The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1138: Break the barrier

"Xiao Mo, you are still swaying your body in his way, the other party uses a shield wall, and you also use a shield wall..." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"The tactics that can win are good tactics. It's up to you next." Mo Xie stood by the tower, watching a group of shield warriors and players rushing all over the tower, smiling and summoning mounts to fly into the sky. .

"I know, leave the rest to me." Mo Xiaolang nodded, followed the players to hide under the shield wall, bending over and rushing forward.

After a while, the entire tower was covered by a dense shield wall. Fireballs falling from the air fell on the shield wall, and some were bombed out of the city. Fortunately, they fell on the opponent’s defense barrier. As a result, a large area of ​​Protoss The shield soldiers lost blood...

Seeing this strange scene in the air, Moxie immediately realized that the fireballs launched by these Protoss were all offensives launched by mechanical weapons, so they had an attack effect on himself.

Because in large-scale battles, people in the same camp are automatically switched to non-mode by the system. Under normal circumstances, an attack launched will not cause damage even if you miss your own person, unless you actively switch to the state.

But mechanical weapons are different. They can still cause damage when hitting their own people.

It is now certain that those metal long barrels are mechanical weapons of the Protoss. No wonder they have such great power, and they keep firing fireballs. It can be seen that the resources stored by the Protoss are also very scary!

The fire ball kept falling, and the Imperial Shield fighters began to lose blood differently. Fortunately, the shield wall protected Mo Xiaolang and the players safe and secure.

"Start action." Mo Xie gave the order.

"Understand." Mo Xiaolang and the players immediately took out the long rope that had been prepared...

They waved the rope loop and threw it out of the tower. This kind of luck trick was almost useless against a small number of enemies. Because the tower was too high, the chance that the rope loop could trap someone was very low.

But now the situation is different. The downstairs is densely packed with Protoss shield soldiers. Every rope loop falling down can hit an enemy through the light curtain, but there is not much chance of being able to successfully encircle the opponent.

In an instant, countless rope loops fluttered and landed below the tower. After throwing them out, the players began to tighten the rope with both hands and retracted the tower in circles.

"Damn, it's not in the middle."

"Damn, I missed it either."

"Help, I'll get one."

Players can immediately feel it when they retract the rope. If the rope is tightened and cannot be pulled, it means that one is successfully set. If the rope is retracted quickly, it means that the attack is invalid.

Once someone screamed that they had gained something, the nearby players all helped pull the rope, pulling hard...

Mo Xie was surprised to find in the air that almost 30% of the players had caught the enemy once they dropped the rope. Each burly figure holding a golden shield, staggered by the rope, was always pulled from the team to the wall and then pulled. Mid air...

What's ridiculous is that many Protoss shield soldiers were caught in the shield they raised in their hands by the rope trap, but they were dragged into the wall in the middle of the city, and the shield in their hands was still reluctant to discard...

At this moment, Mo Xie was surprised to see that the shields of the Protoss shield soldiers were more important than their lives?

These shields are the key to the Aegis barrier!

Seeing countless long ropes and protoss soldiers being pulled up to the tower, and countless rope loops being thrown down again, another burst of surprise cheers resounding over the tower, this time the harvest is still not small...

Under the long city wall, rows of Aegis soldiers were dragged by ropes and slowly ascended into the air, approaching the top of the tower.

However, due to the barrier of the fire wall, the leaders of the distant Protoss could not see the situation here, but gave the players time to continue attacking.

With a group of players pulling the long rope together, a golden armored soldier's helmet was finally revealed on the city wall. A group of Imperial Shield fighters rushed forward, grabbed this guy with both hands and pulled them up to the tower. Several people dealt with one and pushed him. To the other side of the tower, throw it directly outside.

The screams continued to sound, and the dull sound of thumping came continuously from the other side of the tower. Before these thrown-down Protoss shield soldiers stood up, a large group of gold armored soldiers swarmed up, and their long swords and spears stabbed down. No After a while, there was another scream, and a group of glare slowly floated into the air...

"Xiao Mo, your plan succeeded!" Mo Xiaolang cheered loudly with excitement.

"Go ahead, their enchantment is about to last." Mo Xie could see clearly in the air. As dozens of protoss shield battles were pulled out of the queue by ropes, the light curtain in mid-air began to flash quickly. It may dissipate at any time.

"Understood, we let the energy turret temporarily stop attacking, and when their enchantment disappears, we will fire with all our strength together to see how long they can hold on!" Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"Hurry up and do it." Mo Xie replied, opened the friend list, and clicked Lianna's profile picture to apply for a private chat.

The dialogue interface quickly jumped out. On the opposite video window, Lianna was seen riding a mount flying in the blue sky, behind which was a tall figure.

"Where are you, come back quickly, waiting for you." Mo Xie asked anxiously.

"We have flown to the middle of the imperial city, and we will be back in a few minutes." Lianna quickly replied.

"Very well, are the two masters here?" Mo Xie took a sigh of relief. To guard the tower against the Protoss, you must rely on the power of these organ masters.

"The two masters have arrived, and the remaining mechanical masters are coming from the ground with tools. It is estimated that it will be an hour late." Lianna replied.

The Aegis enchantment disappeared, and the firepower on the tower was fully opened, especially all the energy turrets. The number of towers on this side reached nearly 30. When a bombardment was launched, 30 groups of energy light bombs all flew towards the dense crowd outside the tower. in……


The explosion sounded continuously, losing the protection of the Aegis enchantment, and the weakness of the Protoss shield soldiers was immediately exposed. Amid the constant explosions, the burly figures were shocked by the huge power of the energy light bomb when they burst, and they were flying everywhere. Silhouette.

Over the entire crowd, a string of damage numbers are extremely spectacular, and a large group of Protoss shield fighters are losing blood crazily...

But now they are blocked by the wall of fire, unable to retreat temporarily, they can only crowd under the city, helplessly bear the intensive fire attack.

"Brothers outside the city prepare to set up all the catapults, calculate the distance and attack together." Mo Xie commanded loudly in the air.

"Understand." The God Realm hurriedly replied, arranging manpower according to the instructions.

All of a sudden, blockbuster players flocked to the vicinity of the tower.

At a place more than ten meters away from the city wall, immediately opened the package, took out the parts of the catapult, and began to assemble it on the open space.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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