The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1139: Procrastination tactics

According to the rules of the system, once large organs are successfully assembled, they can only be stacked on the spot and cannot be received by players in the package.

For the convenience of carrying, after the Divine Realm Life Corps created a medium-sized catapult, it stored all the complete sets of accessories in the warehouse and told the players how to assemble it.

In this way, players only need to bring all the accessories, and they can build weapons such as catapults and siege vehicles everywhere at any time.

After calculating the attack distance and range height of the catapult, the players hurriedly assemble the machinery downstairs. After a while, the white light continued to shine. After the light dissipated, the five or six-meter medium-sized catapults were quickly assembled successfully.

Of course, a player who can assemble mechanical weapons must be a mechanic in life and occupation, and must reach an intermediate level, otherwise there will be no way to assemble parts.

Because the system is very strict, there are no occupational and technical restrictions on the use of mechanical weapons, but to assemble and disassemble mechanical weapons, you must have the corresponding skill proficiency.

With the efforts of a large group of players, I saw white light shining continuously, and catapults appeared.

"Prepare to lock the 30-meter area on the other side of the tower, and the fire will cover the area!" The God Realm violently ordered.

"Understand." The players operating the fifty catapults answered in unison, and quickly adjusted the throwing angle of the catapults. When everything was ready, they took out a large pile of round stones from the package, each stone The blocks are very large, with a diameter of more than one meter.

Once such a heavy stone is thrown into the sky and then landed, it will cause unimaginable damage to enemies on the ground!

The medium-sized catapult is more powerful than the turret on the tower. After all, the turret is limited by space and can only be attacked by small catapults. The stone bombs emitted by the small-sized catapult are more than half smaller than the medium-sized catapult. Of course, the attack power has also weakened too much.

All the mechanics who adjusted their attack angle immediately placed the stone bullets in the giant catapult at the end of the sling arm, and then stood aside and loudly reported that he was ready here.

As the mechanics raised their hands and shouted, only a few minutes later, on the open space on this side of the tower, all fifty catapults were ready.

These fifty catapults are already all the possessions of the God Realm League. The materials needed to make this large-scale mechanical weapon are very rare and the amount is very large. In the current situation, the Life Corps led by Brother Zhao can already The maximum quantity produced.

"Great, the catapult is ready." God Realm hurriedly reported it.

"Very good. After locking the range, it will immediately cover the uninterrupted range. Don't stop without my order." Mo Xie said in the air.

"Yes." The God Realm nodded wildly, stood in front of the catapult, and immediately issued an attack command in the channel.

And at this time, the gods shield soldiers on the other side of the tower are still avoiding the energy light bullets emitted from the tower. This is the weapon that makes them most afraid of them, but without the protection of the Aegis enchantment, those arrows Branches and stone bullets can also cause them a lot of damage, but they are not as frightening as the power of light bullets.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a thunder-like sound in the distance outside the tower, followed by a whistling sound in the sky. As the Protoss shield soldiers looked curiously towards the sky, I saw a large black spot rushing straight from the outside of the tower. The sky fell rapidly towards their location...

Oh oh oh!

The huge stones made a peculiar sound in the air, and they fell quickly towards the ground in an instant. The small black spots quickly magnified in the eyes of the Protoss shield soldiers. After the huge stones hit the ground, they exploded and burst into pieces. The stone is splashing around in the golden crowd!

Boom boom boom...

Orderly explosions resounded throughout the space outside the tower, and countless screams continued to sound...

To deal with these golden shield soldiers, Mo Xie knows that attacks like arrows are difficult to cause fatal damage to them, while catapults are different. The stone bullets they emit are also physical attacks, but after the stone bullets fall, they can not only cause physical damage to the enemy. Damage is also accompanied by the mandatory damage function of the system.

Even though these Protoss shield soldiers have a strong defense against physical attacks, the mandatory damage system ignores the opponent's defense and armor, and can cause a certain degree of fixed damage numbers. This is what Mo Xie wants to see.

Sure enough, as the howling stones fell to the ground, after each stone bullet hits the ground, as long as the Protoss shield soldier hit by them directly, the blood bar on the top of the head immediately fell about half, and the splashing debris hit the surrounding area. The enemy can also bring a bit of blood damage to the opponent...

"Play well, don't stop!" Mo Xie said excitedly.

After a round of catapult attacks, most of the protoss shield soldiers on the heads of the dense golden armored crowd outside the city became blood-dropping, more or less at least one-fifth of their health was destroyed!

Although the faction announcements and regional announcements issued by the system did not elaborate on the impact of this battle on the future, the ideas of Mo Xie and Mo Xiaolang were surprisingly consistent. They both believed that the final battle of Mount Huangcheng As a result, both will play a very important role in the upcoming update.

As for what the situation is, we can only know the result at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning after the battle is over...

Looking at the inventory of various resources in the warehouse list, Mo Xie almost knew how to use resources to ensure that this battle could be delayed for a long time.


Suddenly, there was a high-pitched chirping sound from the city sky, Mo Xie's eyes were happy, and when he closed the interface and looked back, he saw two red lights flying from a distance, Lianna and Ouyang Jiaojiao finally returned.

"Xiao Mo, here we are." Liana directed the mount to slowly fall towards the open space outside the tower, followed by her jumped off the mount, as well as the tall and tall mechanism artisan.

Ouyang Jiaojiao took Kuang Geng's master craftsman and jumped off the mount, watching Mo Xie also fall from the air.

Mo Xie led Mo Xiaolang towards the two masters excitedly.

"What's going on, I suddenly fought with the Protoss?" The Artisan of the Mechanism looked at the sky above the distant tower, and asked in surprise at the black spots and fireballs.

"This incident happened suddenly. Our Royal Highness and the Holy Princess were originally to rescue His Majesty the Elf King, but the Protoss defenses were strong, and the Princess had to confront the Protoss head-to-head. This triggered a formal break between the Empire and the Protoss. Mo Xie briefly introduced.

"Well, this battle will come sooner or later, so let's fight it." The master Kuang Geng said excitedly.

"But now the empire’s military power cannot compete with the Protoss, especially on large mechanical weapons. The Protoss has an absolute advantage. They are now mobilizing legions to support them. Once they wait for all their elite troops to come, I’m afraid the whole The emperor regiment will be destroyed!"

The organ master sighed.

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