"Let's talk about it when he comes back." The holy princess smiled faintly, still holding the holy axe, standing on the edge of the city wall.

Looking at the tall figure of the holy princess wearing golden holy armor, Mo Xiaolang shook his head. It seemed that Mo Xie could only persuade him.

At this time, Qi Qi, the commander of the God Realm League at the other two city gates, received Mo Xie’s instructions and immediately informed the top commander of the Imperial Army regiment guarding the two city gates. However, they got their reply. The princess ordered that they would never retreat.

But on the other side of the tower, the offensive of the Protoss had begun, and a large number of Protoss shield soldiers approached the city gate again. Zhou Jianing and the God Realm Dragon Soul were not helping now, nor were they withdrawing. They could only report the news to Mo Xie to make a decision.

"If they don't withdraw, let them hold on first. You should do a good job of defense in the city and block all the most critical streets. You must not let the Protoss rush over." Moxie said.

"But the streets in the city extend in all directions. Our people must gather to fight against the Protoss. Once they are scattered to guard the streets, it will be a little troublesome." God Realm Dragon Soul said.

"So let you prepare in advance. Our people mainly guard a few key intersections. As for other intersections, there are so many players who can help, you think of a solution yourself." Mo Xie reminded.

"Ah... mobilize all players?" The two were taken aback when they heard it, and they were suddenly surprised.

This is the best and fastest attention. You must know that this area lacks everything. The most important thing is the lively players...

Because of the country, it is now the region with the most game players in the world, and this is only the number of players in one country, far exceeding the number of players from several or dozens of countries in other regions. ...

In the current country, the game industry has also become an extremely prosperous industry. With a huge player base, game companies have made a lot of money, and various professional players have emerged.

Professional players use all kinds of games as their jobs. Many professional players rely solely on games and earn a full month's salary to cover the income of other industries for a year or even several years!

The high income has stimulated a substantial increase in the number of professional players. The current country has not only the number of gamers in the world, but also the second place by several times, and the number of professional players is even more scary!

Therefore, in the entire world of the Eternal God Realm, the region is the only one. It is a separate region composed of players from one country. The other regions are at least two or three countries combined, while the poor regions are gathered. Hundreds of players from small countries...

So as soon as Mo Xie spoke, the two of them came to understand. Although the imperial city is large, there are many blocks leading to the tower on the left, but there is no more than a huge group of players.

At this time, Mo Xie was still flying in the air, because with the fat emperor behind him, he couldn't use the function of returning to the city, so he had to bypass the imperial city and fly forward quickly in the wild, constantly approaching the far Huangcheng Mountain.

After explaining the defenses in the city, talking with Mo Xiaolang, he learned that the Saint Princess is still holding the tower and will only leave when he returns.

"His Royal Highness, the holy princess, now he is obedient to what you say, maybe he really likes you?" Li Hong seemed jealous.

"Heaven and Earth Conscience, Sister Hong, she is just one, what can I do with her?" Mo Xie asked silently.

"But it's possible to get married in the game. If she wants you and recruits you as an imperial cohort, can you refuse her?" Li Hong asked with a pouting mouth.

"This..." Mo Xie's heart tightened. Before this imperial city operation, the Saint Princess did say that once he guaranteed the safety of the eldest prince, he would give him a special reward...

But he hadn't thought about it so much at the time, but now seeing that the Saint Princess's attitude towards him has changed more and more, what Hong Sister said might really happen!

"How about it, don't you have anything to say?" Li Hong smiled.

"I've never considered these, I just want to complete the task, even if she does it, it's just a matter..." Mo Xie replied helplessly.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when you go back. In the past few days, I always feel that the eyes of the holy princess looking at you are a little different." Li Hong sighed.

Mo Xie didn't dare to speak any more. From Sister Hong's warning, he also seemed to feel something abnormal.

The mount flew fast in the air, passing by a large field map, and a plain in front finally appeared. At the end of the plain, the magnificent city that never sleeps finally appeared on the skyline...

"I, we, are back to the city." The Fat Emperor was excited at this time, his eyes lightened, and he stammered forward and said.

"I will return to the city soon, and I will take you to see my sister in a while." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"Too, great, okay." The Fat Emperor nodded in excitement.

At this time in the city, Mo Xiaolang stood behind the Saint Princess, looking at the flames that were slowly lowering outside the tower. Although a large sea of ​​flames was still burning again, it was obvious that the fire had weakened a lot.

Judging from the burning time of eradicating kerosene, after two or three minutes, the sea of ​​flames will completely disappear, and the Protoss Legion will come again.

"Xiao Yuan, how much kerosene we brought out, and how much is there in the warehouse?" Mo Xiaolang asked quickly.

"There is not much kerosene originally, and about half of the brought out has been used in the previous burst, and at most one can use the same scale of fire." Mo Xiaoyuan replied.

"How much is left in the warehouse?" Mo Xiaolang's heart tightened.

"We brought out a part, Miss Zhou and Dragon Soul also took a lot of it. The stock of kerosene is enough for us to take twice, but the other two places are useless." Mo Xiaoyuan answered truthfully. Tao.

"That is to say, we can use the sea of ​​fire up to three times, and it can be used to clear the siege at the most dangerous time..." Mo Xiaolang frowned and said.

It's almost noon now, even if the time is calculated from 12 o'clock, there are still ample 12 hours by 0 o'clock in the evening...

For such a long time, if you want to block the fierce attack of the Protoss and ensure that the tower is not occupied, it may be difficult to persist three times.

"The two battlefields over there have already abandoned the towers, and there is no need to continue to use kerosene, all of which are left to defend this side." Mo Xiaolang quickly reminded.

"Understand." The commanders nodded quickly.

Looking at the declining fire outside the city and the densely packed Protoss legion across the sea of ​​fire, another fierce battle is coming!

Mo Xie was flying in the air, getting closer and closer to the tall imperial city.

He opened the friend list, immediately found Luo Feng's shiny avatar, and pressed the private chat application command...


A few seconds after the crisp voice sounded, I quickly connected the private chat application to Convenience.

The interface popped out, and Luo Feng's real-time screen appeared in front of Mo Xie.

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