The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1134: Three-person marriage

What's more, this is just in the game world, and the marriage contract with him does not affect the relationship between Mo Xie and Li Hong at all.

"Ahong, please persuade him quickly. The marriage contract is like a task, and if you want to open it, it will be fine." Ouyang Jiaojiao also persuaded.

"Yeah, Xiaomo, the princess’s marriage contract has no real impact on your relationship with the red beauty. When I was talking with your wolf brother, this guy married other female players in the game, and neither did I What are you talking about? What's more, it's still in between, and nothing more." Mo Xiaoyu said with a smile.

" many years ago, you still come out and say..." Mo Xiaolang said silently.

"Xiao Mo, I have also been married countless times in the game, and some of them are shemales. They are just fun or tasks. If you want to start, it will be fine." Mo Xiaoyuan also persuaded.

"Xiao Mo, you understand everyone's thoughts. In fact, I did feel uncomfortable at first, but I want to understand. This is just a game and has no intersection with our lives. You... just accept your opinions. "Li Hong suddenly raised his head and said with a smile.

Looking at the anxious expressions of everyone, and the smile on Sister Hong's face, Mo Xie also understood very well that if she really refused the marriage contract of the holy princess, some unforeseen consequences might happen!

Because the sad expression on the holy princess’s face is very likely to turn into shame and anger, it will not only affect the plot of the mission, but also affect the intimate relationship between the God Realm League and the Supreme Emperor of the Sun Empire. By then, it will really outweigh the gains. Up!

"His Royal Highness, your marriage contract came too suddenly, I really haven't thought about it yet, so I can't accept it rashly." Mo Xie thought for a while and answered the question of the holy princess.

This time he answered ambiguously, neither directly refused, but also did not immediately agree.

"It turns out that because of this, you really scared me just now. If you refuse my marriage contract, I can only reluctantly choose other qualified empire warriors to become my cohorts." The holy princess said joyfully.

Her words shocked all the players. Thanks to Moxie, he just saved the situation, otherwise it would be really a tragedy!

"Why do you have to make a marriage contract and choose a cohort?" Mo Xie asked inexplicably.

"Now the empire is precarious, and we are about to face an important battle with the Protoss. In such a sinister environment, the empire royal family must not have successors. You have seen the situation of my brother. He cannot take on such a heavy responsibility. For the imperial holy princess, I must be responsible for leading the soldiers to protect the country. Once I am in danger, the entire emperor regiment will have no owner. Therefore, I must choose a satisfactory consort who can shoulder the great responsibility by my side. After I may be in danger, I can continue to shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the empire!" The Saint Princess sighed and replied.

"It turned out to be like this..." Mo Xie's eyes widened, and all the commanders understood this setting, including Li Hong. The little bit of grudge in his heart also disappeared completely with the words of the holy princess.

"Xiao Mo, I understand all the circumstances inside. The marriage contract and the position of the consort are very important. I support you in accepting the task of the Saint Princess." Li Hong said.

"Great, Red Beauty finally figured it out." Mo Xiaolang looked extremely excited. Just now he had been worried that the young couple would not be able to twist, which would affect the plot of this important mission.

"His Royal Highness, I am willing to take on this important responsibility, but I still have one request." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

As soon as the voice of Saint Princess fell, Mo Xie suddenly popped up a system prompt message. Above the Accept and Reject buttons below were the names of Mo Shangxin and Imperial Saint Princess, and there was a blank box behind it, which seemed to allow him to fill in. The name of the player.

He immediately understood that because of his own request, the system information this time gave an invitation for the marriage of three people. Just fill in the name of the woman he invited in the box to allow her to enter the wedding ceremony.

Mo Xie hurriedly wrote down Sister Hong's excitedly, and then directly chose to confirm...

With a ding sound, the system information interface disappeared and turned into three golden lights, flying towards Mo Xie and Saint Princess, and Li Hong who was standing aside.

At this moment, two groups of golden light shone on the heads of Mo Xie and Saint Princess. After the golden light dissipated, everyone could see that there was a small 囍 on the heads of Saint Princess and Li Wei, which meant, The two have reached a preliminary marriage agreement, and meet the requirements of the system, only need to go to the designated place to submit an application, you can start to organize the wedding ceremony.

Of course, even in the virtual world, it costs money to get married. The scale of the wedding ceremony can be chosen by the players, and the wedding ceremony of different sizes can be carried out by paying different fees, and all of them are hosted by the player. Players only need to join in the fun. Just fine.

But this time, what Moxie accepted was the system's initiative to invite the marriage contract, and the other party was an imperial princess. The system not only held the wedding ceremony for free, but the scale was also carried out according to royal standards!

However, the three groups of golden lights flew to Princess Moxiesheng and Li Hong's heads respectively. The characters 囍 appeared on their heads, indicating that the two had already admitted the marriage contract. Only the golden light above Li Hong's head was still shining, and she stood. There seemed to be at a loss.

"What's the matter? Is this an invitation to the marriage contract? A Hong chose to accept it." Lianna urged.

"But I..." Li Hong's face showed an obviously unprepared look, hesitating about not knowing how to answer.

"But what? This is not a real marriage contract. You and Mo Xie will experiment first. If in reality, Xiao Mo doesn't give you an earth-shattering marriage proposal, we won't let you agree to him casually." Ouyang Jiaojiao laughed. Tao.

"Yeah, Red Beauty, please quickly agree, it's just a little fun." Mo Xiaolang also laughed.

"Ahong agree, just wait for you, if you don't agree, the two of them will not be able to proceed with their marriage contract." Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

"You are forcing me..." Li Hong shook his head speechlessly, and had no choice but to accept the marriage contract invitation that jumped out in front of him.

If she doesn't agree, the three-person marriage contract between Saint Princess and Mo Xie will not be successful. This is also nothing...

Mo Xie also snickered in her heart when she watched the golden light shining above her head and the moment the sign appeared.

Such a troublesome situation was so cleverly resolved by him...

"Within three days, you must go to apply for the place and time of the wedding ceremony, don't forget it." Saint Princess's face is now full of smiles, and reminded with a smile.

"I see, can you leave the tower now?" Mo Xie said.

"You are already my quasi-trooper, I accept your request."

The Saint Princess smiled slightly, turned around and took his arm, and the two quickly rushed towards the side of the tower...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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