The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1130: A powerful mysterious weapon

"Mr. Mo, I haven't contacted for a few days, what wind is today that blows you to my side?" Luo Feng said jokingly.

"Something big happened in the imperial city. Doesn't Mr. Luo know anything?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"How can I not know, the district announcement, the faction announcement is so lively, I am still about to ask Mr. Mo, what big incident has happened. But I thought about it again, if Mr. Mo has something big to do, I must I will remember our allies, so I have been waiting for your news for a long time." Luo Feng said with a smile.

What he meant was very clear. The last time the two sides reached an alliance agreement was not a verbal promise. They needed Mo Xie to show a positive attitude, so even if he was anxious this time, he would not take the initiative to send a message to inquire.

And if Mo Xie didn't tell them anything, I'm afraid the rift that the two sides finally repaired will deepen again!

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo, I've been locked in Huangcheng Mountain just now, let alone private chat, the Alliance channel is unavailable, and now I have finally escaped, of course, the first time I turned to Mr. Luo." Mo Xie laughed.

"You have gone to Huangcheng Mountain... No wonder the protoss and the imperial royal family broke off, and the battle of the camp started, it really is because of you!" Luo Feng said in surprise.

"President Luo knows, I don't talk nonsense. I hope Mr. Luo will immediately lead all the brothers in the arrogant alliance to come to the Imperial City to help fight!" Moxie said.

"Didn't the system say about the battle in Huangcheng Mountain, don't you need players to help?" Luo Feng asked in confusion.

"The system doesn't let you help, but it can block the road. If the Protoss takes the initiative to fire at you, don't you have the full strength to counterattack, and you can be considered as the same camp as us to fight together." Mo Xie reminded with a smile.

The players of the arrogant alliance all got the order, no matter what they are busy with, they hurriedly used the order to return to the city and return to the city of Evernight as soon as possible.

In a short while, Luo Feng personally led a large group of commanders to the gate on the left of Huangcheng Mountain, and finally saw the various receptions that were firmly blocked by the imperial soldiers, and the blazing fire in the wall of Huangcheng Mountain in the distance. !

There are countless golden crowds on the mountainside further away, making the commanders of the arrogant alliance even more exclaimed.

"Look ahead, the guys from the God Realm League are there again, what are they doing?"

"Damn, there are them for every big task, but this time I can't let them complete it smoothly!"

"Even the soldiers help them block the streets. Are they trying to fight the Protoss?"

A group of commanders of the arrogant alliance were astonished and asked to lead people to make trouble.

"Don’t worry, everyone. We are here this time to prevent the God Realm League from completing the mission. So I will deploy the formation according to the street entrance here and block them in the square outside the city. Once the gods break through the tower, they will all be It's a dead end!" Luo Feng said.

"Good idea, President Luo is too good! This trick called them to cut their back, leaving them nowhere to escape." A commander said excitedly.

"Manager Luo, what do we need to do?" another commander asked excitedly.

"Next I will assign tasks..." Luo Feng stood there and began to deploy manpower according to the plan Mo Xie explained.

The number of arrogant alliance players is about three times that of the God Realm League, and they have promoted the alliance to a junior legion, and their territory has become a junior city. The number of recruits expanded in these two days is still growing wildly.

Therefore, the commanders who hated the God Realm League had already suffocated a sigh of relief, wanting to completely destroy the God Realm League, Yixue's shame some time ago.

According to Luo Feng’s account, the commanders each led tens of thousands of arrogant Alliance players to various streets nearby and sealed the two streets tightly, lest they could not stop the retreat of the God Realm Alliance, they were even still there. Use organ props and materials to close roads everywhere in the streets...

In a short while, the entire streets outside the city gate square were already blocked by players from the arrogant alliance, and piles of stones turned the entrance of the street into tall towers. The scene was very spectacular.

The busy side here is over, and there are still half of the players in the arrogant alliance. Luo Feng led them to move forward. According to Mo Xie's explanation, even the streets near the middle city gate were all sealed...

And when the arrogant alliance was busy blocking the road, the battle at the three city gates started again. First, inside the middle and right city gates, a large piece of gold armored shield battles formed a shield wall and aegis enchantment, allowing the imperial soldiers who defended the city to continue Feel helpless once.

The players of the God Realm League who were assisting in the defense were not in a hurry.

The commanders in charge of these two sides are Zhou Jianing and God Realm Dragon Soul. They have concentrated their main personnel on a nearby street entrance, leaving a passage in advance for the retreat of the imperial soldiers, which can lead directly to the city gate on the left. Meet the Holy Princess smoothly.

The same is true on the right side. Mo Xie has created a hidden long street passage in the city. This is a situation that the players of the arrogant alliance do not know at all.

The secret retreat channel has been completed, and the system announcements of Zhou Jianing and God Realm Dragon Soul have successfully attracted more and more players back to the city to help, but they can only gather in nearby streets for the time being and cannot enter the empire. Inside the square blocked by the soldiers.

In this way, all plans have been deployed according to Mo Xie's ideas!

Now just wait for him to return to the city and persuade the holy princess to give an order to let the emperor regiment guarding the other two city gates all evacuate.

But while the plan was still being implemented, the second attack of the Protoss caused an unexpected heavy blow to the left gate...

The sea of ​​fire disappeared, and Mo Xiaolang stood there. I thought that the Protoss army would come in large numbers immediately, but the Protoss soldiers stood quietly at the foot of the opposite imperial city, outside the sea of ​​fire, and showed no sign of attacking.

On the mountainside, countless figures swayed. In the dense sea of ​​people, strange golden cylinders moved quickly on top of the Protoss Legion, and gradually came to the foot of the mountain.

Each of these golden cylinders has a length of more than ten meters, like a long chimney, which looks very strange.

"His Royal Highness, what's the situation?" Mo Xiaolang felt a little bad, but he didn't know the function of these cylinders, so he could only ask in confusion.

"I haven't seen these things. The Protoss has always been cunning and has never been willing to expose their combat effectiveness. This situation has been maintained for thousands of years. No one has ever fought with them." The Saint Princess shook her head and said

"Then it will be troublesome." Mo Xiaolang frowned and hurriedly urged Mo Xie to return.

I saw the dense silhouettes at the foot of the remote mountain, and the golden cylinders were constantly moving to the fringe area after the sea of ​​flames burned out. The Protoss was probably worried that the guards of the tower would use the fire attack again, so they gave up the full attack.

But this made Mo Xiaolang even more uneasy. The Protoss did not attack, but brought so many strange items.

I'm afraid they will be a more terrifying attack weapon!

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