions.

Only updated at 0 o'clock tonight, but the battle of the imperial city has already started. Does the system give players another chance to choose their camp?

When I thought of the last main quest in Sunset City, the Protoss City Lord persuaded the players to abandon the current Saint Princess quest and support the Protoss. Will this situation happen again?

Mo Xie suspected that this was a way for the system to balance the game's strength. According to the game progress of players in the Sun and Holy Moon camp, the leading camp was faced with greater difficulty, thus ensuring that the two camps would not be too far apart.

If that was the case, Mo Xie couldn't help but sneer in his heart. Such an arduous task, he finally started a little bit, so he had to keep it up anyway, and not let the official conspiracy succeed.

Perhaps when it goes live tomorrow, today’s battle will have a very big impact on tomorrow’s rules.

The return of Moxie not only brought confidence to the players, but also brought a huge change to the battle.

According to Mo Xiaolang's thinking, the difference between the strength of this battle and the Protoss was too great. He just wanted to hold on for a while before arranging for the safe evacuation of the Saint Princess and the Imperial Army.

But as soon as Mo Xie came back, he clarified the time of the battle, even if it was the minute when the system was updated, he would never retreat.

In his arrangement, Mo Xiaolang hurriedly asked the players of the God Realm League to step forward and help, and Yufeng Shenzhou slowly descended, dropping countless ropes from the air.

The players of the God Realm League who stepped forward to help immediately used bamboo poles outside the tower to quickly build a simple long ladder so that the soldiers could climb the tower from the outside.

As the bamboo poles are tied together, one end is placed on the ground, and the other end is leveled with the rope in the air. In a short while, a long hanging ladder is formed, which hangs down to the ground along the city wall. In this way, This avoids the shortcomings of insufficient length of bamboo poles.

Players follow the bamboo ladders and reinforce these long ladders to ensure that they can go up and down safely, they immediately report up, indicating that the long ladders can be used directly.

At this time, the sea of ​​fire on the other side of the tower was still burning, preventing the Protoss Legion from moving forward. At this time, there was no dangerous battle.

Under Mo Xiaolang's command, Mo Xiaoyu was the first to climb up the tower along the bamboo ladder. She and the Saint Princess had met several times before, and they were able to convey the news.

When Mo Xiaoyu found the holy princess and informed the other party of Mo Xie's thoughts, she did not expect that the holy princess would accept this arrangement without hesitation, and immediately ordered the general defending the city to lead the soldiers with remaining blood to leave the tower along the bamboo ladder.

As the soldiers grasped the ropes from the edge of the tower and returned safely to the outside of the city along the bamboo ladder, a large number of soldiers guarding the outside of the city wall climbed the bamboo ladder again to take over the defense on the tower.

When all the remaining blood soldiers on the entire tower were replaced, Mo Xiaolang also hurriedly let Lianna land on the tower and came to the Saint Princess.

"Has he already returned?" The Saint Princess looked at Mo Xiaolang and asked with a smile.

"Xiao Mo is returning quickly. He asked me to tell the princess that no matter how difficult this battle is, we will stick to it. And when he comes back, there are two surprises to bring to Your Highness." Mo Xiaolang replied with a smile.

"It will be fine if he comes back, so I can rest assured." The holy princess nodded, and Yu's face was tired.

Starting from this morning, all the way through the palace, facing the thousands of protoss army, and always leading people out of the imperial city, the holy princess has consumed a lot of divine power, if it were not for the ferocious protoss army. , She was almost unable to hold it.

Now that she learned that Mo Xie had returned, the holy princess's eyes brightened again, and Yu's face regained her look, and she continued to guard the tower until the man arrived...

"His Royal Highness, Xiao Mo meant that you don't need to stay here, and the other two gates will be lost in a while. We will introduce the battlefield into the streets of the imperial city, and let us keep guarding here." Mo Xiaolang said.

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