The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1137: Brilliant tactics

Under the orders of the elders, even though the front was blocked by the enemy's wall of fire, a large number of red robe priests still rushed forward quickly, toward the passage left under the shield formation.

And this time, the blue-robed priests of the Water Temple also rushed forward a lot and joined the team attacking the tower.

On the sky, watching the wall of fire rise to the sky, burning crazily in the Aegis enchantment, a large number of shield soldiers have avoided the fire, a large number of damage numbers continue to appear above their heads, and the entire enchantment has begun to shake...

"What is going on, the wall of fire is about to destroy the barrier so soon?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Not so, because these shield soldiers avoid the wall of fire, so their aegis enchantment is very unstable and may disappear at any time." Mo Xie replied thinking.

Just taking Mo Xie to watch the process of forming defensive barriers by the Protoss Shield fighters, Mo Xiaolang never expected that this magical guy would think of a way to deal with the enemy so quickly.

"Quickly tell, how should I pack these shield soldiers?" Mo Xiaolang asked anxiously.

"It's very simple. They are so close to the tower and there are so many in number. Even fishing can get a lot..." Moxie laughed.

"Fishing... Are you planning to use the enemy as a fish?" Mo Xiaolang was taken aback for a moment, and was instantly surprised.

What Moxie asked him just now, coupled with the current method, immediately made him understand that this method is indeed effective...

First of all, when the opponent launches the Aegis enchantment, it has proven that they can't move around at will, they can only stand there and line up.

Secondly, once the number of Protoss shield soldiers forming an Aegis enchantment is insufficient, the enchantment will automatically become invalid.

With these two characteristics, dealing with Protoss shield soldiers has really become very simple.

"Brother Wolf knows what to do. Let the brothers prepare a rope loop, trap one and pull them up the tower to the Empire soldiers to deal with. If there are too many shield soldiers pulled up, they will be thrown directly to the other tower. Besides, even if they can't be killed, there are more soldiers waiting to clean them up." Mo Xie said with a smile.

Because on the other side of the tower, there are a large number of imperial soldiers and players from the God Realm Alliance. As long as they are dropped from the tower, it is equivalent to a sheep falling into the wolf pack...

"A good way, let me go down and prepare, I will personally lead the team to clean up these guys!" Mo Xiaolang said impatiently.

"But also pay attention, the fire group of the Protoss attack is too intensive, and you will be hit if you are not careful." Mo Xie looked at the sky fire group. The entire tower was originally stationed with 20,000 soldiers. Now in order to avoid the fire group's attack, Most of the people were removed, and at most thousands of imperial soldiers stayed on it, but most of them were hiding in the defensive tower or behind the wooden shield beside the city wall.

There was a large open space above the tower, and it was always bombarded by the fire group, and it was no longer possible to stand too many people.

"This is a threat, so let me take a few brothers." Mo Xiaolang said.

"I have observed these fireballs just now. If players are hit by a fireball, they can knock out more than 70 HP at once. If they are in cloth and leather armor, they will be killed directly! But they have more HP and defense. , Can withstand direct fireball attacks for about five times in a row, so we send some imperial shield soldiers to help defend the top of the head, so that players can deal with the enemy at ease. This should be much safer." Mo Xie said in a deep voice.

"Good way, you kid is getting smarter..." Mo Xiaolang looked at Mo Xie in surprise, he had become less and less aware of himself.

When they first met Mo Xie, the IQs of the two were still comparable, but in terms of game experience and qualifications, Mo Xiaolang was significantly stronger when dealing with in-game mission scenarios.

But as this guy gets more and more familiar in the unfinished continuation, his understanding of this game has reached a point where others can't imagine...

No matter how difficult things are, it seems that this guy can't help it, no wonder even the holy princess is willing to commit himself to marry him...

"Brother Lang, why are you in a daze? Get ready to go now." Mo Xie had ordered the mount to slowly fly to the ground, to find that this guy was still standing behind.

"Oh, I see." Mo Xiaolang jumped off his mount excitedly and rushed towards the crowd of large-scale players...

Mo Xie continued to fly into the sky, paying close attention to the situation outside the tower...

The wall of fire continued to burn in front, and the Aegis soldiers were completely separated into two halves, but they were barely able to maintain the existence of the Aegis enchantment, but when they encountered a full counterattack from the defensive tower, the Aegis enchantment would still sway, at any time. There is a feeling that is about to dissipate.

However, the attack of the defensive tower is not very intensive. It is difficult to move the Aegis enchantment only by arrows and stones. Only when the energy light bomb falls, can the light curtain flicker faintly.

As for the Protoss shield soldiers who were blocked by the wall of fire below the city, the speed of their blood loss has also increased significantly, but looking at the current loss rate of their long health bars, to really kill them, I am afraid that it will wait until the wall of fire is over. It can't be done.

These Protoss shield soldiers not only possess powerful defensive enchantments, but their blood volume and defense are amazing!

Looking down from the air, in the distance of the shield wall, a large number of figures are constantly approaching the defense line of the tower, disappearing one by one inside the shield wall. The enemy's tactics, Mo Xie, have already heard Mo Xiaolang say. Fortunately, the barrier of the fire wall allows these gods to sacrifice for a while. Can't attack near the tower yet.

They are also waiting, as long as the fire wall is over, a full-scale attack will start!

However, Mo Xie didn't intend to give them this opportunity. To attack the tower, he had to exchange his life for a sneak attack by hiding under the shield wall, which he absolutely did not allow.

Mo Xiaolang gathered a large number of players to tell them the next strategy against the enemy, Mo Xie also slowly flew under the tower from the air, came to the area where a large group of soldiers gathered, and landed beside several imperial generals.

Now he was also an imperial general. As soon as he fell to the ground, a large group of imperial soldiers bowed and saluted.

Mo Xie strode to the front of the generals, and both sides nodded and saluted.

"Master General, the battle has already begun. Please give orders if you have any instructions." Chengxi Guarding General said politely.

This general was the one who personally led the army to sniper the orc army in the canyon when he encircled the orcs last time.

He had cooperated with Mo Xie once and had a pretty good attitude towards him.

Following the stone stairs, the Imperial Shield warriors and players climbed up the tower one after another.

Facing the sky above the tower, a large fireball roared continuously.

As soon as they stepped on the top of the tower, all the shield fighters stood up, and under Mo Xie's order, they held their shields over their heads, and moved quickly toward the tower again...

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