The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1135: Bloody Battle at Huangcheng Mountain


Mo Xie was held by the arm of the holy princess, and jumped directly down the tower, floating lightly among the large group of golden soldiers.

And a group of commanders have been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing the holy princess leave the danger zone, everyone breathed out.

"Xiao Mo, how do you deal with the Protoss now? Their attacks are too fierce, and the towers are probably going to be unable to withstand it." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"It's okay. I have asked Na to pick up the master craftsmen. As long as they arrive, the situation will be much simpler. But from now on, the towers must be guarded by the soldiers of the Imperial Army at all times, otherwise they will be directly by the gods. Occupy." Moxie said.

"Don't worry, we are building other access to the city, which will be effective soon. The wounded soldiers can come down directly, and we will continue to send them to guard." Mo Xiaolang nodded and pointed to the right side of the tower.

At the right end of the castle tower, at the corner between the large building and the city wall, there are already countless players who are busy, building blocks of ashlar at the foot of the city wall, and building them upwards to form a huge stone ladder passage. , Leading to the tall tower.

"Yes, but this can only ensure that the soldiers can pass at any time. You must find a way to help the guards on the tower resist the powerful firepower of the Protoss." Mo Xie looked at the sky above the tower. The dense fire group continued to attack, but the tower In the distance on the other side, there seemed to be waves of slight footsteps...

"Xiao Yuan, what's the situation outside the city?" Mo Xiaolang asked quickly.

"It's not good, the Protoss has begun to march again, and there is still a shield wall in front!" Mo Xiaoyuan quickly rushed to the top and looked out after landing on the flying boat flush with the tower, exclaiming suddenly.

"The tactics of the Protoss are very simple. He is afraid of our kerosene. This time, he used long-range weapons to suppress the fire on the tower and prevented our Yufeng Shenzhou from launching into the air. This time he began a full-scale attack."

Mo Xiaolang said worriedly.

The two powerful attack methods displayed by the Protoss now caused Mo Xiaolang and the commanders a headache.

First, the Aegis enchantment of the Holy Shield soldiers made all the resistance firepower on the towers useless. Even the most powerful energy turrets could not cause much damage to the Aegis enchantment. It can be seen that the Protoss is fighting today. , Well prepared.

Moreover, their peculiar metal long tubes constantly fired powerful fireballs, and fell like raindrops on the tower. The entire tower was full of flames. The soldiers who defended the city would have to replace them if they held on for a few minutes. It was deadly and injured!

But what worries Mo Xie the most is that he and Li Hong saw with their own eyes that the largest of the gods, the Vulcan Sect did not direct the battle on the spot, but returned to the top of the imperial city mountain, seemingly preparing for other actions.

All these unknowns made Mo Xie very worried. I don’t know how many assassins the Protoss still has no use...

In the face of such a powerful enemy, even the imperial regiment with hundreds of thousands of them does not seem to have an absolute chance of winning.

But Mo Xie knew in his heart that the battle at Huangcheng Mountain would definitely affect tomorrow's system update. In any case, it had to last longer to avoid more trouble.

Under Moxie’s order, God Realm Kuangyou quickly led a large number of players to the tower and began to deploy wooden shields along the edge of the tower. After a while, he saw a long row of wooden shields erected on the tower. Players hide behind wooden shields, and many garrison soldiers can only scatter behind defensive towers and wooden shields to avoid countless fireballs falling from the sky.

The footsteps outside the tower are slowly approaching, and the distance from the downstairs is less than 50 meters.

Seeing that the general offensive of the Protoss is about to be launched, if you can't think of a countermeasure, this tower will be completely occupied by the Protoss. Today's battle will also be declared over. The Protoss will fully control the situation of Huangcheng Mountain and win the first battle!

"Sister Hong, you ride a ride and take the princess to the other two towers. You must order the General Zhen Guo and them to lead the army to retreat quickly and move closer to us." Moxie said.

"Okay." Li Hong nodded and summoned his mount.

The holy princess walked quickly, and the two rode on the war eagle to fly to the sky and flew towards the city.

"Brother Xiao Yuan, hurry up and ask your people to pour kerosene outside the city. Remember to save the amount. Use a fire wall to block them before they get close to the tower." Moxie said.

"Xiao Mo, this is a waste of kerosene, our inventory is not much." Mo Xiaolang said in surprise.

"The effect of blocking the fire wall is the same, and it can also save more than half of the amount of fire that burns at least once. In short, I need half an hour to keep them close to the tower." Moxie said.

"You can figure out a way to deal with them in half an hour?" Mo Xiaolang obviously couldn't believe it.

"I can't think of it, but someone can think of..." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Are you waiting for the organ masters to come?" Mo Xiaolang finally understood.

"To deal with such a powerful power of the Protoss, you can only rely on the abilities of those organ masters. If even they can't help it, I am afraid we can't stop it." Mo Xie said, shaking his head.

The Protoss Legion we are facing now is so powerful that it is several times more powerful than the Orc Legion. Those Orc Legions fight with brute force, but the Protoss is completely different. They rely on tactics and divine power, which players and imperial soldiers simply cannot The enemy to resist...

"I understand, I will start acting immediately." Mo Xiaoyuan listened to the conversation between the two, knowing that this order must be executed, and hurriedly summoned the manpower, crossed the air from the flying boat and rushed to the tower, hid behind the wooden shield, and quickly moved one A leather bag full of kerosene was opened, and then threw it out of the city...

While the Protoss shield warfare phalanx was still advancing in great strides, more than ten meters outside the city, the ground was densely filled with large oil bags, and black kerosene continued to spread on the ground.

This distance just kept the oil bag away from the threat of the fireball above the tower, and the Protoss soldiers found no abnormalities, and they were still moving forward.

"Brother Xiao Yuan, don't rush to ignite the kerosene, wait for them to come over, your people will stay there, ready to help attack together." Moxie said.

"We are also participating in the attack, but the Aegis enchantment..." Mo Xiaoyuan was about to question, suddenly his eyes lit up and he immediately understood the current situation.

"Don't worry about the enchantment, we deployed kerosene in advance to break the opponent's enchantment at the lowest cost. As for how many enemies can be killed, it depends on your efficiency." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"What, your wall of fire is not just to delay time, but to attack the enemy?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

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