The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1133: Princess Marriage

"Don't be sad, you are now a glorious imperial general. Since we have officially broken with the Protoss, the Great Dynasty will not be able to open normally, but this is nothing."

"With the Zhenguo Yuxi, I can have the authority of the emperor, so I immediately promote you to the new imperial general, I hope you can lead the soldiers to fight the Protoss." The Holy Princess said with a smile.

"Thank you Saint Princess for your love. Now that I have become an empire general, of course I must serve the empire." Mo Xie saluted respectfully.

"Promoting you to general is just to commend your outstanding contributions to the empire in the past. Now that you have successfully completed my entrustment, I will also fulfill my promise and give you a mysterious reward." The holy princess suddenly blushed, low. He said softly with his head.

"Ah, there are rewards?" Mo Xie's eyes widened, as if feeling a little subtle in the atmosphere.

And Li Hong stood aside, his heart was already beating violently...

"I said at the beginning that as long as you can rescue my brother unscathed, I will give you an extremely glorious position. Now I can tell you that the imperial royal family has extended an invitation to you to accept you as the imperial holy horse and formally with me Get married." Saint Princess said with her head down.


At this moment, Mo Xie was already astonished as a wooden chicken, and his expression suddenly became dull.

Li Hong opened his mouth wide, with an incredible look gleaming in her beautiful eyes, she was overwhelmed by the reward.

Mo Xiaolang just approached and was about to join in the fun, but he stopped in fright when he heard the words.

And above the Yufeng Shenzhou that had been slowly descending in the air, Mo Xiaoyuan and the remaining players who survived a catastrophe were also rewarded by the holy princess.

"I'm going, Xiao Mo is god! Saint Princess actually wants to marry him!" Mo Xiaoyuan exclaimed.

"Impossible, the system introduces it very clearly. Players can indeed get married, but the requirements are too strict, not to mention this is still a holy princess." God Realm said with envy.

"What, who is Xiao Mo going to marry, and what should A Hong do?" Lianna was in the process of flying when she suddenly saw such a lively alliance channel, she was suddenly shocked.

"It should be okay, this is just in the game, anyway, in reality, if Xiao Mo dares to do this, we can't spare him!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said stubbornly.

"Red Beauty, you are saying something," Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"What can I say, I have nothing to do with him." Li Hong replied coldly.

Everyone was shocked. The situation was not good now, and it seemed that Li Hong was jealous...

"Xiao Mo, what on earth did you plan to do, quickly explain to A Hong." Lianna urged.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to accept the marriage contract of Saint Princess, I only have Sister Hong in my heart." Mo Xie said lightly.

"You should accept the holy princess, this can be of great help to us. Don't do anything bad because of me." Li Hong said.

"You two are haggling. I think it's a big deal. It's not the marriage contract in the game, but the task process. There is no need to worry about it. I can guarantee that Xiao Mo is the only one in his heart." Mo Xiaoyuan said with a smile.

"Xiao Yuan is right, it's just a game, let alone we are professional players, it doesn't matter." Mo Xiaoyu also nodded and said.

"I'm just a little surprised. In fact, it doesn't matter. If it is beneficial to the alliance, Xiao Mo can accept the marriage contract of the holy princess." Li Hong thought carefully and finally suppressed a trace of jealousy. She herself is a wise woman. Of course Understand which is more important.

"Don't worry, Sister Hong, I won't do anything I'm sorry for you. I won't do anything in my life, so I won't accept this marriage contract." Mo Xie also thought about it carefully. He and Sister Hong finally got together slowly. Can not affect the relationship between the two because of such an inexplicable game marriage contract.

"You don't have to be like this. It's really important to the overall situation. I, I won't blame you." Li Hong blushed and said with his head down.

"Mo Xiaolang, don't be impulsive, listen to the thoughts of the holy princess first, and don't refuse it as soon as you speak." Mo Xiaolang said worriedly.

He understands Mo Xie's personality very well. Once this guy has determined his requirements, he will not consider other ideas, especially his feelings for Li Hong. The core team members all understand, and the relationship between the two is getting more and more. Well, everyone is blessing them...

"Don't worry, even if I refuse, I won't be so direct. Let's see the situation first." Mo Xie nodded.

Everyone had such a lively chat in the Alliance Channel, but in the eyes of the holy princess, only Mo Xie was surprised to stay there, and there was no response for a long time.

Mo Xie stayed there for a while in the face of the invitation to the marriage contract made by Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess, without giving an answer immediately.

Sister Hong was still a little jealous at the beginning, but after the analysis of her teammates, she also understood that although this marriage contract was difficult for her to accept, it was only a plot task in the game after all. If you give up this marriage contract, it means giving up an important one. Rewards.

And this reward is not only related to Mo Xie's personal glory, but also related to the huge advantage of the entire God Realm League and the entire camp!

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me for not being able to accept your marriage contract." Mo Xie said with difficulty.


At this moment, all the teammates who were still helping Mo Xie persuade Li Hong were all stunned by his words.

"Mo, you don't actually need to do this, I understand this is just a game." Li Hong said quickly.

"Sister Hong, don't worry, I said that I will never do anything I'm sorry to you, so I must keep my promise." Mo Xie smiled faintly.

"You..." Li Hong opened her mouth wide, her beautiful eyes showing a touch of emotion.

"Dear General, why are you rejecting my marriage contract? Do you think that I am worthy of you?" The holy princess' expression was stunned, and Yu's face was pale, and she asked with a bitter voice.

"I'm really sorry, because I already have a girl I like, so... I can only thank you for your love." Mo Xie lowered his head and replied.

"You like other women, what does it have to do with our marriage contract, you can also marry her at the same time, I won't care." The holy princess said quickly.

"This one……"

Listening to the words of the holy princess, everyone opened their mouths in surprise. I didn't expect such a good thing in the game...

"Yes, this is in the game, not in the real world, and what marriage law protects... Xiao Mo, according to my opinion, you should accept the marriage contract first, take one step and count one step, and directly reject the princess. I am afraid that the loss will be too great. "Lianna glanced at Li Hong and quickly persuaded her.

Everyone knew in their hearts that since the holy princess had given her the marriage, there must be a very big reward hidden in it, and it was so regrettable that she refused so in vain.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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